Gortmaker, Valerie J;daly, Edward J, Article Review

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This means that the results of the case study, though obviously idiosyncratic, are predictably so given each student's varying aptitude and motivation levels coupled with differing parental efforts. However, parents and researchers rated the LWO and HWO models effectively, which helps to show that students who follow the above mentioned two-pronged approach were more likely to improve their learning over the summer. This case study also showed that parent tutoring helped to increase student reading fluency rates and allowed them to perform better during the upcoming school year. Interestingly enough, student fluency rates did not improve as much during the school year as they did over the summer, suggesting that focusing on reading during a time when students were already at a huge disadvantage in retention of new learning and reading (summer months, even for normal children), resulted in more improvement than had been normally seen in an entire school year.

In order to reinforce these results, parents were advised to continue tutoring programs as well s positively reinforce the learning and goal seeking that takes place both over the summer and during the school year. It is also important to create EO's (establishing operations) throughout the school year that help to reinforce the student's learning goals and maintain motivation. The research showed as well that...


This can be combatted through specific parental tutoring and interventions focuses on both new learning and the reinforcement of this learning through correlation of new vocabulary and learning. Also, students need to set goals and parents and teachers need to stick with these goals and positively motive the students throughout the school year in order to elicit the best learning results. The case study showed that each student was different in the ways and speed with which they learned. However, the results of the study found that they all showed marked improvement during such intervention programs, both during the summer month and during the school year.
This study was effective at isolating many of the key variables within the field of reading and learning retention, specifically during the summer months and specifically for disabled children. However, the case sample was relatively small and the study should do more to address the present idiosyncrasies that took place as the researchers and parents were developing such intervention plans and trying to analyze the results.

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"Gortmaker Valerie J Daly Edward J " (2011, October 12) Retrieved May 8, 2024, from

"Gortmaker Valerie J Daly Edward J " 12 October 2011. Web.8 May. 2024. <

"Gortmaker Valerie J Daly Edward J ", 12 October 2011, Accessed.8 May. 2024,

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