Autism Essays (Examples)

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Are you writing an essay on autism and need further assistance to help get your writers block in check?  For starters, you should know the definition of ...

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Autism is a disorder that starts early in the childhood and stays until adulthood. It has now been known that many conditions are considered co morbid to autism spectrum disorders. These conditions are variable but some of the most common ones include fragile X syndrome and epilepsy. Furthermore, it is noted that autism most likely affects areas such as communication, social interaction and behavior of the person. Therefore, there is a strong tendency for the person to develop different psychiatric disorders.
Some of the common disorders that are linked with autism include attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, anxiety disorders, and bipolar disorder. Many researchers also went onto look into chromosomal abnormalities in children who are affected with autism. Due to this reason, syndrome association such as fragile X syndrome was also discovered. This research goes on to show that Autism is co morbid with many psychiatric conditions such as ADHD, and OCD….

Autism Treatment Methods

Autism has reached epidemic proportions between American children with cases increasing amongst adults and children worldwide. Treatments initially began with helping children improve their social and communication skills. With medications like risperidone and aripiprazole to treat irritability, children with autism were managed short-term. However, these medications only present a temporary fix with symptoms continuing after stopping of medication and symptoms recurring even with higher doses. For there to be a suitable alternative to pills and traditional methods of treatment, current research must demonstrate efficacy and cost efficiency concerning new autism treatments. This literature review will highlight a variety of new treatment approaches along with ways to monitor, evaluate, and understand how autism effects a child to show what can be done to help children with Autism.
In an article by Klintwall, Gillberg, Bolte, & Fernell, the authors discuss the use of intervention programs based on applied behavior analysis as the first….

Stimuli other than explicit instruction are reported to have likely signaled the beginning of a new activity. In the case of the female student, Christie it was related that arranging and ordering was not an escapist activity as it had been for the male participants to avoid responding to instructions. In the case of one of the male students the ordering and arranging was believed to be due to lack of other stimulating attention. The work of Gongola and Sweeney (2011) report discrete trial teaching which is an educational instruction practice that is characterized by a fast pace that is delivered repetitively and which enables instruction that is intense is a short period of time. Discrete trial teaching sessions are reported to take place in environments that are highly structured. The area in which this instruction takes place should be as free of distractions as possible. An instructional team….

Autism What Can We Learn

In ode to foste equitable management of the available esouces in the society, it becomes less valuable if the innate membes ae not esponsible. A lesson can be dawn fom the family of Rowan ove the avenues of esponding to the calls of duty. The family of Rowan is awae of the chaacteistic and developmental chaacteistic that ae found in the society. Theefoe, they ae vey eady to offe consequential avenues of managing the applicable esouces in ode to ensue the futue health status of thei son. Theefoe, it makes it less valuable o appoachable to take a consideate management of the health of the child iespective of the measues of gowth and development in the society.
What changed between the boy and his paents and how did that affect his way of being in the wold? Fom a family systems pespective, how did the oveall family changed?

The way of….

Autism is a developmental disorder as it is marked with pervasive and severe impairment revolving around areas of development such as communication, imagination, reciprocal interaction and behavior. The diagnostic criteria for autism as incorporated by the DSM IV T includes symptoms such as impairment in the use of nonverbal behaviors like eye contact, gestures, bodily postures during the normal routine social interaction, the inability to form good peer relationships, delay or lack in the development of the language being spoken, failure to start a conversation despite an adequate ability to speak, restricted and repetitive behaviors and stereotyped behavior patterns, interests and activities. Many of these symptoms along with few others are supposed to be present in an individual by the age of 3 years in order to be diagnosed as autistic. As a matter of fact, even if the parents notice something wrong or abnormal in their child during infancy,….

In some students, autism is more severe than it is in others, and teachers must learn to anticipate this if they are to be successful in the classroom.
The severity of the autism can make the difference between whether students with autism should be included or whether they should be taught separately (Shattuck, et al., 2009). Students cannot make that decision, of course, but the parents and teachers can work together to determine which is going to be the best option for the individual student. Where some subjects are concerned it is more difficult to make this choice, as well.

One of those subjects is math, because math can be complicated and can build on what was previously learned (Jimenez & Garcia, 2002). That can be a problem for autistic students, because they often do not learn as easily or retain the information they have learned for as long or as….

Autism if a Man Does

" Presentation of new tasks accompanied by old tasks promotes the child to target behaviors quicker. Letting the child chose the items of stimulus is another motivational tool. Self-motivation and self-management teach the child the consequences associated with their actions or behaviors. Self-management involves:
1. Choosing a specific behavior to target, such as aggression, hygiene, or verbal communication with others

2. Teaching the child to recognize when he/she behaves appropriately. Do not focus on the absence of the negative behavior, rather reward when appropriate behaviors are displayed.

3. Once the child has learned to differentiate the desirable behavior from undesirable, then the child is taught to monitor brief periods of time or occurrences of the positive behavior.

4. After mastering step #3, the child can be taught to self-manage in any environment. The provider should only remind the child to begin self-management and then gradually fade out of the new environment by leaving for….

As noted in the located research, "individuals with autism may have an IQ at any level. By convention, if an individual with autism has an IQ in the normal range (or above), they are said to have 'high-functioning autism' (HFA)." (Baron-Cohen, 1) For a parent with a young child who exhibits signs of true intelligence or even of prominent and unique talents, the understanding of autism as a disorder becomes somewhat difficult to accept.
This leads us to consider a question which remains today up for ongoing debate in diagnosis and treatment perpsecitve. Namely, it is argued that the term disorder is improperly applied to those with symptoms of autism which might otherwise display the capacity for a healthy and full development as individuals. Accordingly, the research conducted here brings us into contact with an article which "considers whether Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) necessarily lead to disability….

Autism is one of the most severe and disruptive of all childhood disorders. It is a communicative disorder that interferes with an individual's ability to form social relationships, as well as to communicate with others. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD's) officially belong to a group of illnesses known as 'developmental disabilities'. They are characterized by problems with social and communication skills of varying degrees (Schechter & Grether, 20). Autistic people also commonly display unusual ways of learning, reacting to different sensations and paying attention. Sufferers also tend to repeat certain behaviors and have difficulties when required to change their usual daily activities. ASD's are commonly said to start in childhood and last for the person's whole life, but as you will see below, there are many new theories as to the cause(s) of these disorders and many offer the hope of effective treatments (Gerber & Offit, 457).
ecent reviews in environmental health….

Autism in Depth Autism Is

Dr. David Miller, in his article examined the methods of testing for autism. He concluded that a discovery of genetic variables contributing to autism (ASD) is the first step in developing effective clinical diagnostic genetic tests. He concluded that most cases are still unexplained by current genetic testing and will require ongoing discovery to improve the yield from clinical testing. Miller (2010). n other words, Miller suggests that the current genetic testing is not yielding the results that would best explain the causes of autism and in light of the available testing mechanisms. As a solution to this issue, Miller suggests that the ideal genetic test would identify genetic susceptibility to autism. Miller (2010) .
n light of Miller's testing theories and to illustrate an example of how genes are evaluated in autism studies, in the Traylor study, six subjects were studied from different areas of the world. Study subjects….

ut sometimes, depending on how severe a child is affected with autism, the decision to place such a child in a residential environment, such as a specialized care facility, must be made. Yet for those children who are only slightly or moderately afflicted with autism, the classroom, under the guidance of a trained professional and with the assistance of parents, appears to be the best environment for instruction and education. However, as Karen S. Exkorn sees it, all autistic children must experience "full classroom inclusion and be made a part of the mainstream experience in order to guarantee their civil rights as human beings" (2005, 213).

2007). Autism Fact Sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Internet. Available at

Exkorn, Karen S. (2005). The Autism Sourcebook. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Jordan, Rita and Stuart Powell. (2002). Understanding and Teaching Children with Autism. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Mesibov, Gary ., et….

According to Bock & Goode (2003), the plasticity of the brain during early childhood allows for the best outcomes when treating the disorder. Because autism is a spectrum disorder some children benefit more from the aforementioned interventions than others. However regardless of the severity of the disorder all children seem to benefit from early diagnosis and early treatment (pg, 254).

The purpose of this discussion was to compare and contrast two theoretical models of intervention in Autism. The two models that we reviewed were behavioral and educational. The research suggests that behavioral interventions are amongst the most studied and most effective interventions for those suffering from autism. Behavioral interventions are beneficial because they increase communication, skills and peer interaction. The research also found that educational interventions can be beneficial to those with autism. The types of educational interventions discussed included conductive education and gentle teaching. Both of these types of….

Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder. Language and communication skills are deeply affected by autism; therefore it is difficult for those with autism to interact in social situations. There is a spectrum of disabilities related to autism, sometimes called pervasive developmental disorders. These disorders can range from mild to severe (Sathrum 36).
Symptoms of autism generally appear by the time a child is three years old. oys are much more likely than girls to have autism. Some symptoms of autism are speech problems, avoiding eye contact, impulsive behavior, need for routine, and repetitive movements (Goin and Myers 5-12).

Autism is diagnosed when a child displays all three of the following signs: delayed speech and language, difficulty with social contact, and repetitive or odd behaviors (Sathrum 36). All of the signs must occur before age three, but a child is not typically diagnosed with autism until three years of age or later. A late….

Autism Refers to a Group

The Article concludes by reiterating the IOM's recommendation to continue with the current immunization programs in the absence of any strong and concrete evidence on the contrary. [Michelle Meadows]
The last few years have triggered intense debate on the autism and vaccination topic with research results supporting both sides. A study by weibel (1998) concluded by stating a rare but important link between measles vaccine and brain encephalopathy among children. [Weibel] Another study by Singh VK (1998) implicated measles virus induced autoimmunity in autistic children. [Singh,] the fact that Dr. Megson's prescription of vitamin a therapy via cod liver oil capsules reversed or considerably improved the condition for her autistic patients serves to attest the 'G alpha proteins' theory and consequently the link between autism and DPT vaccination. Also, recently a hepatitis protein strain was extracted from a similar retinoid receptor gene (RAR beta). Thus, it….

Autism Explanation
The best way to explain to a friend that that a close relative, such as a son, has autism, would be to begin by explaining that there are certain traits that such a relative may manifest that are decidedly at variance with others his age. Quite frequently, such differences pertain to various aspects of socialization and education, although these two areas are not mutually exclusive. It would certainly be worthwhile to explain to one's friend that one of the endemic processes of formal, classroom-based education is related to socialization -- knowing how and what to say in appropriate situations, as well as how to work (and play) with others. The friend needs to hear that autistic children learn things and socialize differently than other people do.

Furthermore, it is very important to explain to one's friend that just because one's son is autistic, it does not mean that he is….

As you are probably already aware, applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy as a treatment modality for people on the Autism spectrum is incredibly controversial.  While ABA therapy was once seen as the ultimate treatment and the most successful means of helping people with Autism function in a neurotypical world, many adults with Autism report experiencing ABA therapy as a dehumanizing approach.  The goal of ABA therapy is to make people with Autism appear “normal,” but there are very valid questions about whether this is ethical.  For some people with Autism, the approach....

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs as they often called, are injuries to the brain that are caused by outside sources, such as a fall or a blow to the head.  This differentiates them from brain injuries that are caused by internal situations, such as a stroke.  TBIs include a broad group of different types of injuries, from seemingly minor concussions to injuries that clearly and significantly impact the ability to function.  Because they are so varied, there are many different directions you could take in a research paper about TBIs.  To help you decide what direction....

7 Pages



Words: 2247
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Autism is a disorder that starts early in the childhood and stays until adulthood. It has now been known that many conditions are considered co morbid to autism spectrum…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Autism Treatment Methods

Words: 1718
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Autism has reached epidemic proportions between American children with cases increasing amongst adults and children worldwide. Treatments initially began with helping children improve their social and communication skills. With…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Autism Spectrum Disorder the Objective

Words: 1401
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stimuli other than explicit instruction are reported to have likely signaled the beginning of a new activity. In the case of the female student, Christie it was related…

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5 Pages
Film Review


Autism What Can We Learn

Words: 1469
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Film Review

In ode to foste equitable management of the available esouces in the society, it becomes less valuable if the innate membes ae not esponsible. A lesson can be…

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32 Pages
Literature Review


Autism Is a Developmental Disorder as it

Words: 12944
Length: 32 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Autism is a developmental disorder as it is marked with pervasive and severe impairment revolving around areas of development such as communication, imagination, reciprocal interaction and behavior. The diagnostic…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Autism the Neural Development of

Words: 4383
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In some students, autism is more severe than it is in others, and teachers must learn to anticipate this if they are to be successful in the classroom. The…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Autism if a Man Does

Words: 2438
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" Presentation of new tasks accompanied by old tasks promotes the child to target behaviors quicker. Letting the child chose the items of stimulus is another motivational tool. Self-motivation…

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10 Pages


Autism Spectrum Disorder The Keys

Words: 2870
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Thesis

As noted in the located research, "individuals with autism may have an IQ at any level. By convention, if an individual with autism has an IQ in the…

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7 Pages


Autism Is One of the Most Severe

Words: 2552
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Autism is one of the most severe and disruptive of all childhood disorders. It is a communicative disorder that interferes with an individual's ability to form social relationships, as…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Autism in Depth Autism Is

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dr. David Miller, in his article examined the methods of testing for autism. He concluded that a discovery of genetic variables contributing to autism (ASD) is the first…

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7 Pages
Term Paper


Autism Teaching Children With Autism

Words: 1798
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ut sometimes, depending on how severe a child is affected with autism, the decision to place such a child in a residential environment, such as a specialized care…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Autism Spectrum Disorder Is a

Words: 1594
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

According to Bock & Goode (2003), the plasticity of the brain during early childhood allows for the best outcomes when treating the disorder. Because autism is a spectrum…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder Language and

Words: 732
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder. Language and communication skills are deeply affected by autism; therefore it is difficult for those with autism to interact in social situations. There is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Autism Refers to a Group

Words: 835
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Article concludes by reiterating the IOM's recommendation to continue with the current immunization programs in the absence of any strong and concrete evidence on the contrary. [Michelle…

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2 Pages
White Paper


Autism Explanation the Best Way to Explain

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: White Paper

Autism Explanation The best way to explain to a friend that that a close relative, such as a son, has autism, would be to begin by explaining that there are…

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