Government By The People Federalism Essay


Lobbyists fulfill the important role of providing information for legislators' decision-making, educating and forming public opinion, and even contributing to and testifying to certain legislations. Lobbyists are mostly involved in the electoral process through the use of political action committees (Magleby et al.). Creating the Constitution

The original framers designed the Constitution for ordinary people who were not perceived to be able to run a government unchecked (Magleby et al., 2010). These originators were wary that those who would hold political power would abuse it. Hence, they separated and distributed powers in varied ways. They also wanted the national government to be strong enough to solve national problems so it was given a broad range of power. This would allow the constitutional system flexibility and adaptability to changing conditions and situations. The judiciary received the power to veto acts of Congress, the executive branch and the states as unconstitutional. The American government is based on the British model but differs sharply from it because of this checks-and-balances feature and judicial review (Magleby et al.).

The constitutional system works on amendments through congressional elaboration, presidential practices, customs and usages and judicial interpretation (Magleby et al., 2010). Amendments are first proposed and ratified by 2/3 vote of each chamber of Congress of by a national convention. This national convention is called by Congress from a 2/3-voted petition, ratified by ae votes of the states of by a ratifying convention with the ae vote of the states. The usual method is a 2/3 vote by both houses and a...


The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times. One classic example is the Equal Rights Amendment of 1923 which gathered support only in the 1960s. The National Organization of Women, founded in 1966, pushed for its passage in 1972. That support declined. State ratification was slow as the 1979 time limit approached. The deadline was extended to 1982. The amendment fell short of 3 state votes and expired (Mangleby et al.).

Drake, Frederick and Nelson, Lynn (2002). Teaching about federalism in the United

States. ERIC Digests ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies. Retrieved on June 25,

2011 from

Fog, Agner (2004). The supposed and real impact of mass media in modern democracy.

Working paper. Retrieved on June 25, 2011 from

Longley, Robert (2011). Federalism: national vs. state government. The

New York Times Company. Retrieved on June 25, 2011 from

Magleby, David B. et al. (2010). Interest groups: the politics of influence. Government by the People. Chapter 6, 21st edition. Pearson: Pearson Education. Retrieved on June 25,

2011 from

- . The living constitution. Chapter 2, 21st edition. Pearson:

Pearson Education. Retrieved on June 25, 2011 from

Sources Used in Documents:


Drake, Frederick and Nelson, Lynn (2002). Teaching about federalism in the United

States. ERIC Digests ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies. Retrieved on June 25,

2011 from

Fog, Agner (2004). The supposed and real impact of mass media in modern democracy.
Working paper. Retrieved on June 25, 2011 from
New York Times Company. Retrieved on June 25, 2011 from
2011 from
Pearson Education. Retrieved on June 25, 2011 from

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