Health Administration Essay

Healthcare Administration It has been in the last 3 decades that a rapid increase has been seen in the providence of geriatric healthcare. The main reason for this increase is the increase in demand and need of these services for the elderly people. The knowledge base, core values along with the clinical skills that are required by this field in order to develop the health care, well-being and functioning of the old people has been identified in plentiful studies spanning across several decades. Latest care models and treatments for common geriatric conditions have been developed and implemented by geriatric medicine to improve the health and well-being of old people (Murtaugh et al., 2009).

Even though a lot has been done by the geriatric medicine for the well-being of older people, there are still a lot of things that need to be completed in order to fulfill all the needs of today's aging community. The researches and clinical trials that were done in the 20th century aren't completely applicable to today's increasing demands of geriatric medicine and because of this there is a strong need for revising the already existing treatment plans and processes. Following the older methods, which were developed in the 20th century, it would make it impossible for us to keep up with the changing times and we would start lagging behind more and more. Therefore, there is a strong need to redesign the healthcare setting in order to eliminate waste and improve the quality of treatments being provided (Inouye et al., 2007).

Geriatric or elderly services with regards to acute care that is provided by the hospitals are short-term. These services are usually provided for patients who are suffering from very severe illnesses or who are recovering after surgeries. There are various clinical personnel in the hospitals that provide these geriatric services with the help of medical and pharmaceutical supplies as well as the technical equipments. There are an assortment of hospitals that provide geriatric services for patients suffering from various illnesses such as mental illnesses, chronic diseases etc. (Reuben, 2002).

Section 2: Identify the issue of concern you have selected within your topic area: why it is important for this hospital to focus on future issues in geriatric services?

It is not the elderly population increase in the U.S. that the future strain of population ageing are derived from, but these are derived from the sluggish projected increase in the non-elderly middle-age working population. It has been estimated that from the yeast 2000 to 2050 there will be only 33% increase in the population ranging between 16 to 64 years of age. It has also been projected that there will be a decrease from 5.1% to 2.9% in the people belonging to ages 16-64 to the ones belonging to 65 and above from 2000 to 2050. This accounts for a 43% decline in the working population. This sluggish growth in the middle-age working age population means that with time the number of taxpaying people will decrease which would result in less amount of money that can be spent on the public health services which would ultimately result in fewer people who would be there to provide geriatric services (Grady, 2011).

Medical expenses of the older people in general are greater than the rest of the population. But those with specific needs such as serious illnesses need even more expenses for their treatments as they require intensive services especially in the acute care. The expenses of the old age people can also be estimated from the fact that although they make up only 14.6% of the total population but almost half of the health care expenditures take place on their behalf. Although there are many who think of this older population as 'apocalyptic demography', but there are also those who understand the severe illnesses that come with old age and many other challenges that these old people have to face along with the challenges that are faced by our health care providers, community and society as a whole (AGS, 2005).

Section 3: Explain why the topic and issue of concern are important in health care administration leadership. Consider the stakeholder groups that have an interest in the topic and why this topic is important to these groups

Internal Stakeholders:

It should be understood by the support staff, professional staff as well as the hospital management that their organization along with their delivery system of health care will get effected greatly from the ageing of the population. The...


With all these issues that the health care providers are likely to face in the future it has become very important that drugs and medication should be given with a focus on one-time interventions, which would treat a single problem in such a manner that it does not result in the readmission of the same patient (NSW Health, 2006).
Interface Stakeholders:

The board of directors and governing bodies of the hospitals has to understand that there is going to be a shortage of supply of acute health care providers such as nurses in the future. For short periods of times the recession might solve the problem of staff shortage, which is estimated to increase in the future but in the long run higher wages, better working conditions have to be provided to the nurses and other paramedical staff in order to stop the 20% decline in working staff that is being estimated to occur by 2020 (AHRQ, 2011).

External Stakeholders:

It has to be kept in mind by the external stake holders, local communities, competitors, labor organizations as well as special-interest groups that there is a very strong political aspect associated with the geriatric acute care as well. Costs aren't the only factor that the affordability of every government program depends upon. The willingness of the people to pay for that program also plays a very important role in it becoming a success. The popularity of a program among the applicants goes a long way in it being successful especially during the times of fiscal stress. The issues of heath care and social security are of great popularity among the people. Such as, in 2001 a poll was conducted before the tax cut and according to that pole 65% of the voters said that they wanted the surplus amount of money to be spent on the health care, social security and paying off public debts (Wild et al., 2010).

Section 4: Explain how the organization is impacted by this topic area and issue of concern.

Geriatric service is a sector of the health care that not only has to maintain its quality but it also has to enhance it due to its increasing demand. In order to cope with the issue of projected decline in providers of geriatric care, awareness should be provided to the community members by conducting awareness campaigns so that more and more community members are willing to work for this sector. It is also important to make the community aware of the causes of most common problems that occur in the old age so that they can use precautionary measures which improve their quality of life (Bodenheimer and Grumbach, 2002).

The organization should also ensure that efforts are made to identify illnesses in a timely manner so that they could be treated before they get worse. Proper rehabilitation units should be established within the acute care setting that would allow the patients to heal properly after injuries or illnesses. The hospital should also look to coordinate with their patients in the local community centers for older people. This would make the transition and settling in those centers easier for the older people who need constant care and can't live alone. The emergency treatment plans should be made more effective to deal with the serious cases immediately. Events should be arranged that would make the older people feel more capable and instill a positive attitude in them regarding their age and diminish any sort of helpless attitude that they might have. An end of life acute care unit should be established which would not only provide constant care to those in need but will also provide the patients with motivation to look positively at the life, instill the zeal to try to fight their disease and provide them with family support as well (Bodenheimer and Grumbach, 2002).

Section 5: Describe the CEO position and where it falls in the organizational structure of this organization. Discuss the role in relation to the topic and issue of concern.

The CEO of an organization that is responsible for the well being of the people would require him/her to pay particular attention to the needs and wants of the patients in order to make them more comfortable during their illnesses (Cosgrove et al., 2012).

For instance, a number of studies indicate that older people felt more comfortable with the health providers who listened to them and treated them with attention and care.…

Sources Used in Documents:


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2011). AHRQ Effective Health Care Program -- Stakeholder Guide. AHRQ Publication No. 11-EHC069-EF.

American Geriatrics Society (AGS). (2005). Caring for Older Americans: The Future of Geriatric Medicine -- American Geriatrics Society Core Writing Group of the Task Force on the Future of Geriatric Medicine. JAGS 53:S245 -- S256.

Bodenheimer, T.S., Grumbach, K. (2002). Understanding health policy: A clinical approach, 3rd ed. Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange.

Cosgrove, D., Fisher, M., Gabow, P., Gottlieb, G. Halvorson, G. James, B. et al. (2012). A CEO Checklist for High-Value Health Care. Discussion Paper. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.

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