Homelessness Nobel Prize Peace Prize Essay

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With this information, it could arm the public into taking more action into preventing homelessness in order to ultimately improve their own economic health. Although the humanitarian component is quite strong, it is, as Gurley says, fatigued when it comes to homelessness. Hopefully, by appealing to a facet of people's lives that has an impact on them and by educating them on how homelessness impacts their lives through economic means, they would take more measures to prevent homelessness and attempt to address the issue. In addition to the campus actions that the National Coalition for the Homeless has provided, it seems that educating society as a whole on homelessness might be a way to appeal to them to prevent the cycle of homelessness all together. The more information that the public is aware of the more the compassionate fatigue may transform into people doing something to prevent homelessness all together. For example, education programs can be instilled in communities where homelessness is rampant in order to improve individual's marketable skills. For example, there are programs in which people can tutor women for the GED, as obviously without education, it is difficult for people to go further in the job market. In addition to a basic academic education, there needs to be a program that teaches homeless people the importance...


The life skills may help them sustain themselves so they can stay off the streets and in more comfortable lives. In addition, there should be ways to ensure that the homeless population's health is taken care of by volunteer doctors and nurses. Setting up more free clinics may again instill the importance of taking care of oneself, both mentally and physically. The more resources that are available to homeless people, the more likely homeless individuals will be able to take advantage of them. It is more than often noted that there is simply not enough to go around but with more out there in society, the more people will have the opportunity to be off of the streets.
Gurley and the National Homeless Coalition has offered information to readers about the importance of education- both educating the public into the impact that homelessness has on their own personal life as well as empowering the homeless population to get their lives together. Education is the key as the more information that each faction knows about each other, the more likely they are not to just feel compassion, but to empathize- empathy has the ability to galvanize action and hopefully, save the lives of the homeless.

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"Homelessness Nobel Prize Peace Prize", 17 May 2011, Accessed.25 April. 2024,

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