Hornblower Horatio Hornblower's Education In Term Paper

(Although he also credits "good fortune" as well as his own prowess, showing how he has become more modest with age and wisdom. Clearly sometimes fortune saves Hornblower, as the sudden dismissal of Captain Pellew concealed his misadventures with the Marie Gallante) (p.208) But now, Hornblower can act quickly and decisively, without thought for his own safety -- and yet, he has become more sure of moral orientation, again showing that he is learning to strike a balance between discipline and compassion that will stand him well in his career later on. His fearless fighting eventually results in his temporary promotion to lieutenant, unlike other men who lack equal "quickness" under pressure in battle. (p.208)

Hornblower also learns, by comparison that intelligence and compassion is not enough -- rather it is the way that one uses one's intelligence and strength in action. Subsequently, Chapter 8 "Hornblower and the Examination for Lieutenant," chronicles Hornblower's ascent to the permanent position of Lieutenant. Chapter 9, "Hornblower and Noah's Ark,"...


In Chapter 10, "Hornblower and the Duchess and the Devil," Hornblower learns through the words of the Duchess Kitty Cobham that he is becoming respected as a naval, man which is a feat he would never have dreamed of before, as a young and callow member of the crew. Finally, Hornblower has become a man -- by having his mettle and leadership ability tested in battle, and tested through personal conflicts with his fellow officers. Good fortune may play a part, but through his goodness of character, and respecting when necessary the protocols, prejudices, and demands of the sea (and ignoring or circumventing them occasionally, if it is for the greater good of the crew) Hornblower has shown himself worthy of the title of sailor.

Works Cited

Forester, C.F. Mr. Midshipman Hornblower. Boston: Back Bay…

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Works Cited

Forester, C.F. Mr. Midshipman Hornblower. Boston: Back Bay Books, 1959.

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