Jack From Lord Of Flies And Kurtz From Heart Of Darkness Book Report


¶ … Behavior of Two Main Characters From Two Different Books There are both similarities and differences between the protagonists of the Novels 'Lord of the Flies" (Golding) and "Heart of Darkness" (Conrad). In each case we have the supposedly 'civilized' individual(s) degenerating into savagery. As well, other characters are involved and highly influenced by the protagonist(s). This report discusses these two books and what can be observed from comparing works of essentially different world perspectives -- one was published in 1902 and the other in 1954 -- and wholly different environments and situations. Just as a simple example, there were no airplanes in the time of Conrad's protagonist, vs. An airplane crash setting up the whole scenario for Golding's characters. This report analyses the character Kurtz from 'Heart of Darkness' by Joseph Conrad, comparing him to Jack, a character in William Golding's famed novel 'Lord of the Flies'.

'Heart of Darkness', Joseph Conrad

The novel, "Heart of Darkness," by Joseph Conrad, was first published in 1902. This book examines the core of civilization, going beyond externalities, to reveal and explore the complexity, fallacies and 'darkness' of the (presumed) innate nature of mankind. This is portrayed through Marlow's quest in search of Kurtz, travelling from Europe to Africa (Zhao).

This novel depicts the point-of-view, then being somewhat 'popularized' by the shocking work (for the period) of Sigmund Freud, that all individuals have darkness in their hearts. This is later echoed in existentialism, an attitude that it's all futile, and we're all essentially evil. Conrad strives to illustrate the point that the light of civilization normally drowns out this darkness, yet given the slightest opportunity, the 'heart' of man (given that the book does not directly depict 'woman') tends to revert back to its savage nature (Subhi).

Conrad's novel is considered to be one among the best literary works of the twentieth century. The 'Heart of Darkness' novel is believed to symbolize a journey to the dark regions of the human soul, and may also represent the breakdown of an individual's spiritual essence. The book's central proposition -- that the real nature of this world...


Essentially, Conrad seeks to illustrate how this inner darkness can potentially break humanity, as it broke Kurtz. In the book, Marlow's narration demonstrates how Kurtz, though he had ventured into Africa with faith in his heart, has deteriorated both spiritually and physically by the end. Indeed, despite Kurtz seemingly being the most capable and successful individual encountered by Marlow in his journey, the former, in reality, had a tragic life (Zhao).
Kurtz from "Heart of Darkness"

Conrad begins the 'Heart of Darkness' with a cruise on the river Thames. His descriptions are lyrical and well-written, building mental images: 'the sea and the sky were welded together without a joint, and in the luminous space the tanned sails of the barges drifting up with the tide seemed to stand still in red clusters of canvas sharply peaked' (Conrad, 1). A group of men have gone for an evening's sail: the Director, the Accountant, and Marlowe, the narrator. Marlowe begins the tale of Africa and Kurtz. Marlowe's tale describes his arrival in Africa, and a rather strange visit to a doctor, who warns him 'In the tropics one must before everything keep calm' (Conrad, 11). Conrad's verbal images are always slightly 'weird', as Conrad describes an elderly lady knitting in the doctor's waiting room as 'guarding the door of Darkness' (Conrad, 10).

Conrad's tale is both cautionary and depressing. It is difficult reading from today's perspective in terms of the abuse with which the native Africans were treated, and of the high-handed colonial masterful nature of Kurtz. It is also difficult reading in that Conrad has a very dark, gloomy, negative perspective about everything. For example, the narrator Marlowe visits his Aunt and after the visit he says "It's queer how out of touch with truth women are. They live in a world of their own, and there had never been anything like it, and never can be. It is too beautiful altogether," (Conrad, 12)

One of the best things about reading older books, or really classic authors is that often they describe people and events so well that one can be 'transported'. This was a particular skill of J.R.R. Tolkein's, imbuing the narrative with sprinklings of…

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