Job Description When Considering The Ever-Changing And Essay


¶ … Job Description When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive global landscape of business today, firms must stay at the cutting edge of their respective fields in order to sustain profitability in the long-term. With the current exponential growth of technology and the computerization of business and learning, consumers and investors have become much more connected to the businesses they patronize (Kurzweil, 2001). Accordingly, companies are faced with the continuous task of finding new ways to understand and subsequently accommodate the needs of those customers and shareholders, while simultaneously securing lucrative business models and job environments. In achieving these goals, it is critical for firms to seek out and obtain the most qualified and reliable human resources. Many firms have begun to elicit the services of individuals over the Internet. One popular website that provides this type of employment platform is This organization provides firms with customizable templates for the offering of job positions to the public. The user-friendly nature of this process allows companies to greatly increase their efficiency in the solicitation of employees, that is if they utilize this service strategically.

During my research I came across several positions in the financial industry. One such employment opportunity was with the firm "CyberCoders." This business seems to have been extremely thorough in their planning and strategic outlining of this specific position. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner and targets the relevant areas of concern for the large majority of potential applicants. Being that this particular position is being offered in various locations throughout the United States (with relocation required), it seems quite obvious that this firm is engaging in some significant levels of expansion....


And because this seems to be a relatively advanced employment opportunity, there are quite a few requirements placed upon the shoulders of applicants. These prerequisites include:
"• At least 3-years of financial planning and/or investment sales experience, preferably in Stocks, Preferred Stocks, Mutual Funds, Taxable Bonds, Tax-free Bonds, Insurance, Annuities, Separate Account Management, CD's, UIT's, ETF's, and Trust Management.

• Minimum level of production of $200K in trailing twelve months, and the ability to transition a high percentage of your clients to a new firm.

• Series 7 and 63 Licenses" (, 2011, p. 1)

In addition to these, there are several other preferred areas of experience including retirement planning, structured settlements, small company investment banking and public company single stock planning (, 2011). Thus, by tactically utilizing industry terminology and specifically highlighting the mandated level of required experience and pre-existing knowledge, this company has been able to develop a presumably sound strategy for deterring unqualified applicants. In doing so, this firm is saving itself time and money, while easily making their employment process much more efficient. Furthermore, while not exclusively mentioning any salary figures, this hirer did include several job-related perks in this job description. These perks include "high payouts, performance-based bonuses, product freedom, and a full range of benefits (401k, healthcare, dental)" (, 2011, p. 1). Therefore, by indicating the advantages of this position and meeting/exceeding the common expectations of applicants in this industry, CyberCoders have been able to set themselves above their competitors.

However, while I was thoroughly impressed with this job posting, I…

Sources Used in Documents:


Braddy, P.W., Thompson, L.F., Wuensch, K.L., & Grossnickle, W.F. (2003). Internet Recruiting. Social Science Computer Review, 21 (3), 374-385. (2011). Financial Advisor. Retrieved July 5, 2011, from

Kickul, J. (2001). Promises Made, Promises Broken: An Exploration of Employee Attraction and Retention Practices in Small Business. Journal of Small Business Management, 39 (4), 320 -- 335.

Kurzweil, R. (2001, March). The Law of Accelerating Returns. Retrieved July 5, 2011, from

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