Making The Right Decision Based On Reality Essay


¶ … elected, the author of this report is to define the problem, analyze the problem, generate options, evaluate the options, make a decision and then implement and reflect on the decision. Some situations come down to perception and presumptions. While some assumptions and presumptions may have at least a grain of truth to it, people need to be careful about assuming that they know what is going on. Without proof, there is only a certain amount of options that are realistic and tangible. Making unproven accusations and then finding out that they are less than true can make for awkward situations and outcomes. While it is entirely possible that the other sales representative is being favored, the primary person in the fourth scenario needs to choose his words and actions very carefully. Problem Solving

Definition of the Problem

To be honest, the problem in the fourth scenario is two-fold. First, there is the possibility (although not proven) that one of the sales representatives is getting the best leads and this is allowing him to pad his numbers and get the accolades for being the best sales representative. Concurrent to that, the primary person in the scenario is starting to see his sales numbers go south. Indeed, there seems to be a correlation between the supposedly favor salesperson's number rise to high sales figures and the fledgling sales of the other representative. Despite the presumptions of the failing representative, there is no proof one way or another that the "better" sales representative is getting favored ... it is just a theory, from all appearances.

Analyze the Problem

The best way to start off the analysis of this problem is to point out that correlation and causality are not the same thing. It is entirely possible that there is indeed a causality that is being caused by the glowing sales representative to do better than the person...


However, this could also be a case of the failing sales representative not being aware or honest about what is truly causing a person's numbers to fall. There could indeed be favoritism going on. However, without proof, making accusations or taking action on that presumption is not the wise thing to do.
Generate Options

Given that, the sales representative has two things that he could pay mind to. The first is whether that sales representative is getting favor and the second is why his personal numbers are falling. If the man in the scenario were smart, he would focus on the second ... and for two reasons. First, favoring someone such as is being asserted may be rather seedy and dishonest but it is not illegal unless it centers on something like race, gender or age (Guerin, 2016). Second, irrespective what favoritism is or is not going on, the fledgling sales representative will be shown the door eventually if sales are not being made and quotas are not being met.

Evaluation of Options

As far as what can be done to find out whether the other representative is being favored and both are dangerous. The representative can pay attention to what is going on or even ask around to see if there is any favoritism. However, both of those would detract from the failing numbers of the primary representative. Another possibility is that the failing representative will ask the wrong person about the situation and it will get back to the good sales representative and/or the manager who gives all of his plaudits. This coming about will almost certainly accelerate the demise of the failing representative. If the failing representative is truly bold, he will approach the manager and just ask the question as to whether the other representative is being favored in terms of leads and such. However, even if the answer is technically a "yes," the chances that the manager…

Sources Used in Documents:


Cruz, J. (2014). How Fast Should You Leave a Bad Boss Behind? Sooner Than You Think.

LinkedIn. Retrieved 20 May 2016, from


you-think Retrieved 20 May 2016, from

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"Making The Right Decision Based On Reality" (2016, May 20) Retrieved May 19, 2024, from

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"Making The Right Decision Based On Reality", 20 May 2016, Accessed.19 May. 2024,

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