Marge Made Dinner For Homer Thesis


9) Metaphor is seldom used outside of poetry and other forms of creative writing.

a) True

b) False (

10) According to the Principle of Compositionality, "The meaning of a sentence is determined by the meaning of its component parts and the manner in which they are arranged in syntactic structure."

Consider the following two sentences. Does the Principle apply equally well to both? Or does it apply more effectively to one than to another? If so, which? Justify your answer in either case.

a. Steve gave Mark the cold chicken.

b. Steve gave Mark the cold shoulder.

The Principle of Compositionality applies much better to the first example (a) than to the second example (b). It is impossible to understand the meaning of the second sentence exclusively through compositionality simply because "cold shoulder" is an idiomatic expression that is incapable...


For instance, Eskimos have over forty words for snow.
a) True (

b) False

12) Consider the following exchange:

Student- "Can I go to the bathroom?"

Teacher: "I don't know -- can you?"

Which Maxim of Conversation has the teacher violated? Explain your answer.

The teacher violated the Maxim of Quality by responding sarcastically. The teacher is fully aware that the student means "may I?" rather than "can I?" By pretending to interpret the student's question literally, the teacher responded untruthfully, because he/she pretended not to know the intended meaning of the question.

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"Marge Made Dinner For Homer" (2009, July 12) Retrieved April 26, 2024, from

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"Marge Made Dinner For Homer", 12 July 2009, Accessed.26 April. 2024,

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