Marketing Case Study Funky Threads Thesis

Of 109 females respondents, 66.4% indicated that they had an intent to purchase. However, only 33.6% of the 61 males who responded indicated that they had an intention to purchase. This means that the brand appears to appeal more to women than men. Women will represent a higher percentage of the target market than men. Gender * Purchase intention Crosstabulation

Purchase intention


No, not likely

Yes, likely






% within Purchase intention









% within Purchase intention







% within Purchase intention

The first section of the research examines the likelihood of being able to develop a loyal customer following. Five questions were included in this section of the study. All five questions related to the willingness of customers to remain loyal to the brand, and if they would be willing to pay a higher price for the brand. Aggregate scores for these questions indicate that it would be possible to influence customers and maintain a loyal customer following. It may be noted that the wording of these questions is subjective,...


For instance, question one uses the term "often" but does not define what this word means. A more accurate estimate of purchase frequency would be helpful in future research, such as how many purchases the customer expects to make within a certain time frame.
The second section of research questions asks about the brand's attractiveness to the customer. It might be noted that the questions in this section area are highly repetitive and do not differentiate what it is that makes the brand attractive or unattractive. The third section of this research explored the distinctiveness of the brand, as compared to other brands that the customer might purchase. Research indicated that the brand has a certain segment of the population that considers it both attractive and distinctive. However, the difference in the means in the distinctiveness category are close than those in the attractiveness category. This may indicate potential competition from competing brands.

In the category of prestige, scores were found to be similar between those that felt the brand was prestigious and those that did not attach a high degree of prestige to it. The questions asked if the customer feels that the brand will be prestigious. The brand has not yet been launched, therefore it is difficult to determine if the brand will gain a high degree of prestige or not. This question only considers future estimates

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"Marketing Case Study Funky Threads" (2009, September 13) Retrieved April 26, 2024, from

"Marketing Case Study Funky Threads" 13 September 2009. Web.26 April. 2024. <>

"Marketing Case Study Funky Threads", 13 September 2009, Accessed.26 April. 2024,

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