Marvin Marshall School Discipline Has Term Paper


This is in contrast to a reactive strategy of dealing with disruptive behaviors after they occur. The STUDENT identifies a LEVEL of development -- separating the BEHAVIOR from the PERSON. By identifying a level, rather than a behavior, self-defense is unnecessary -- thereby eliminating any antagonistic escalation that often takes place between student and teacher.

The system is NONCOERCIVE, thereby eliminating power struggles.

The program uses INTRINSIC motivation so students develop a DESIRE to be responsible -- both individually and socially.

As contrasted to the usual stress-increasing mode, teachers move into a STRESS-REDUCING mode when handling discipline problems.



Since choices direct lives, CHOICE-RESPONSE THINKING is emphasized.

A disruption is viewed as a TEACHING OPPORTUNITY for raising responsibility.

GUIDING -- rather than a telling...


During the short interchange, the class is reinforcing the levels of social development.
The classroom maintains a POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT at ALL TIMES -- even when discipline problems arise.

DEDUCTIVE approach is used. Four concepts are taught first -- before specifics. This is in contrast to the more common inductive approach of first teaching the specifics in order to arrive at general concepts.

CONSTRUCTIVIST teaching is used. Students create their own examples to make the levels of social development meaningful and relevant to them. THIS IS the REASON THAT the SYSTEM CAN BE USED at ANY GRADE LEVEL, in ANY SUBJECT FIELD, and in ANY CLASS or YOUTH SETTING.

The NONCOERCIVE, REFLECTIVE system PROMOTES STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT because it sets the stage for evaluation before instruction begins.

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"Marvin Marshall School Discipline Has" (2005, March 16) Retrieved May 8, 2024, from

"Marvin Marshall School Discipline Has" 16 March 2005. Web.8 May. 2024. <>

"Marvin Marshall School Discipline Has", 16 March 2005, Accessed.8 May. 2024,

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