Media On Culture The Objective Term Paper


..increased aggressive thoughts and behavior (2000:1) Also stated in this report is that other studies conducted by Anderson and Gentile give indication that videogames "have a strong effect on aggression..." particularly in children. 3. Coleman, Loren (2004) The Copycat Effect Paraview Publishing. Online available at

According to Coleman, the copycat effect has been a result of media coverage of events such as school shootings. Coleman brings to light how media affects culture within a society.

4. The Culture of Commercialism (2006) Media Awareness Network Online available at

This work states that "advertising projects false images commercialism distorts our culture by turning every event into a reason to consume.... [and that]...advertising perpetuates stereotypes..."

5. Digital Beginnings: Young Children's Use of Popular Culture, Media and New Technologies Popular Culture and Media Literacy: Research Reports, Reviews Etc. National Literacy Trust.

Findings of this study include: "1) Young children are immersed in practices relating to popular culture, media and new technologies from birth. They are growing up in a digital world and develop a wide range of skills, knowledge and understanding of this world from birth. Parents and other family members scaffold this learning, either implicitly or explicitly, and children engage in family social and cultural practices which develop their understanding of the role of media and technology in society. (2) Parents report that their young children generally lead well balanced lives,...


Engagement with media is generally active, not passive, and promotes play, speaking and listening and reading. In addition, engagement with media and new technologies appears to be a primarily social, not individual, activity, taking place most often with other family members and in shared parts of living spaces.
3) Parents are generally very positive about the role of media in their young children's social, emotional, linguistic and cognitive development. They feel that their children learn a great deal from film and television and that it has a positive impact on many aspects of their lives. (4) Parents support their children's interest in popular culture, media and new technologies through the provision of resources and interactions with children (e.g. shared play, visits to theme parks) around their interests. (5) Early years practitioners generally express positive attitudes towards the role of popular culture, media and new technologies in children's lives, including demonstrating positive attitudes towards their use of video/console games. However, they do have concerns about the perceived amount of time children spend on these activities. (6) The introduction of popular culture, media and/or new technologies into the communications, language and literacy curriculum has a positive effect on the motivation and engagement of children in learning. Practitioners report that it has a positive impact on children's progress in speaking and listening and literacy, although the present study did not include methods which could determine if this was the case."

The Effects of Media on Culture

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