Medical Field And Analysis White Paper

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Complexity There are some jobs were what comes across and what happens every day is rather simple and basic. By extension, how one reacts to those things as they happen is going to be fairly straightforward. However, paradigms and jobs where complexity is the coin of the realm are entirely different. There is the absolutely right and justification to consider whether there are (or should be) absolute rules and guidelines when it comes to such situations or if leaders should be adjusting their rules and guidelines as they go along based on what comes up. This report shall explore the latter subject and what answers that might exist when it comes to the same. While having firm best practices and guidelines is a good thing in most cases, doing so when there are complex situations and potential outcomes is not the easiest thing to do.


As indicated by the parameters to this assignment, there are a few considerations and dimensions that will color and shape the analysis that is under way. There are also some prominent and astute authors that will be perceived and have their contributions to...


Just one of those authors is Wheatley. As noted by the assignment, Wheatley's main objective was to make the topic in question "accessible." Beyond that, thre is the work of Burnes. That author made it a point to look at chaos and complexity in general and make sense of the overall subject being covered in this report. Finally, Plsek and Wilson examined this situation while looking at the healthcare sphere in particular. Given the contributions of those authors and the feelings the author, it is expected as part of this brief report that an assessment and overall viewpoint on the subject emerge. In coming to a personal conclusion, the author of this report looked at a few things. One of those things was a string of emails and forms relating to hiring a person at the Department of State within the United States government. As one might expect, the government is usually about procedure and following a certain process (Walters, 2016). Also looked at regarding this subject was a snippet that makes reference to the dashboard mentioned in this assignment. While the items and objectives mentioned on the spreadsheet seem good enough, the amount of specificity and drilling down is just not really there (Gray, 2016).

Sources Used in Documents:


Gray. (2016). Leadership Actions to Reach Goals. Presentation.

Walters, W. (2016). Supervisory, Emergency Management Specialist.

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"Medical Field And Analysis" (2016, October 28) Retrieved May 2, 2024, from

"Medical Field And Analysis" 28 October 2016. Web.2 May. 2024. <>

"Medical Field And Analysis", 28 October 2016, Accessed.2 May. 2024,

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