Authority Essays (Examples)

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Authority Some of the Most

he also felt that it was the only way a society could achieve law and order. Furthermore he states that the person who rules the state must be a person of great power and can be beneficial for eveyrone. He compares this to the founder of sparta and athens, who created the consitution themselves. Aristotle observed that those men were the cause of great benefits for their city. If all the authority lay in the hands of a single person, it could be crafted into a masterpiece. According to aristotle, the main power should remain with the ruler so that he can make observations. Politicians should have the power to follow the constiution set by the ruler and govern the people. The politicians should be made answerable to no one else but the ruler. It would be easier for the ruler to delegate tasks through the politicians. Aristotle strongly….

Authority and Leadership in Germany
"This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face-to-face with it. It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped shells, were destroyed by the war." ~ Remarque, All Quite on the estern Front.

Germany in the time preceding orld ar I was a country that considered itself marginalized and in possession of limited power. Those who headed the government determined that the only way to turn this small country into a world power would be to engage in aggressive actions toward the rest of Europe. In order to get the people of Germany behind them, the government of Germany began a campaign of propaganda that would play on the German people's sense of nationalistic pride to commit acts….

authority and legitimacy, leadership and trust in All Quiet on the estern Front and Survival in Auschwitz
All Quiet on the estern Front" by Remarque and "Survival in Auschwitz" by Primo Levi are two novels that due share some things that are in common because they are both war novels. For example, the novel All Quiet on the estern Front depicts the battle of the Germans during orld ar I. However, "Survival in Auschwitz "also a war novel is a book of how life in a concentration camp was. It is Primo Levi's story of being taken as an Italian partisan in December 1943 and shipped to Poland because he was a Jew. ith that said, when it comes to similarities and dissimilarities, both "All Quiet on the estern Front" by Remarque and "Survival in Auschwitz" displayed various forms of authority and legitimacy, leadership and trust by the way orders….

Therefore, in order to protect itself from charges of discrimination in the interview process, the employer first needs to ensure that whoever is doing the interviewing does not engage in any type of overtly discriminatory behavior. While this may seem self-explanatory, the reality is that every single person carries with them a set of stereotypes and prejudices, and, without appropriate training, may not even be aware when they are relying on those stereotypes. During an initial interview, an employer should not discuss any of the protected characteristics, including: race, gender, pregnancy, religion, national origin, age, or disability, unless there is a bona fide occupational qualification related to one of those characteristics. The employer should also refrain from discussing the candidate's marital status. While that should seem easy, the fact is that the interview process may naturally lead to discussions about some of these characteristics. Therefore, employers should have a standardized,….

Furthermore, he believed any attempt to level out these differences are authoritative for Christian thought (Bright and Kelsey 1967). Along with that, it is clear that he believed that the differences are very difficult to figure out, which may explain why his thesis was unclear.
We shall never hear the Old Testament's word rightly unless we are willing to hear it all. That is to say, we must hear it in its full humanity. There is a drive toward incarnation in the biblical revelation... It pleased God to reveal himself not through timeless teachings, or some heavenly gnosis, but through the events of a particular history, and to and through men who were caught up in history, and who were in every case men of like passions with ourselves and subject to all the limitations of our flesh. And God's final revelation of himself was given-so the New Testament declares-when….

He also feels as though authority is contextual in that it is something people learn to respect and wield differently in different environments and social realities (Burger, 2009). This is to say that the Milgram studies were snapshots of a very specific culture and time period, as Blass suggests, and that they may not represent the ultimate knowledge of the concepts of obedience and authority as many researchers and academics once thought (Berger, 2009). This interesting in that it suggests flexibility in these concepts and the way humans experience them in their everyday lives that extends through historical and other contexts.
Milgram's work is certainly groundbreaking and has helped to define how researchers and academics view the concepts of perception, obedience, and authority. Though his research is often criticized for other reasons, Milgram's work only represents a small piece of the larger picture of the innate human dynamics related to….

The purpose of the study is to gauge the behavior of the individuals who are working with people who are perceived to have less power than they.

The only biases associated with this study is that the security personnel will know that they are being watched -- or observed -- and thus they may modify their behavior in order to appear more patient, accommodating, etc. Likewise, people who would perhaps be more difficult to deal with may alter their behavior in order to appear calmer, nicer, etc. However, the latter bias could be eliminated if they did not know that they were being observed. This holds true for the first bias as well but it would be much harder to do because of security measures that would have to be taken (especially in an airport) to observe this type of situation.

One other issue with this type of experiment, a naturalistic….

Employee Authority Levels in a Business
Non-Linear Pro-is filling a lawsuit against Quick Takes Video for the purpose of collecting money they claim is owed to them for the leasing of their editing equipment. Analysis of the issues presented in the video is explored in this paper. Some preventive measures that Quick Takes Video could have used are also included in this paper.

Lack of communication is the first issue presented on the video. Hal one of the Quick Takes executive failed to inform Karen the other executive. Karen learnt of the lawsuit from Mary her secretary. This bothered Karen as she felt been one of the executives Hal should have informed her of the lawsuit. Hal's excuse for not letting her on the details was that the lawsuit was not that bad, and he did not want to upset her. Since she was the ace salesman, Hal wanted her to concentrate….

Obeying Authority
Human beings are all born with free will and the ability to choose for ourselves which actions to undertake, however this ability has been modified over time as we are trained to obey figures who we perceive to have authority over us. This process begins in childhood when our first understood authority figures, namely our parents, inform us about what behaviors are appropriate within a given social context and which behaviors are inappropriate. e are trained to understand that behavior is contextualized by the social setting, by the characteristics of the population around us, and by our own the rules and regulations of the society as a whole. The way we are taught to behave is wholly dependent on our perceived authority figures. If there is an individual or group that we believe to have authority over us, then we internalize their orders and their versions of acceptable behavior.….

Largely, Individuals Obey the Authority
Determining the level of obedience to authority is an important practice because different jurisdictions have diverse considerations in the way they exercise their laws and other reinforcements. Individuals will naturally obey the law based on two primary factors, intrinsic or extrinsic rewards. This research will attempt to prove largely that individuals will naturally obey the authority. The study is structured into two main sections; firstly, a background will endeavor to assess critical research in the area of abiding by the law. Secondly, the literature review will attempt to justify research presented on the background. The review will as well discuss the justification of the thesis statement whilst presenting the research design employed in relation to this study.


The Psycho-law and its nature

MacGuire (23) attempts to discuss and offer perspectives about the legal and psychological law. In this case, history of psychological law has a close relation to….

Biblical Inerrancy
Authority, Inspiration and Inerrancy in the Bible

There is no greater calling than living by the word of God. As Christians, we have a responsibility to exemplify God's wisdom in the way that we live our lives. This is the knowledge given to us by the scriptures and in recognizing the truth that is held within these scriptures, we understand that there could be no other way than the one laid out before us by God. As the discussion on authority, inspiration and inerrancy shows here, this is the imperative that makes the Bible so powerful a source of faith.

Biblical Authority:

The Bible comes to us not as a text authored by man nor as the allegorical mythology that non-religious scholars might argue. Quite to the contrary, we recognize that the authority derived from the Bible is in its direct origin as the ord of God. hile there may be distinct….

SOX provides explicit legislative directives for SEC regulation, altering this authority division, of what was once perceived as the states' exclusive jurisdiction.
ule 404 of the SEC

The following Executive Summary reflects the ule 404 of the SEC:

Auditors can't critique their own work and must avoid the appearance of conflict to comply with section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. That gives CPAs a new consulting opportunity to document and test non-client companies' internal controls.

A firm interested in developing this niche has to know the skills it will need, the time and staff required, the depth of the market, the best way to approach clients, the limits on auditor involvement and what information technology tools are available.

The market exists because companies temporarily may be unable to meet the project management and staffing needs to design the section 404 internal audit functions that later will be checked by the company's external auditor. Others….

Advanced Practice Nurses and Prescriptive Authority
Though the roles of Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Educator and Nurse Administrator are all vital to the health care industry, they are not allowed prescriptive authority per se. However, the role of Nurse Practitioner is intimately connected with the ability to prescribe medications. The developmental history of the Nurse Practitioner shows a determined movement from a single fledgling program in the 1960's toward eventually complete autonomy and financial rewards, despite resistance from other members of the medical community and the Nursing profession itself. Facing a patchwork of varying, sometimes inconsistent and restrictive regulations on the state and federal levels, Nurse Practitioners face serious issues and challenges in several arenas, including but not limited to ethical, legal, political and educational concerns, that hamper their abilities to provide the highest standard of patient care. However, Nurse Practitioners are now using the clout endowed by sheer numbers to….

Obedience to Authority

Obedience to Authority

I was obediently driving down the right side of the street last week when I dutiful stopped at a red light. I noticed a video camera mounted on the light's pole and thought that the camera must have been there to promote free flowing traffic. I did not think about the light and camera again until later that evening when I watched a very entertaining Dreamorks film by Ridley Scott called "Gladiator" starring Russell Crowe. That movie made me think about authority, subservience and obedience and how those topics pertained to that traffic light and camera. as the camera there because people driving down the street usually obey the local traffic laws or was it there because they don't? I am sure that I would not have run through a red light even if the camera was not present because I feel that I am an obedient citizen….

They also quoted the same statute to justify the arrest after the defendant had been brought before the court, which thereby nullified the fact that the arrest was made by an unauthorized individual.
A case also cited in this case was; Prigg v. Pennsywania, 16 Pet. 539, 622, 10 L. ed. 1060, 1091; Robertson v. Baldwin, 165 U.S. 275, 41 L. ed. 715, 17 Sup. Ct. Rep. 326 which allowed for the authority needed in regards to a foreign individual being arrested and held in the United States.

Another statute cited by the Supreme Court was a substantiation of the court's earlier citing which was the Revised Statutes of the United States, as 4079, 4080, 4081. (See also U.S. Comp Stat 1901, p 2766. By citing this substantiation the court said that the authority to enter into treaties by the United States with foreign countries. The court also cited Revised Statute….

To write a 2-to-3 page paper on the challenges that leaders face in modern organizations, you want to start by thinking about the challenges.  A 2-to-3-page paper is the standard length for a five paragraph essay, and that model can easily be expanded to a six paragraph essay.  So, you are going to need the structure of an introduction, 3 or 4 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.  For the body paragraphs, we would suggest identifying a key challenge for each paragraph.

While there are many different, specific challenges that leaders can face, there are three broad categories of....

There is no understating the importance that the Church and the development of Christianity and alternative churches have in the history of the world and the creation of modern culture.  Christianity and the Church were a driving factor behind the colonial development of the world, which required incorporating foreign aspects into worship, and led to the creation of the modern worship experience.

It is important to look at how the Age of Discovery, when the Catholic Church expanded around the globe by establishing missions in conquered or colonized countries with indigenous populations of people who....

Cults are certainly in the cultural zeitgeist these days, making them a perfect topic for a literature review.  In fact, while many people think of cults as a relic from the experimentation that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, cults actually play a surprisingly large role in modern religion throughout the world.  What this means is that whether you are focusing on a specific cult, common traits of cult leaders, or what makes an individual susceptible to a cult’s influences, you are sure to find plenty of information out there. 

What differentiates....

4 Pages
Term Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Authority Some of the Most

Words: 1291
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

he also felt that it was the only way a society could achieve law and order. Furthermore he states that the person who rules the state must be…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

Authority and Leadership in Germany This Book

Words: 1669
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Authority and Leadership in Germany "This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

Authority and Legitimacy Leadership and Trust in

Words: 1542
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

authority and legitimacy, leadership and trust in All Quiet on the estern Front and Survival in Auschwitz All Quiet on the estern Front" by Remarque and "Survival in Auschwitz"…

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14 Pages


Authority and Staff Authority What

Words: 3538
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

Therefore, in order to protect itself from charges of discrimination in the interview process, the employer first needs to ensure that whoever is doing the interviewing does not engage…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Authority of the Old Testament

Words: 920
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Furthermore, he believed any attempt to level out these differences are authoritative for Christian thought (Bright and Kelsey 1967). Along with that, it is clear that he believed…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Authority the Notion of Obedience

Words: 1591
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

He also feels as though authority is contextual in that it is something people learn to respect and wield differently in different environments and social realities (Burger, 2009).…

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2 Pages


Authority or Power Translate Into

Words: 574
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The purpose of the study is to gauge the behavior of the individuals who are working with people who are perceived to have less power than they. Biases The only…

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3 Pages


Employee Authority Levels in a Business Non-Linear

Words: 886
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Employee Authority Levels in a Business Non-Linear Pro-is filling a lawsuit against Quick Takes Video for the purpose of collecting money they claim is owed to them for the leasing…

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4 Pages

Black Studies - Philosophy

Obeying Authority Human Beings Are All Born

Words: 1485
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Obeying Authority Human beings are all born with free will and the ability to choose for ourselves which actions to undertake, however this ability has been modified over time as…

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7 Pages

Business - Law

Do People Usually Obey Authority

Words: 2233
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Largely, Individuals Obey the Authority Determining the level of obedience to authority is an important practice because different jurisdictions have diverse considerations in the way they exercise their laws and…

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3 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Biblical Inerrancy Authority Inspiration and Inerrancy in

Words: 846
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Biblical Inerrancy Authority, Inspiration and Inerrancy in the Bible There is no greater calling than living by the word of God. As Christians, we have a responsibility to exemplify God's wisdom…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


NYS Public Authority Accountability Act

Words: 3866
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

SOX provides explicit legislative directives for SEC regulation, altering this authority division, of what was once perceived as the states' exclusive jurisdiction. ule 404 of the SEC The following Executive…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Advanced Practice Nurses and Prescriptive Authority

Words: 3917
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Advanced Practice Nurses and Prescriptive Authority Though the roles of Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Educator and Nurse Administrator are all vital to the health care industry, they are not allowed…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Obedience to Authority

Words: 1985
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Obedience to Authority Gladiator I was obediently driving down the right side of the street last week when I dutiful stopped at a red light. I noticed a video camera mounted…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Delegations of Authority - 1905

Words: 646
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

They also quoted the same statute to justify the arrest after the defendant had been brought before the court, which thereby nullified the fact that the arrest was…

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