Obesity Is Becoming A Huge Essay


When it comes to technological and agricultural innovations, Nnakwe explains that such occurrences drive down the prices of food (209). Cheaper food could motivate people to eat much more than their regular portions. Further, weight gain and thus obesity may be as a result of giving up smoking. There are various reasons that support this assertion. To begin with, those who quit smoking may increase the food portions they ingest largely because individuals tend to taste their food better after they quit smoking (National Institutes of Health). Further, quitting smoking affects the body's calorie burning rate. According to the National Institutes of Health, "nicotine raises the rate at which your body burns calories." Conclusion

In conclusion, it is important to note that although most of the causes of obesity are largely preventable, a number of others are not. This is...


However, based on past findings as highlighted in the text above, a majority of the causes of obesity are as a result of our own lifestyle choices.
Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control -- CDC. "Adult Obesity Facts." CDC. N.p., 27 April, 2012. Web. 22 July, 2012.

National Institutes of Health -- NIH. "What Causes Overweight and Obesity?" NIH. N.p., 01 November, 2010. Web. 21 July, 2012.

Nnakwe, Nweze E. Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 2009, Print.

Rossen, Lauren M. And Eric a. Rossen. Obesity 101. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. 2011, Print.

Sizer, Frances S., Leonard a. Piche and Eleanor N. Whitney. Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies. Ontario:…

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control -- CDC. "Adult Obesity Facts." CDC. N.p., 27 April, 2012. Web. 22 July, 2012.

National Institutes of Health -- NIH. "What Causes Overweight and Obesity?" NIH. N.p., 01 November, 2010. Web. 21 July, 2012.

Nnakwe, Nweze E. Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. 2009, Print.

Rossen, Lauren M. And Eric a. Rossen. Obesity 101. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. 2011, Print.

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