Odysseus Was Indeed The Favorite Literature Review

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In fact, among the strongest arguments in favor of Odysseus being high on the list of heroes in Greece is that when he encountered Hercules in the Underworld, Hercules told him that the two of them are "very similar" (www1.union.edu). If one of the most revered and respected Greek heroes says to Odysseus that they have similarities, that speaks volumes as to Odysseus' position as a hero. Why would Odysseus's attributes and actions be considered so admirable?

One action that surely gave the Greeks good reason to admire Odysseus is that he invented the construction of the Wooden Horse, which was "…the stratagem that made it possible to take Troy" (www.maicar.com). Odysseus was also known to be clever, and to use cunning intelligence in his exploits and adventures. When Odysseus had been forced by Palamedes to admit that his "madness was pretended" -- and hence,...


Odysseus did this by spooking Achilles out of his hiding place through the use of a trumpet; Achilles had disguised himself as a girl and Odysseus knew a girl wouldn't respond instantly to the sound of a trumpet. Hence, Odysseus showed his "metis," which was a "cunning stratagem," a kind of "deceit" and yet Odysseus showed how resourceful he could be (Detienne, et al., 1978).
Works Cited

Gill, N.S. (2013). Readers Respond: Which Greek Hero Is the Greatest (and Why). About.com.

Retrieved July 31, 2013, from http://ancienthistory.about.com.

Mendeley. (

Union College. (2005). Is Odysseus the Ideal Greek Hero? Retrieved July 31, 2013, from http://www1.union.edu.

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Works Cited

Gill, N.S. (2013). Readers Respond: Which Greek Hero Is the Greatest (and Why). About.com.

Retrieved July 31, 2013, from http://ancienthistory.about.com.

Mendeley. (

Union College. (2005). Is Odysseus the Ideal Greek Hero? Retrieved July 31, 2013, from http://www1.union.edu.

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