Performance Management Human Resource Performance Term Paper

8. Conclusions and recommendations

British American Tobacco was among the first companies that understood the true importance of the role played by the human resource. As a result of this understanding, the international corporation implemented a human resource performance management system which aims to increase employee's satisfaction and increase the chances of reaching the overall objective.

The implementation of the system has already showed results, but it could also use adjustments and improvements. British American Tobacco is most likely to reach their maximum value once they manage to fully integrate the employees in the BAT family and unify their individual goals with the organization's overall goals.



Cox, H., 2000, the Global Cigarette: Origins and Evolution of British American Tobacco, 1880-1945, Oxford University Press

2007, British American Tobacco Official Website,,last accessed on December 8, 2007

2007, British American Tobacco 2006 Annual Report, Retrieved at December 7, 2007

2007, British American Tobacco, the Guardian,, last accessed on December 8, 2007

2004, Tobacco Company Profiles - British American Tobacco, Euromonitor

Sources Used in Documents:


Cox, H., 2000, the Global Cigarette: Origins and Evolution of British American Tobacco, 1880-1945, Oxford University Press

2007, British American Tobacco Official Website,,last accessed on December 8, 2007

2007, British American Tobacco 2006 Annual Report, Retrieved at December 7, 2007

2007, British American Tobacco, the Guardian,, last accessed on December 8, 2007

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"Performance Management Human Resource Performance" (2007, December 08) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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