Personality - Sigmund Freud. In A Healty Essay

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¶ … personality - Sigmund Freud. In a healty person, parts interact? 3) In unhealthy person, interact? Give a faulty interaction lead problems a person? 4) In ur words Defense Mechanisms? 5) Give 2 examples Defense Mechanism: Repression Displacement Rationalization Regression Projection Reaction Formation Sublimation.

Sigmund Freud's personality theory describes the three parts of the personality as the id, the ego, and the superego. The Austrian psychoanalyst considered that people are born with an id, a feature that assists them in getting them whatever pleasures them. The Id will stop at nothing from accomplishing an individual's basic needs and does not allow him or her to express any interests in things other than his or her own well being. As a child's understanding of the world evolves, the ego starts to govern his or her thinking as he or she starts to notice that other people's interests are also important. The ego focuses on assisting the id concomitantly with focusing on the reality of the world. When children reach five years old, the superego intervenes as a result of the fact that society provides them with more information...


The superego is considered to be responsible for an individual's ability to put across moral behavior.
2. In order for an individual to be mentally healthy, the ego needs to be stronger than the id and the superego. While it cares for the needs of the id and for the fact that the superego imposes a particular conduct, the ego must not lose sense of reality and needs to control the other two parts of an individual's personality. The ego generally has a difficult task, but it is generally influenced by the fact that it knows that it is wrong for it to allow the id or the superego to impose their power over the individual. It does not want the individual to be hurt and considers the best solution possible.

3. Someone governed by his or her id is likely to focus on his self-interests with no regard to the people around him or her while someone acting solely in accordance with moral principles would come to perform absurd acts. Someone allows his or her thinking to be dominated by the id will end up feeling little to no guilt while someone who will allow his or her thinking to be governed…

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