Ego Essays (Examples)

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Ego in Psychology

Ego psychology is rooted in Sigmunds Freud's breakthrough concepts of his time relating to the id, ego, and superego. Ego psychology has evolved since his time and relies heavily on psychoanalysis. Freud originally conceptualized three regions of the mind. The id, which represents what is completely unconscious to us and serves as a pleasure center that seeks immediate gratification. The ego, which is a secondary process, that tries to reconcile the demands of other parts of the mind with the natural world and the social constructs in which it operates. Finally, the superego has an idealistic nature that most people consider someone's "conscience." These forces of the mind, among others such as instincts, help describe the dynamics of personality that can motivate people to perform certain behaviors.
1-What is the role the therapeutic relationship plays in terms of therapy outcomes?

The therapeutic relationship plays a vital role in terms of patient outcomes.….

Ego and Psychology

Ego Psychology
Theorists of Ego Psychology:

Ego psychology comes under the neo-analytic theory. Neo-analytic theory recasts and broadens psychoanalytic theory by underplaying sexuality, and by underplaying the significance of the unconscious. Instead it highlights the role of the ego. There are some neo-analytic theorists who concentrate on the process of the ego, while some concentrate on how the ego relates with and is influenced by other individuals or society or culture. Freud thought that the main job of ego was to intervene among the id, superego and external realism. Ego psychologists vary from Freud by stating that: The ego is concerned in adjustment, i.e. that the aim of behavior is adjustment to the surroundings and that the ego is powerfully concerned; and that the ego prevails from birth. Based on Freud's early works, a number of famous ego psychologists have done their works, but with a better and diverse prominence on ego.….

Id Ego and Superego Id

The ego does not have any concept of right or wrong but it understands that an action is good when it achieves the desired end of satisfying the need without harming the id or itself.
The superego

The superego is the last component of personality to develop in a person. Sigmund Freud argues that the superego begins to appear in a person at the age of five years during the phallic stage of psychosocial development. It is the personality aspect that holds all of the internalized moral ideals and standards that a person acquires from both their parents and the society. It provides the person with the sense of right and wrong and provides guidelines upon which a person can make judgment. He argues that the superego has two parts. The first is the ego ideal which includes the standards and rules for good behavior. The ideal is the picture of….

Id Ego and Super-Ego of

he ego also understands that submitting to the id can lead to self-destructive behavior. he ego is also subject to "defense mechanisms" that will help it mediate between the id and the super-ego. One defense mechanism present in Bundy's behavior is displacement. Displacement occurs when one directs threatening impulses on a less threatening target. Reports indicate that Bundy directed his attacks on middle-class, white females, between the ages of 15 and 25, many of who were college students. His victims are speculated to have resembled his first girlfriend, "Stephanie Brooks." After his relationship with "Brooks" ended in 1968, Bundy became depressed, dropped out of school, and began traveling east. Bundy had confessed that his first attempted kidnapping occurred in 1969, an indication that the termination of his relationship with "Brooks" may have been the trigger on his serial killing spree.
he super-ego is closely associated with the individual's conscience and….

Then I realized that I have done the same thing to other people, and I just project my faults onto them. I used to strongly dislike one kid in class because he was really shy and never spoke up, even though he was smart. I used to get frustrated with him and wanted to tell him to be more assertive. Then when I reflected on this kid one day, I realized that when I was in elementary school I was also shy. I still have the tendency to be shy but have worked on it, so projection is a defense mechanism. My projecting my shyness onto other people, I pretend that my own insecurities no longer exist. Now that I have become more self-confident, I end up projecting those same insecurities onto other people.
My ego also uses projection as a defense mechanism in more general ways. For instance when….

Loevinger's Stages Of Ego Development
Jane Loevinger's Stages of Ego Development

Jane Loevinger's theory about the stages of ego development builds upon Harry Stack Sullivan's earlier theory of ego development stages such as Impulsive, Conformist, Conscientious, and Autonomous. Loevinger's theory is a more complex one, describing how ego organizes and directs the activities of the person as subject. Each development stage, in Loevinger's theory, is characterized by a psychic structure that defines the form in which one's self and others are experienced. In Loevinger's conception, each stage may be classified as preconformist (characterized by needs and immediate gratification), conformist (the stages of acceptance of others), and postconformist (the stages where one is aware of complex individual differences and separateness). The earlier stages characterize children and the latter characterize adults, though adults may express the stages of early development as well (Kirshner, 1988).

Loevinger describes the first stage of ego development as The Presocial….

Negotiation stands out as an integral component of my day-to-day social interactions. In most cases, I find myself at the center of controversy or in a difficult situation where negotiation is the only option out of it. Nonetheless, my experience has rarely been awesome on a table of discourse that arouses emotions. There are those moments when in the middle of a conversation I simply marched away as I could not put up with the 'crap' from the other party. In addition, despite my strong opposition to the other person's point-of-view, I chose to hang on a little longer and entertain their thought patterns in some cases (Gelfand, & Brett, 2004). Lastly, there are instances, though very few, where I decided to engage the conflicting pattern with the utmost sobriety until we arrive at an amicable solution. All these responses show how I have acted disorderly when confronted with situations….

go Psychology
LaFond Padykula, N. And Conklin, P. (2010). The self-regulation model of attachment trauma and addiction. Clinical Social Work, 38(4), 351-360.

DOI: 10.1007/s10615-009-0204-6

LaFond Padykula theorized the self-regulation model (SRM) as a means of informing the practice of assessing and treating addiction and attachment trauma. dialectical philosophy John Bowlby[footnoteRef:1] (1988) developed the theory of attachment through his seminal work observing the distress of infants and young children who had been separated from their mothers. Bowlby asserted that attachment was not consciously controlled but was instead hard-wired in humans and many other animals. [1: Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy human development. New York, NY: Basic Books.]

The theory builds on and integrates the attachment behavior research by Bowlby, positing addiction as the efforts of an individual to regulate their own attachment in the direction of more normal adaptive behavior. The theoretical foundation for the self-regulation model is multidisciplinary and….

It is also referred to as luminal stimulus or limen. However the irritability of the population in our case is different, they will react to the slightest provocation of their egos. The isolation formats them to such a sensitive being that they react with very minimum provocation.

Effectiveness of management of excessive stimulus input- the population in study more often will not know the difference between the general pathogenic influences and the and adverse trauma, they may end up treating the two in similar manner since they are not in a position to manage or put under effective control the stimulus they react to nor the stimuli they send out. This is due to isolation which makes then non-interactive for a long time hence cannot use exposure to others to learn the trick.

Generally isolation due to disruption of the cultural system imposed on a population by poverty can have an….

, 2007) Finally, "projective identification involves projecting an affect, impulse, or thought onto someone else as if it were really that other person who originated the affect or impulse" (Drapeau et al., 2007).
Looking at the different defenses used by pedophiles, when compared to those used by the control group, it is easy to see how those defenses would be characterized as immature. The id, the ego, and the superego are considered the three levels of development for the individual psyche. The id is considered the most basic level of the psyche. It is where the libido resides, and it encompasses both constructive and destructive impulses. The ego is often cast as the mediator between the id and reality. It is an organized personality structure, and the ego is where many defense mechanisms are thought to reside. The ego is the id, as modified with direct contact with the outer world….

In attempting to become unaware of these attachments is where the "transformation of consciousness" Tolle references begins.
Tolle notes that this attachment goes as far as our own bodies, and in order to find our true selves, we must assert that we are more than our bodies. He notes, "no matter what your body's appearance is on the outer level, beyond the outer form is an intensely alive energy field" (Tolle 35). The realization of this is immeasurably difficult for individuals to wrap their heads around, which leads to the aligning of oneself with the concept of ego and individuality that so many people recognize as their true existence.

Tolle ends the chapter in a manner that is used to describe the means in which some people come to terms with the true existence he speaks of, free of attachment to objects and our false selves. He does this in noting….

" Emecheta uses metaphors, similes and allusions with appropriate timing and tone in this book, and the image of a puppet certainly brings to mind a person being controlled, manipulated, made to comply instantly with any movement of the controlling hand. In this case Ego seems at the end of her rope -- the puppet has fallen nearly to the floor and is dangling helplessly.
The Emecheta images and metaphors are sometimes obvious, as this one is, but always effective. The reader is clearly aware of Ego's initial identity, and Ego's swift feet of lightness and intensity running in the misty darkness, presents a fluid sensation -- a hoped for escape. She is running towards a new identity and when she hits the gravel road the color is of blood and water and she runs like this will be her duty forever, like someone is following her. The image of anyone….

Inanna the Myth of Innana

This mythical structure has a long history in terms of mythical and visionary experience in all cultures of the world. One could also refer to the earliest Shamanic forms of religion and the myth of the dismembered Shaman who is also the transformed healer of others. In these myths the journey to the underworld, and the process of the destruction of the old self or ego does not result in final death but in transformation and greater insight into reality.
Therefore, taking the above brief sketch of the significance of this mythical structure into account we can apply it to a Jungian analysis of the ego.

When Inanna descends to the Underworld she divests herself of her previous life and this is symbolized by the way that she throws off the accouterments and symbols of her previous existence. When she enters the realm of the dead she can only do so….

New Earth Chapter 3 The

Furthermore, that voice in the back of one's head is the true self, and it is critical for each individual to understand that voice and listen to that voice.
So much of chapter three focuses on the negative impact of the ego on humanity that it can be very difficult to focus on any of the positive aspects of the human condition. However, Tolle eventually stresses the importance of moving beyond ego. He describes ego as being very limiting, so that, with the ego one is reduced to less than the total of a person. The "I," rather than being a descriptor of a whole human being, allows someone to reduce their identification to a set of statuses: gender, possessions, jobs, social roles, and other similar statuses that needlessly limit a person. He considers this type of ego-linked focus as way of preventing people from being able to accept the….

This leads one to believe that they are not very well off financially and the mother has not real education in order to obtain employment since she is currently attaining administrative assistant training. Antonio also has issues with controlling his behavior when in the daycare environment, as he frequently has violent outbursts and crying spells.
If one were to assess Antonio from an Eco-Feminist perspective one would be better able to understand Antonio and his present behavior. Ecofeminism is the social movement that regards the domination of women and nature as unified. It is one of the few movements and analyses that in fact connect the two movements. Lately, ecofeminist theorists have extended their analyses to reflect on the interconnections flanked by sexism, the domination of nature, and also racism and social dissimilarities (What is Ecofeminism, n.d.). Daniel spent a lot of time suppressing Hilda in his behavior that he….

The five distributive bargaining methods (recognize the situation, set a reservation price, use bracketing, use common social norms, and learn the role of framing) can be found here: To buy a house, you would use these to first realize that a house purchase is something that is generally open to negotiation. Very few people who sell their homes aren't willing to negotiate the price or other terms. Before you make an offer, determine a price you're willing to pay - and one you will not go above, even by a penny. Then, start with a price (offer) below that amount.....

Homeless affects a community in a number of ways, including social, economic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Socially, there is a stigma associated with homelessness that implies the person is mentally ill, a drug addict, or an alcoholic. While a number of the homeless population do fall into one of these categories, there are other reasons for homelessness. It is also hard on the economy, because these people don't contribute financially to society. There is a cost to feeding them and allowing them shelter, and that cost can be a lot for a community to handle. Homeless people struggle in interpersonal and....

2 Pages
Term Paper


Ego in Psychology

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ego psychology is rooted in Sigmunds Freud's breakthrough concepts of his time relating to the id, ego, and superego. Ego psychology has evolved since his time and relies heavily…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Ego and Psychology

Words: 1919
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ego Psychology Theorists of Ego Psychology: Ego psychology comes under the neo-analytic theory. Neo-analytic theory recasts and broadens psychoanalytic theory by underplaying sexuality, and by underplaying the significance of the unconscious.…

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4 Pages
Research Paper


Id Ego and Superego Id

Words: 1313
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The ego does not have any concept of right or wrong but it understands that an action is good when it achieves the desired end of satisfying the…

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2 Pages


Id Ego and Super-Ego of

Words: 613
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

he ego also understands that submitting to the id can lead to self-destructive behavior. he ego is also subject to "defense mechanisms" that will help it mediate between…

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2 Pages


Exhibited Many of Freud's Ego

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Then I realized that I have done the same thing to other people, and I just project my faults onto them. I used to strongly dislike one kid…

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2 Pages


Loevinger's Stages of Ego Development Jane Loevinger's

Words: 644
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Loevinger's Stages Of Ego Development Jane Loevinger's Stages of Ego Development Jane Loevinger's theory about the stages of ego development builds upon Harry Stack Sullivan's earlier theory of ego development stages…

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3 Pages
Reaction Paper

Black Studies - Philosophy

Negotiation in Difficult Situations Tactics Treating Negotiations as a Cross-Cultural Negotiation

Words: 948
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

Negotiation stands out as an integral component of my day-to-day social interactions. In most cases, I find myself at the center of controversy or in a difficult situation where…

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2 Pages


Gordian Knot of Addiction and Attachment

Words: 518
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

go Psychology LaFond Padykula, N. And Conklin, P. (2010). The self-regulation model of attachment trauma and addiction. Clinical Social Work, 38(4), 351-360. DOI: 10.1007/s10615-009-0204-6 LaFond Padykula theorized the self-regulation model (SRM) as…

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4 Pages


Social Isolation and Function of

Words: 1543
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

It is also referred to as luminal stimulus or limen. However the irritability of the population in our case is different, they will react to the slightest provocation…

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4 Pages


Defense Styles of Pedophilic Offenders

Words: 1275
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

, 2007) Finally, "projective identification involves projecting an affect, impulse, or thought onto someone else as if it were really that other person who originated the affect or impulse"…

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2 Pages
Book Report


New Earth Chapter Two Chapter

Words: 630
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

In attempting to become unaware of these attachments is where the "transformation of consciousness" Tolle references begins. Tolle notes that this attachment goes as far as our own bodies,…

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20 Pages


Female Ways of Identity Shaping

Words: 7109
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Thesis

" Emecheta uses metaphors, similes and allusions with appropriate timing and tone in this book, and the image of a puppet certainly brings to mind a person being controlled,…

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10 Pages


Inanna the Myth of Innana

Words: 2975
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This mythical structure has a long history in terms of mythical and visionary experience in all cultures of the world. One could also refer to the earliest Shamanic…

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2 Pages
Book Report


New Earth Chapter 3 The

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Furthermore, that voice in the back of one's head is the true self, and it is critical for each individual to understand that voice and listen to that…

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6 Pages
Case Study

Family and Marriage

Social Work Antonio Case Study

Words: 2204
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Case Study

This leads one to believe that they are not very well off financially and the mother has not real education in order to obtain employment since she is…

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