Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory Psychology Research Paper

Piaget's Cognitive Development The Webster Dictionary describes the word cognition as; the psychological means of distinguishing, including features such as consciousness, perception, reasoning and decision making (Cognition). Piaget's Cognitive Developmental theory was a novel idea at the time of its birth. In depth, this theory, was the first on the issue and continued the specification of the field for a while. All through this paper, Piaget's thesis will be torn down into its four phases and all will be methodically complete. It is the intention of this research study to see how well Piaget's ideas endured the test of time and see what developments made to the current theory.

Piaget makes the hypothesis that there were four main cognitive phases in practical development, agreeing to four consecutive methods of knowledge. All through each of these stages, children were theorized to ponder and reason in a way that was different. These stages, and their estimated ages of incidence, were: the sensory-motor period (0-2 years), the time of pre-operations (2-7 years), the point of concrete operations (7-11 years) and the period of formal operations (11-12 years on). Piaget documented that the achievement of each innovative process of thinking would not essentially be synchronous throughout all the various fields of consideration (Goswami, U. 2001). As an alternative, he contended that the timetable of the stages might be tremendously variable, and that such cooperation may also occur inside a given period. Therefore the ages of effort that Piaget had given for the diverse cognitive stages are only estimates (Goswami, 2001).

In the sensorimotor stage, the child is mostly worried with increasing motor management and knowledge about the world that is physical (Evans, 1973). This stage endorses that idea is founded chiefly on their action. Whenever a baby does any action like maintaining a bottle or learning to turn from side to side, they are acquiring more about their bodies and the way it connects to the environment and themselves. Piaget made a finding that during this stage infants involve in an action he named circular reactions. He labeled them as transactions that a child transports out frequently that permits the child to better grip the world that is physical. These round responses are moreover broken down into three extra groups....


The three different divisions are the main circular reactions, secondary circular reactions and last of all tertiary circular reactions. The primary circular reactions progress among months one to four after birth. These responses initially are started by chance (Cook-Cottone, C, 2004). After it occurs, the child's inquisitiveness has been involved so the action is recurring in order for the child to get a better perception of what is going on. These kinds of activities are impulse activities that usually happen inside the body. Some instances of this are recurrently introducing matters into the mouth or a continuous jerking of the legs. The secondary circular reactions progress when they are four months of age and the stage goes until the child is at least one-year-old. These activities are reliant on the happenings of the child's environment (Maxwell, J. 2008). These activities are dissimilar from the initial circular reactions in that they are founded on the child's purposes instead of the reflexes. The child discovers the physical world in this stage by unintentionally forming an event and then attempts to reconstruct the occasion that just occurred. The third category is tertiary circular reactions. In this group, the child plays like a scientist while cooperating with his environments. Throughout this stage, the child will deliberately do things that will keep him interested. This is exposed by him focusing more on play with a particular toy so that they comprehend it. Another sample is when he knocks several diverse substances with another thing to hear the diverse noises each makes when it is hit. Lots of thought-provoking things occur to the child during this stage, the main prominent being the development of postponed imitation.
In the preoperational stage, the child's perception becomes more theoretical. Thinking includes mental concepts that are autonomous of instant experience, and language allow children to ponder about events unseen, such as feelings and thoughts. The young child's reasoning is subjective and intuitive (Encarta).

Piagetian theory presents cognitive development as a broad-minded building of new arrangements -- structures ensemble -- each of that mixes the previous one while moving past it. Structures d'ensemble are not tied to content but continue from typical restructurings that consequence in a…

Sources Used in Documents:


Cook-Cottone, C. (2004). Using piaget's theory of cognitive development to understand the construction of healing narratives. Journal of College Counseling, 7(2), 177-186.

Goswami, U. (2001). Cognitive development: No stages please -- we're british. British Journal of Psychology, 92(00071269), 257-77.

Hinde, E., & Perry, N. (2007). Elementary teachers' application of jean piaget's theories of cognitive development during social studies curriculum debates in arizona. The Elementary School Journal, 108(1), 63.

Leppo, M., Davis, D., & Crim, B. (2000). The basics of exercising the mind and body. Childhood Education, 76(3), 142-147.

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