Pontifical Biblical Commission Wrote An Term Paper


Therefore, the Word of God is to be found in the fundamental truths of the Bible, not in a literal interpretation thereof. A genuine and honest fundamentalism is not a literal translation of any one or even any era's version of the Bible. Rather, a real fundamentalism refers to the Word made practice. For example, we view the Word of God in the actions of saints. We learn about those who have devoted their lives to serving God. We raise our families in a spiritual sense, eschewing materialism and imbuing our lives with the truths inherent in the Bible. Ultimately we refer to the essence of Jesus Christ's love. Instead of clinging even to what the Apostles said about Jesus, we endeavor to listen intently to what Jesus would have said through his actions. Actions do speak louder -- and are longer-lasting -- than words.

Thus, the Pontifical...


Like fundamentalism in any religion, fundamentalist Christianity is a limiting and restrictive force. It confines the religion into that which it is not: a primitive, superstitious, and prejudicial faith. Fundamentalism is dangerous because it denies the beauty of the human spirit and its ability to discern truth. Just as Jews become embroiled in analytical battles about the nature and meaning of the Torah without straying from the path they have chosen, so too do Christians need to embrace the power of the human mind to understand temporal and geographic interpretations of the Bible. The Word of God is Truth but that Truth is disseminated different ways at different times and in different places.

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