Positive Psychology Is A Scientific Study Of Essay


Positive Psychology is a scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive (Positive Psychology Center, 2007). It was founded on the belief that people want to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives, to understand what is best within themselves, and to have better experiences with love, work, and play. Positive psychology is concerned with positive individual traits, emotions, and institutions. It involves the study of contentment with the past, present happiness, and hope for the future, as well as strengths that foster better communities to live in. The good life is as genuine as what is bad, is not the absence of what is problematic, and requires its own explanation (Peterson, 2008). Happiness leads to desirable outcomes and, coupled with character strengths and good social relationships, acts as a buffer against the damaging effects of problems in life. Crisis reveals in individual's character. Realizing the positive in life helps the needs, desires, and other people start to matter, and...


The idea behind positive psychology is that happiness can be taught. It is not a genetic thing that people are born with.
Positive psychology is a good thing because it helps to realize what is good in life, what is good inside self, and, at the same time, learn to deal with the problems of life. Realizing what is good about life, what is good inside self, and what is good about the communities we live in helps ease the pressures of the problems in life. Concentrating on the positives helps us to strengthen individual character and work through crisis without going insane. Concentrating on the positives makes walking through crisis easier to deal with.

Research suggests that learning positive psychology, society members would be strengthened by positive aspects and the community would foster more meaningful and longer lasting relationships among members enabling members to work through issues with more ease to find better solutions to enhance the community as a…

Sources Used in Documents:


Positive Psychology Center. (2007). Retrieved from University of Pennsylvania: http://www.ppc.sas.upenn.edu

Peterson, C. (2008, May 16). What is Positive Psychology and What It Is Not? Retrieved from Psychology Today: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-good-life/200805/what-is-positive-psychology-and-what-it-is-not

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