Prenatal Support Programs To Help Term Paper

Often, many at-risk parents have fewer social networks, and this can help contribute to child abuse after the child is born. Creating social networks, as well as a safe environment for parents to ask questions and gain knowledge should be the goal of any good prenatal support group. In addition, many prenatal support programs include or consist of home visitation by either a qualified nurse or social worker (or both), that discuss parenting techniques and challenges, while monitoring the health of the new infant and the mother. These home visitation programs have been proven to help reduce child abuse. One study notes, "For mothers, long-term effects of home visitation include fewer subsequent pregnancies, decreased use of welfare, and fewer verified incidents of child abuse and neglect" (Hammond-Ratzlaff, and Fulton 435). Thus, the home visitation programs, whether a family is at-risk or not, can help reduce and prevent child abuse, and so they prove to be a worthwhile investment for just about any community.

The home visitation programs provided other benefits, as well. They teach young mothers about the many stages of child development, which help them cope with changes as they occur, and this leads to fewer cases of child abuse, as well (Hammond-Ratzlaff, and Fulton 437). In addition, these home visitations include recommendations for other social networks for the new parents, especially mothers, and this can lead to less...


The editors continue, "Most importantly, home visitation programs strive to create social networks for new parents by connecting them with other [...] prevention programs. This helps break down the social isolation experienced by many new parents, especially those in poverty stricken communities. Social isolation is a proven risk factor for child abuse" (Editors). Thus, learning about child development combined with more community social programs can help young mothers cope with the stresses of motherhood, which ultimately leads to fewer cases of child abuse, which is always a desirable outcome.
In conclusion, prenatal support programs have been shown as one way to prevent child abuse. Since child abuse is such a compelling problem in our society, any way to help prevent it is something to develop and nurture. Prenatal support programs, including home visitation, are one way to help prevent child abuse before it occurs, and it helps create better mothers who understand their children, and their reaction to their children, much more thoroughly, as well.


Editors. "Child Abuse Prevention Tips." 2007. 30 April 2008.

Hammond-Ratzlaff, Amy, and Arlene Fulton. "Knowledge Gained by Mothers Enrolled in a Home Visitation Program." Adolescence 36.143 (2001): 435+.

Sources Used in Documents:


Editors. "Child Abuse Prevention Tips." 2007. 30 April 2008.

Hammond-Ratzlaff, Amy, and Arlene Fulton. "Knowledge Gained by Mothers Enrolled in a Home Visitation Program." Adolescence 36.143 (2001): 435+.

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