Professional Development Assessment Professional Writing

Professional Development Assessment Principal duties

As part of my principle duties as a nurse, I have strived to go above and beyond my job description and alert physicians about ways to cut waste. One of my interventions saved the hospital $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 while still producing the same successful surgical outcomes simply by the way valve sutures were allocated and utilized.

Identifies, facilitates, and evaluates outcomes of nursing care for an individual patient or group of patients

I reformulated formulated the nursing policy and procedure manual and custom-built a travel cart for more rapid ECMO patient care. I also collaborated with a surgeon to foster general quality improvements in ECMO at the facility, resulting in more expedient care and reduced patient mortality rates.

Coordinates involvement of the patient, family and health team members in patient care, including patient/family...


It is not enough to merely state instructions; families must be actively encouraged to verbalize their understanding.
I see myself as an advocate for the family's needs: in many cases, this entails allowing the family to remain with the patient until the patient is relaxed and has acclimated to his or her surroundings. I strive to alleviate the patient's and family's fears before the patient enters surgery as much as possible.

Provided and maintained a therapeutic environment for patients and families and also with surgeons and staff

I strive to collaborate with physicians to create a cordial, professional, and compassionate environment that will facilitate patient care. The surgical suite must be as free of stress…

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"Professional Development Assessment" (2012, March 08) Retrieved April 20, 2024, from

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