Professional Ethics Unethical Case Of Term Paper

There is no factual situation under which I would ever act in a similar manner; the role of the prosecutor is to seek justice, not to seek convictions. A prosecutor may feel certain that a defendant has committed a crime, but, if they lack the evidence to support that feeling, they simply cannot prosecute the individual. To me, that is the main ethical dilemma faced by prosecutors, and the one that provides the most potential for ethical conflict among them. Human beings believe in the morality and rightness of vengeance; prosecutors must only believe in justice. Works Cited

American Bar Association. "Model Rules of Professional Conduct: 2007 Edition."

ABANET.ORG. 2007. American Bar Association. 9 Nov. 2007


"Practicing Law 101." Texas Bar Journal. 70.10 (2007): 854-857.
Marshall, Jack. "Ethics Train Wreck: District Attorney Nifong and the Duke Lacrosse Rape

Case." Ethics Scoreboard. 2007. ProEthics, Ltd. 9 Nov. 2007

Neff, Joseph. "Rush to Judgment: Quest to Convict Hid a Lack of Evidence." 2007. The News & Observer Publishing Company. 9 Nov. 2007

Timanus, Eddie. "Duke Suspends Lacrosse Team from Play Amidst Rape Allegations." 2006. USA Today. 9 Nov. 2007

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Works Cited

American Bar Association. "Model Rules of Professional Conduct: 2007 Edition."

ABANET.ORG. 2007. American Bar Association. 9 Nov. 2007

Askew, Kim. "Practicing Law 101." Texas Bar Journal. 70.10 (2007): 854-857.

Marshall, Jack. "Ethics Train Wreck: District Attorney Nifong and the Duke Lacrosse Rape
Case." Ethics Scoreboard. 2007. ProEthics, Ltd. 9 Nov. 2007 2007. The News & Observer Publishing Company. 9 Nov. 2007 2006. USA Today. 9 Nov. 2007

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