Proof David Auburn's "Proof" -- Term Paper

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Even if not as mad as Claire fears she is, is disconnected with reality. Angry at those who would lay claim to father's memory -- "hoping to find something of my dad's you could publish?" Catherine says, angry, sees those who have interest in father's memory as vultures

Introvert by nature

Has lost stability, nexus of her 'being' in the world with father's death

Has been raised in mathematical world, has little sense of how other, more normal people like Claire may see her

Risk adverse

Paranoid about father's memory and home being taken away by Claire -- "they've been after it for years," she says when Claire comes to take house (symbolic of father's memory) away Claire


New York currency analyst -- money, numbers, worldly side of math


Does not idolize father

Condescending to father's memory and to...


Doesn't value mathematics.
Loves Catherine, but does not appreciate her intelligence -- values intelligence and ability only in practical sense

Does not live in her head, lives in the world

Fears Catherine has been too affected by her father's mental illness, and may have inherited his genetic tendency towards madness

Final analysis of relationship

Neither sister has balanced perspective on father, world, or even on the role of mathematics in society -- one sister too reverent, the other too irreverent of the father, practical demands, and theoretical aspects of math

Division represented in daughters between inner and outer life

Both daughters represent different side of math, the worldly uses and the theoretical uses

Show different ways of responding to family difficulty, father's mental illness, one sister flees, the other becomes enmeshed

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"Proof David Auburn's Proof --" (2006, October 08) Retrieved May 6, 2024, from

"Proof David Auburn's Proof --" 08 October 2006. Web.6 May. 2024. <>

"Proof David Auburn's Proof --", 08 October 2006, Accessed.6 May. 2024,

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