Math Essays (Examples)

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Each group of students can start their email-based social forums (such as Google and Yahoo groups) where they can stay in touch while not in class. These are pretty powerful with features such as real time message notifications, real time chat sessions and options to upload files. Tutorials available online on websites can be posted on the forum reference section. Any issues with a project currently assigned to a math group can be placed as a question on their online forum. Other members can do their research, try to solve the problem and post their results. Any mistakes can be pointed out and corrected immediately. This makes progress easy since students need not wait for their next class to discuss problems with group mates.
In conclusion we can say that groups are a viable approach to eliminate the stereotypical fear of math. Not only does it advance the social environment….

Math Webliography

S.O.S. Mathematics (

For "high school, college students, and adult learners," SOS serves as both refresher course and introduction to new material. Although the information and exercises on the site are limited and the site does include annoying advertisements, S.O.S. is a worthy Web site.

Hacking Mathematics (

An online textbook for a liberal arts mathematics course, this site offers students the opportunity to gather information and complete corresponding exercises.

Project-Based Instruction in Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (

his Web site is not easy to navigate or to look at, but the quality and range of content are admirable.

Mathematics History (

Unfortunately bogged down by poor Web site design, the hinkquest-sponsored site is filled with useful information about the history of mathematics for non-math majors at liberal arts institutions as well as for students in more math-centric academic programs..

Math and Art in Sculptures

These mathematicians recognized that spatial situations which produce collinearity were invariably the result of deep underlying geometric truths. The incidence of a point on a line is invariant under the projective rules. If three or more points are collinear along a line, then incident with a straight line, the images will thus be collinear. Therefore, the characteristics of incidence, collinearity, and concurrence are principle requisites of my work." (Singer, 1999)
According to Singer the world has entering on many levels 'geometrical rules, axioms, methods and carefully thought-out plans…" (1999) However, the method that tends to be the most "imaginative and creative" is the geometrical method which is stated by Singer to have "provided a sustained interest and impetus" for him in his art. (Singer, 1999)

It is interesting to note the statement of Singer that "…many of the elements, straight lines, arcs, elliptical sections, parabolas, hyperbolas, epicycloids, and spirals, accelerate the….

Math Concept Used in Law: The Spreadsheet
Lawyers are business people who must keep their own businesses running. In addition, lawyers necessarily deal with many other professions. Finally, lawyers must be able to collect, examine and present evidence in a clear and commonly understood manner. Consequently, lawyers use a math concept that is readily adaptable across all those areas: the "Spreadsheet."

Spreadsheet Use for a Lawyer's Own Business

Two of the most important resources in business are time and money. Both time and money are valuable, limited and need to be budgeted. A lawyer uses spreadsheets to budget, review and adjust his/her gross income and overhead costs. The spreadsheet allows a lawyer to review income, expenses and totals at a glance. Lawyers also use spreadsheets to budget their time and the time of their employees. Since lawyers tend to juggle many cases at once and need to meet with clients, appear in court,….

Math Inequalities
Ozark furniture has 3000 board feet of lumber to manufacture their rockers. The classic rocker (C) takes 15 board feet of lumber. The modern rocker (M) takes 12 board feet of lumber. The linear inequality that results when one combines these two variables with the amount of lumber available to Ozark furnitures is: 15C + 12M.

Susan K. Peterson and associates (1988) conducted a study on the impact of the use of manipulatives on different kinds of students and concluded that the result of using manipulative was positive for both gifted and disabled students (Peterson, Mercer & O'Shea, 1988). Joseph Martinez (1987) also explained that the use of solid manipulatives made studying math more fun as well as less hectic and demanding for most of the students (Martinez, 1987).
In this modern era where technological advancements are dominating all other spheres of life, the phenomenon of manipulatives has highly benefited. David H. Uttal (1997) and his colleagues in their study focused on the implementation of manipulatives within the primary and secondary schools as well as the use of modern developments with solid manipulatives. The conclusions that were made revolved around the fact that the use of familiar objects was easier for the students to connect with….

When the paramedics arrive, they must be able to determine if the individual is allergic to specific drugs and what amounts. This will help in establishing possible IVs that will be given to the patient on the way to the hospital and their possible reaction to specific medication. During this process, is when paramedics must be able to use Algebra in determining how much of a particular substance should be given to the patient. At the same time, they have to be able to rapidly convert between decimals and fractions. This is indicating how they have to make calculations between the English and Metric systems. These actions will have a dramatic impact on the ability of paramedics to be able to stabilize patients on the way to the hospital. This will determine if the person is able to survive the incident (based upon the calculations and observations of paramedics).….

Source Evaluation1. Roeser, R. W., Blumenfeld, P., Eccles, J., Harold, R. D., & Wigfield, A. (1993). Classroom experience and change in upper elementary students self and task beliefs in reading and math.Child Development,64(3), 830-847.2. The study identified that there's a decline in students' motivational beliefs regarding math and reading in the upper elementary years. It was observed that classroom perceptions and experiences play a significant role in this change.3. The study aimed to investigate how perceived classroom experiences influence changes in upper elementary students' motivation in math and reading.4. Research Questions: How do perceived teacher expectations influence students' self-concepts of ability? How does classroom climate affect student interest and the perceived importance of math?5. The study appears to be quantitative, although the specific methods of data collection are not provided in the provided text. Likely, self-report surveys or questionnaires could have been used to assess student perceptions and beliefs.6. Results:….

Technology and art have been married in a number of ways, showing how the two may complement one another:

Mathematics provides a framework for artistic expression while art can awaken mathematical intuition, revealing aspects of mathematics that are otherwise hidden within abstract formulations (Cipra 748).

The marriage of technology and art has engendered considerable interest in academic circles, and among the recent developments have been a meeting of more than one hundred mathematicians, artists, and educators in 1992 to consider the trend among artists to visualize mathematical concepts. Artists have helped visualize difficult mathematical processes, and one that has been cited is the act of turning a sphere inside out without introducing a sharp crease at any point during the operation. This was demonstrated using computer graphics in 1989 after the procedure itself was described mathematically in 1959. The process is known as sphere eversion and has been pictured graphically by Francois….

Mathematics InstructionIntroductionArt can play an important role in the teaching of math to young learners by providing visual and hands-on experiences that can enhance understanding and engagement. Using art in math instruction can help students make connections between mathematical concepts and real-world applications, which can make math more meaningful and relevant to them. One way art can be used in math instruction is through the use of manipulatives (Dangelo & Iliev, 2012). For example, students can use colorful and creative materials such as pattern blocks, geoboards, and base ten blocks to explore concepts such as geometry, fractions, and place value. These manipulatives allow students to physically manipulate and explore mathematical concepts, which can help them develop a deeper understanding of the concepts (Bujak et al., 2013). This paper summarizes, analyzes, and discusses the application of the study "The Use and Effectiveness of Colorful, Contextualized, Student-Made Material for Elementary Mathematics Instruction"….

In order to speak specifically to grade level, the process standards were broken down by grade spans. The middle school grades were represented by standards 5-8, as these are commonly the grades that represent middle school. This presentation of process standards specifically presented by grade levels were called content standards. These were updated in 2000 as well. The 1989 content standards included the following ten standards: number and number relationships, number systems and theory, computation and estimation, patterns and functions, algebra, statistics, probability, geometry, and measurement. In 2000, those ten standards continued to be fully represented, however they were pared down to five areas: number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis (Krulic, 2003, p. 21). Major changes occurred in several areas. One major change was a shift in the attitude and expectations for computations. Though computations were still taught, they were no longer taught until mastery in….

The origin is defined as the point (0, 0), or "X is zero and Y is zero."
If one plots two points on a graph and draws a line between them, then imagines an object following the line starting on the left and going to the right, one can see that the location of the object, which is also a point, is changing as it follows the line. Namely, the X values are increasing (because the object is going from the left to the right), and the Y values are doing whatever the line is doing. In the example shown, the Y values are increasing, because the numbers are getting higher and higher -- that is, according to the proper vocabulary, they are getting more and more positive.

In this case, a derivate is the answer to the question, "how fast are those values changing?" or, "for every time the X….

In grade four white males performing "At or Above asic" math skills is stated at 90% while black males were performing at only 59% "At or Above asic" skill levels. White males in the "At or Above Proficient" skills level is stated at 49% with black males in this category stated at a mere 13%.
The following labeled Figure 2 shows the statistical report of NAEP (2005) in relation to achievement differences among African-American and White American males.

NAEP STATISTICAL REPORT: Minority Male Achievement Gaps Relative to White Males, Grade 4, 2005


y the time these students reach 8th grade white males "At or Above asic Achievement Levels" totals 76% while only 43% of the African-American males are "At or Above asic Achievement Levels" the negative value in the Achievement Gap of African-American Males as relative to White Males indicates that a lower percentage of minority males are….

Math Palucas
Young Children's Ideas about Math

This article presented many conclusions concerning children's perceptions of geometric shapes and related findings to activities that could be implemented within the elementary classroom. Many findings were drawn from various studies concerning different age groups and how each one related to different geometric shapes. The information presented then compared the results across the board to define and identify the various developmental levels where children understood the geometric concepts presented.

Testing occurred to determine when children could first correctly identify presented shapes such as circles, squares, and triangles. esearchers discovered that children at the pre-recognition level recognize shapes, but are unable to identify and distinguish among many shapes. The next stage is the visual stage. Children are able to identify shapes according to their appearance. The more advance stage is known as the descriptive stage and it is entered when a child can recognize and characterize shapes….

Math Lesson Plan

Kindergarten Math Plan
Stage 1-Desired Results

Established Goals

Students will be able to count to 100 by recognizing, writing, and typing the numbers. Students will be able to count in multiples of 3, 5, and 10. Students will be able to understand how numbers represent groups of objects.


Students will be able to understand how objects, such as groups, interact with numbers and what each one means or represents.



Students will understand that numbers tell how much and how many is in a group. They will make inferences, such as how many students in the class.


Students will keep considering how many is in a group, and fewer, more, or equal to concepts.


Students will know how numbers interact with groups, fewer, more, or equal.

Students will be skilled at concepts of counting and fewer, more, or equal to.

Stage 2-Evidence


Evaluative Criteria

All desired results will be addressed.

Observation of demonstration of counting, counting in multiples of 3,5, and 10,….

The aftermath of the war in All Quiet on the Western Front is most notable in the soldiers who are unable to adjust to civilian life. Paul, the main character, even struggles when he comes home on leave, because he does not really know how to handle family relationships anymore. He feels better when he's with his fellow soldiers, because he knows how to relate to them. In How Many Miles to Basra, the aftermath is more focused on how the soldiers, translator, and journalist were affected by their attempt to make amends. During war, truth and responsibility can become blurred,....

In both How Many Miles to Basra and All Quiet on the Western Front, the war had a strong impact on both soldiers and society. The aftermath of war in All Quiet on the Western Front is seen because the soldiers can't really adjust to being civilians again. It's hard for them even when they just come home on leave, and they aren't good with family relationships. That's hard on society because the soldiers aren't part of it anymore in the way they were before they left, which means they aren't the productive members that society really needs. In How....

There are four different philosophical approaches in education: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism.  While each of these four philosophical approaches can be seen in parts of modern-day education, realism is probably the most pervasive current philosophical influence.

Realism developed from the teachings of Aristotle and can be thought of as concerning objective facts.  While different people may perceive things in various ways, the objective truth of an event does not change.  This emphasis on rational thought means that realism underpins much of what we think of as truth. 

Realism is reflected in educational approaches that teach critical thinking skills....

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

5 Pages
Term Paper


Math Groups Educators Have Often

Words: 1594
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Each group of students can start their email-based social forums (such as Google and Yahoo groups) where they can stay in touch while not in class. These are…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Math Webliography

Words: 413
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

S.O.S. Mathematics ( For "high school, college students, and adult learners," SOS serves as both refresher course and introduction to new material. Although the information and exercises on the site…

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9 Pages


Math and Art in Sculptures

Words: 2567
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Thesis

These mathematicians recognized that spatial situations which produce collinearity were invariably the result of deep underlying geometric truths. The incidence of a point on a line is invariant…

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2 Pages

Business - Law

Math Concept Used in Law The Spreadsheet

Words: 781
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Math Concept Used in Law: The Spreadsheet Lawyers are business people who must keep their own businesses running. In addition, lawyers necessarily deal with many other professions. Finally, lawyers must…

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2 Pages

Education - Mathematics

Math Inequalities Ozark Furniture Has 3000 Board

Words: 628
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Math Inequalities Ozark furniture has 3000 board feet of lumber to manufacture their rockers. The classic rocker (C) takes 15 board feet of lumber. The modern rocker (M) takes 12…

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13 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Math Curriculum Science and Its

Words: 4174
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Susan K. Peterson and associates (1988) conducted a study on the impact of the use of manipulatives on different kinds of students and concluded that the result of…

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3 Pages

Education - Mathematics

Math and Chosen Profession When

Words: 936
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

When the paramedics arrive, they must be able to determine if the individual is allergic to specific drugs and what amounts. This will help in establishing possible IVs…

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1 Pages
Peer-Reviewed Journal


Math and Reading Scores A Study to Increase Them

Words: 340
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Peer-Reviewed Journal

Source Evaluation1. Roeser, R. W., Blumenfeld, P., Eccles, J., Harold, R. D., & Wigfield, A. (1993). Classroom experience and change in upper elementary students self and task beliefs in…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Mathematics and Art Mathematics Is

Words: 2486
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Technology and art have been married in a number of ways, showing how the two may complement one another: Mathematics provides a framework for artistic expression while art can awaken…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Using Visual Aids in Mathematics

Words: 1002
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Mathematics InstructionIntroductionArt can play an important role in the teaching of math to young learners by providing visual and hands-on experiences that can enhance understanding and engagement. Using art…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Mathematics Over Time New Generations

Words: 517
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

24). In order to speak specifically to grade level, the process standards were broken down by grade spans. The middle school grades were represented by standards 5-8, as these…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Mathematics Derivatives Derivatives An Explanation

Words: 591
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The origin is defined as the point (0, 0), or "X is zero and Y is zero." If one plots two points on a graph and draws a line…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Math Achievement African-American vs White

Words: 6588
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In grade four white males performing "At or Above asic" math skills is stated at 90% while black males were performing at only 59% "At or Above asic"…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Math Palucas Young Children's Ideas About Math

Words: 608
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Math Palucas Young Children's Ideas about Math This article presented many conclusions concerning children's perceptions of geometric shapes and related findings to activities that could be implemented within the elementary classroom.…

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2 Pages


Math Lesson Plan

Words: 486
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Kindergarten Math Plan Stage 1-Desired Results Established Goals Students will be able to count to 100 by recognizing, writing, and typing the numbers. Students will be able to count in multiples of…

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