Psychopaths The Defining Characteristics Of Discussion Chapter

The need to document and classify such behavior as obsessive can lead to misdiagnosis and unlawful prosecution. The human condition itself is very psychopathic if one is to equivocate this word with an affinity for the abnormal. Human and natural evolution itself displays psychopathic behavior by demanding and requiring a break from the norm and a transcendence to the new. Crawford (2012) suggested that psycopaths have value in our society. She claimed " Not all psychopaths are violent, he says, and some of them are just the sort of people society can count on in a crisis." Lewis (2013) agreed that there are benefits to psycopathy. She revealed that "findings show that people who have psychopathic traits are flexible in their ability to cooperate with others."

Classifying such behavior as an illness arrests development and models the human condition as a robotic and predictable occurrence. Psycopathy being classified as a mental illness implies that psychiatrists and psychologists can dictate what is acceptable in our society. This is a very scary situation. This narrow...


A better approach is to not accept normal as being necessarily healthy. The opposite is often the case as society appears to need more psychopaths in order to fix the many problems that are present in today's world.

Sources Used in Documents:


Crawford, a. (2012). The Pros to Being a Psycopath. 29 Oct 2012. Retrieved from 176019901.html

Hare, R.D. (1993). Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. New York: The Guilford Press.

K. Heilbrun, G.R. Marczyk, and D. DeMatteo, Forensic Mental Health Assessment: A Casebook. Copyright 2002 Oxford University Press Books U.S. & UK.

Lewis, T. (2013). Why it pays to be a bit of a psychopath., 5 Mar 2013. Retrieved from psychopath/

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"Psychopaths The Defining Characteristics Of" (2013, April 11) Retrieved April 20, 2024, from

"Psychopaths The Defining Characteristics Of" 11 April 2013. Web.20 April. 2024. <>

"Psychopaths The Defining Characteristics Of", 11 April 2013, Accessed.20 April. 2024,

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