Religion And Spiritualitys Influence On Term Paper


(Szaflarski, M., Ritchey, P.N., Leonard, a., Mrus, J.M., Peterman, a. And Tsevat, J. ) Generally speaking, the researchers in the area of health psychology who focused their attention upon the argument under discussion agree that there is a positive connection which can be established between mental health (supported by spirituality) and physical health. However, it must be mentioned that in numerous studies, the religious and spiritual factors did not succeed in having a strongly relevant impact upon people's health.

Community support has proved to be a strong influencing factor (especially in the cases of people who had been diagnosed with HIV / AIDS). Under these circumstances we ought to consider spirituality in its broader sense as well, and not just the one closely connected with religion. Or we could simply consider religion and religious beliefs as an enhancer and supporter of spiritual practices which a lot of people with sensitive health conditions can benefit from.

Although for a long time researchers have tried to make a connection between the religious practices (whether organized or not) and the quality of people's health, such a connection has been often difficult to establish. More recent research is focusing upon other factors which might make the scientific conclusions stronger and clearer. These include the closeness to god, the religious orientation and motivation, the religious support that people get as well as the inner religious conflicts. These elements can act as more efficient indicators when trying to establish...


"Most Physicians Believe That Religion Influences Patients' Health." ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 24, 2010, from
Medical News Today ( 2006, May 29). "Positive influences of religion and spirituality on blood pressure." MedicalNewsToday. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Savage, Allan. (2004, July- September). "The link between spirituality and health: holistic outcomes and religious practice in clinical health care." Quodibet Journal, Vol. 6, Number 3. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Szaflarski, M., Ritchey, P.N., Leonard, a., Mrus, J.M., Peterman, a. And Tsevat, J. (2005, August 12) "Modelling the effects of spirituality/religion on patients' perceptions of living with HIV / AIDS." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Marriott Hotel, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Online . Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Thoresen, Carl E. (1999). "Spirituality and Health, Is there a relationship?" Journal of Health Psychology

Underwood, SM, Powell RL (2006, Jan-Feb). "Religion and spirituality: influence on health/risk behaviour and cancer screening behaviour of African-Americans." PubMed. NCBI Resources

Sources Used in Documents:


JAMA and Archives Journals (2007, April 10). "Most Physicians Believe That Religion Influences Patients' Health." ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 24, 2010, from

Medical News Today ( 2006, May 29). "Positive influences of religion and spirituality on blood pressure." MedicalNewsToday. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Savage, Allan. (2004, July- September). "The link between spirituality and health: holistic outcomes and religious practice in clinical health care." Quodibet Journal, Vol. 6, Number 3. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Szaflarski, M., Ritchey, P.N., Leonard, a., Mrus, J.M., Peterman, a. And Tsevat, J. (2005, August 12) "Modelling the effects of spirituality/religion on patients' perceptions of living with HIV / AIDS." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Marriott Hotel, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Online . Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

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"Religion And Spiritualitys Influence On" (2010, June 25) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Religion And Spiritualitys Influence On", 25 June 2010, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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