Resolving Various Issues Relating To Social Work Case Study


Social Work Scenario One; Mr. K

M.K Elements

My Life is a train Wreck

I can't sleep at night

I can't do my work

I think my boss is getting tired of my mistakes

I also forgotten to pay my some of my bills

Creditors are calling the time

The Chief Reason: My Life is a train Wreck

Rationale- Thinking

Mr. K, I have heard about your story and I regret what you and your wife had to experience. I do not consider divorce as a fruitful option, especially if the culprits are not prepared for their outcomes. However, with a close analysis, you should rethink about your life, especially in relation to your mental health. Based on the synopsis you have been having about your social and economic life, you will agree with me that you might need to change the way you view life.


From my understanding, the client might be initially being receptive towards my words. The client may think I am taking sides with his boss or his ex-wife in adding. However, these conditions are short-term. In the end, the client will realize that there is no problem with his wife or the boss, but he has a problem in treating his life unjustly.

Scenario 2: Loretta

Continue to visit the Young Daughter living 1300 miles away

Am Hungry and destitute

Am dirty and I need to clean-up

I need to get a job

I need to save money to start a living

Chief Issue: Reunion with her Last Born Daughter

Ms. Loretta I have heard about similar stories before. In most of these stories, my client always feels guilty of not being near her family members. In your case, what you intrinsically need is a reunion with your daughter. However, the persuasion to find your...


I like the fact that you consider getting clean and getting a job are vital priorities. However, this can be made possible if you accept that you will meet your daughter soon after you establish your missing life as well.

Loreta may mildly be surprised by the fact that the desire to meet her daughter has relegated her economic life severely. As a result, Loreta might find taking up a simple job as a close priority: this is the only way she can be comfortable with her finances. Loreta might consider this breakthrough positive in her current life.

Scenario 3 Mr. S

Fighting in between the me and my wife

Fighting between the kids

My wife and I haven't been out of the house on a weekend evening since our wedding

The Kids hate us

Finances have become a problem

The chief issue is the fighting between you and your wife

Mr. S, it is good to understand that family fights are normal, and the good thing is that you have accepted your family is having a problem. I would also like you to understand that your nature of your family has no way resulted to the current fighting. In either case, the kids are fighting because you and your wife have remained belligerent against each other. You should talk to your wife on matters related to romance, appreciation, realism, and trueness. The basis of your family problems can only be solved between and your wife. In addition, the fact that the Kids hate you does not have any legitimate justification.


Mr. S will be happy to hear that his family can recover the normalcy. In this case, war emanating between the two family heads can only be solved by the two heads. Mr. S will also appreciate that the children strongly contribute to…

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