Runners Are Familiar With The Term Paper

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¶ … runners are familiar with the excruciating pain of a muscle cramp. The seizing up of calf or foot muscles may be par for the course, but runners can prevent cramps by following a few simple rules. The following guidelines should help you prevent cramping but keep in mind that some people are more prone to cramping than others and you may simply need to learn how to deal with occasional pain.

Cramping can be caused by improper breathing, dehydration, heat exhaustion, and a mineral deficiency. The common adage of eating a banana before a run may help those whose cramps are due to mineral, especially potassium, deficiencies. However, not all runners will be able to prevent cramps by eating bananas. The following list should become daily practice for runners who are prone to cramping:

Drink water! Drink water or an electrolyte beverage both before the run and during the run, at as many intervals as possible. Even if you don't feel thirsty, drink!

Learn how to breathe. Breathe as deeply as possible and complete each inhale and exhale as best you can. Here is when your training can come in handy during the mini-marathon.

Stretch. You know how important stretching is already but do not neglect a complete stretching routine before and after each run.

Wear the best shoes you can afford and train hard in them before the marathon. Never wear new shoes on the day of your mini-marathon because inappropriate shoes can exacerbate cramps.

Talk to your nutritionist or trainer about diet and nutritional supplements suitable to your needs.

Each of these steps helps but if you are prone to cramping then you may need to take special care, paying even more attention to your diet, your rehydration habits, your stretching, and your foot ware. Similarly, if you are running in hotter weather than you are used to you may be more prone to cramping so take special care in warmer climes.


How to Prevent Cramps in a Marathon." Ehow. Retrieved Mar 28, 2007 at

Running Cramps." Retrieved Mar 28, 2007 at

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