Schizophrenia Patient Development Of Social Skills And Research Proposal


¶ … Schizophrenia patient development of social skills and coping skills in the support group; how support group can help them within group session. Schizophrenia is observed in more than a couple of million adult Americans, both men and women. It is serious, chronic mental disorder in which the social dispensation as well as day-to-day activities are affected negatively. The main challenge that the patient then faces is that of ability to distinguish the real from the apparent. The patients suffer speech disorder (incoherence), hallucinations, illusionary perceptions and the like. It is most predominantly found to start afflicting people in their later stages of adulthood, though the onset may well be observed in the later teenage or early twenties, too. (NAMI, 2011). The caretakers and support structure is still divided on the opinion of the causation and prevalence and has been a subject of continuing debate for more than seven decades now. Psychoanalysts and family therapists' etiological opinion places the blame squarely on the parents. As if to support this generalization, EE (Expressed Emotion) has also opined that the causative factors lie within the family members of the patient. Later studies done in this field however try to see this as more of a brain disorder and it is against this premise that the impact that the family has, is measured in the etiology of Schizophrenia. These studies point out the possibility of inability to bear stress in the individual as a possible cause of the debilitating disorder for one and the communication disability lineage inheritance as the possible other cause of schizophrenia. This paper seeks to understand schizophrenia in the light of the new insights on this malady. The best persons that could help the patient and his family would be the experienced nurses and medical support staff that have an extensive knowledge of neurobiology. The connect between schizophrenia and neurobiological science is a highly specialized stream of medical science and is hence very complicated, yet it is essential to understand the basics to be able to serve the best interests of the patient and his family given the fact that the behavioral patterns can be highly unpredictable (Wuerker, 2000).


The common perception of schizophrenia is that of a physical ailment or disability or even a disease. The actual construct of schizophrenia is far removed from this perception. The perception that lead to this inference are but a manifestation of the symptoms reported by the patients themselves or their inability to conduct themselves in accordance with the social norms or even in individual capacities. Scholars and doctors responsible for formatting and amending the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) would be inclined to agree that these are only theoretical ramifications of the unexplained (Andresen, 1994; Bra user, 2011; Frances & Widiger,2012).

The patients are actually normal human beings with aspirations, skills and feelings. In as much, they are not apparently different from the common populace. It is their negative inclinations that can not only harm themselves but also their near and dear ones. Their conduct can have a veritable impact on the lives of extending from self to entire communities in their proximity. It is brain disorder and can hence be understood to cause most unbecoming, abrupt acts and behaviors that are non-linear, unpredictable and cause awe or shocking reactions. Ostracizing of such individuals is not uncommon and that leads to severance of ties with those that could best help their rehabilitation, their families. They live deprived, depraved lives. The society has known to shun such individuals and early treatment is advised. The social rejection can lead to impoverished living and drifting lives and high probability of suicide (NAMI, 2011).

In the absence of full understanding of the neurological disorder, such patients are often destined to live captivity for want of proper diagnoses, treatment and rehabilitation services. Such initiatives could help the patient live normal satisfying and useful life. (NAMI, 2011).

Statement of the Problem

The symptoms of patients afflicted by schizophrenia are liable to be misunderstood as physical infirmities or even diseases. Proper education in this area is hard to come by and hence early occurrence of symptoms may go unreported leading to deferred diagnoses and remedial or care giving measures that further leads to deteriorating condition of the patient, that is an avoidable situation. The new studies on schizophrenia have identified it to a brain disorder that may also have genetic bearings. By implication, the care that needs to be given needs very experienced hands that are also aware of neurological sciences. In absence of such adept services adequate care is found to be wanting and the situation is seen to worsen in many cases. The social factor plays a very...


For want of open, honest, and clear communication the patients face the wrath of societal isolation, and the schizophrenic patients and their families also face behavioral and ethical dilemmas.
Effects of Schizophrenia on Communication in Support Group members

It is not only the patients who endure the most of this brain disorder, the family members too suffer the effects, often for extended periods of time. The following are the spheres of concerns for the family members:

Their caretaking duties

Stress on their own mental construct

The mannerisms that the patients exhibit

Impediment to normal living dissipation of mental resilience societal criticism

Families that have to provide care to schizophrenic patients need more details on schizophrenia and overall well being of the brain, appropriate steps that need to betaken to safeguard the emotional security of the patient and the family members and the help that they themselves might need from time to time. These are very essential requirements for the families and are in addition to the specific needs of the families that may have individual cares of very diverse nature. The families keep changing in composition and the needs also do, accordingly. Each relation (the spouse, parents, children, siblings) in the family correspond differently with the patient. The social acceptance of the problem and the help hence offered can be seen in certain demographics while in most that is avoided either because of ignorance, indifference or simply by tradition. (Marsh, 2013).

Support Group with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects not only the patient's life severely, it also causes immense mental and social concerns to the familial ties and environs. The only form of solace could lie in being able to communicate and share about it to societal and medical fraternity who could provide insights to cope with the situation effectively. The medical experts as well as those that have experience in such situations agree on the importance of having a social support group to obtain remedial measures.

Support Group that aim to quickly and immediately provide support in the United States include "National Alliance for the Mentally Ill" or NAMI; plus another potent support group is "Compeer," which is a non-profit organization that connects certified volunteers with adolescents as well as adults acquiring mental health therapy. In addition to that there is U.S. Department of Health and Social Services and the National Mental Health Association (Schizophrenia Support Groups and Related Resources).

Purpose of Research

The Purpose of this research is to understand how the impact of schizophrenia on patient and on support group and how support groups can help patient with schizophrenia. This study elaborates the functioning, effects and difficulties faced by schizophrenia patients and their families.


This study aims to (a) Analyze the traits found in the family members that may have a bearing on the dispensation of the schizophrenic patient and his symptoms, and (b) The support role that the family plays in alleviation of the patient.

Rationale of the study

This study is important to understand the role that support group plays in providing care to the patient in addition to the expert healthcare nurses. The attention given to the group will also bring out the positive effects that can be seen in an otherwise hopeless situation for the patient as also environs he lives in. This study will bring out the factors that can bring about mobility, increased physical coherent ability and in general, acceptance in the society or the community at least. The well-being of the patient is important for his acceptance as a member of the society and this study brings out the role that support group can play in achieving the same.

Statement of Hypotheses

The incorporation of the support group is most likely to lessen the intensity of the abnormal behavioral instances of the patient. That should generally manifest in reduced frequency of hospitalization.

The social acceptance is then expected to follow. Consequently, the stress on the family members should see a steady decline.

Such social support groups will most likely positively impact the family members that have a patient in the house than those that opt for only those that were of standard measures and were versed in the neurobiology and psychiatric disciplines only (Chiena and Chan, 2013).

Research Questions

The author seeks an insight to the following queries:


What are the predicaments faced by the patients?


The role of support groups in providing considered support to the patients

Review of Literature

The foremost…

Sources Used in Documents:

Ninety-six U.S. families are going to be chosen for the observational data to be accumulated. The families will be chosen randomly; the researchers do not plan to gain prior intimation about the statuses of the families involved nor do they plan to make family members aware of the tests beforehand. The design will be to iterate the process of observation over a period of time. The families will be grouped according to the types of care being accorded to the patient - standard care or psycho-education or social support group. The three groups will be then observed for behavioral changes before a week ended (Time 1), at the end of a week (Time 2) and then after a period of six months (Time 3). This data will be analyzed for results to validate the basic premise of the exercise. Random sampling has been known to provide validity to the results obtained in the research inferences (see Chiena and Chan, 2013).

Qualitative Methods and Case Study

Qualitative research methods lay emphasis on unraveling and comprehension of experiences, mindfulness and comprehension, and notions of respondents - that is, qualitative research

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"Schizophrenia Patient Development Of Social Skills And" (2014, November 22) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Schizophrenia Patient Development Of Social Skills And", 22 November 2014, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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