Sharing The Gospel This Is Essay


Sharing the Gospel

This is a guideline and template. Please do not use a final turn-in paper.

Establish a relationship with the individual first, and save the religion for later. One of the main issues in developing a strategy to witness to Hindus is the diversity of their beliefs, so attempting to make their religion or their beliefs a center point of conversation might be futile if one does not engage the person first and learn of his particular beliefs.

It might be said that there are four basic beliefs of Hinduism: reincarnation, karma, caste, and dharma. Their reincarnation beliefs are that man is trapped in endless births of afterlives progressing through various levels until they reach liberation. Karma is the "law" that keeps the person ensnared in the long process of "rebirths." Karma determines your place in society in one of four major castes. One understands his or her "duty" or dharma in life by knowing their caste.

Most Hindus believe in some form of reincarnation and in karma. But, outside of those two, no generalities about what a particular Hindu believes can be applied (Halverson, n.d., p. 2).

Hinduism does not emphasize humanitarian outreach which clearly projects mercy towards those in need. If, in witnessing to a Hindu, such efforts can be directed towards them and their people, then their own personal love can be brought out and they may be led to follow Christ. Because of the diversity and complexity of their beliefs, sometimes, the simple promises of the truth of Christ and of salvation through him will assist in helping them to understand that Christianity has only these simple beliefs to follow instead of the complexity of Hinduism.

Begin with the Book of John in the New Testament and in a simple version such as the New International Version (NIV). Start with Chapter 1 and emphasize mostly the passages concerning Salvation. Remember Hindus don't know Christ. You must introduce Him to them on a personal basis. Also, use 1 John 5:13 to explain that salvation is based on God's grace and not on works.

Make your spirit humble in your witness. Focus on Jesus. Emphasize the personal nature of God.


Caner, E.M. "PHILOSOPHY 104: Supplemental notes to lecture and reading: The worldview of Hinduism." n.d. 28 November 2009 <

ot available>.

Halverson, D. "Hinduism." 2004. International Students Inc. 28 November 2009 .

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