Soon, I Will Be Heading Term Paper


Soon, I will be heading off to college. After 12 years of school, I will be leaving the protection of my family home and embarking on a new life. Regardless of if and when I return, it will never be the same. I look forward to this experience, even though it will be difficult leaving the security and strength of those who love me and assuming greater responsibility for myself and my actions. Change presents a challenge, but it also expands a person's capabilities and character.

As we grow older, we are continually presented with changes in our lives. We get onto the school bus and wave goodbye. We head off to camp for two weeks. We become president of a sports team or lead actor in a play. We volunteer our time at a community event. All of these new experiences provide us more information about our strengths as well as how we can improve our weaknesses. They also build our self-esteem and show others that we can handle different situations that come our way.

Going to college is one of the most serious and important changes in a young person's life. For the first time, we are completely on our own and have to continually make decisions that can have a major impact in the present and the future. It is also a wonderful learning experience. We meet people from all over the world, attend classes on a wide variety of different subject areas, and go to many activities for the first time. We confirm our values and beliefs and find ways to enjoy our creativity and personal interests.

From these experiences, we build up the knowledge on how to respond to other critical challenges in the future, such as the type of career to follow and relationships to share. and, as each opportunity comes our way, it becomes easier to embrace change and move forward into other aspects of life -- setting new goals and exploring new directions. We drive to our first day on the job. We take a trip cross country. We get married and raise children. We help others in need. Then, we wave goodbye to our son or daughter who is getting on the school bus for the first time. We are proud of what we accomplished in life and look forward to seeing how our own children find their way.

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"Soon I Will Be Heading" (2004, December 06) Retrieved May 3, 2024, from

"Soon I Will Be Heading" 06 December 2004. Web.3 May. 2024. <>

"Soon I Will Be Heading", 06 December 2004, Accessed.3 May. 2024,

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