Technology Assessment In Nursing Changes Term Paper

The third barrier concerning the Blackboard is that it does not give an e-mail that is within courses. Contact among teachers and students are done across message boards (Kubala, 1998). In order for a student to obtain significant material they need to start by getting on to the key page of the Blackboard. They then will have to push on the link that will lead them to class. This is then followed by connecting on the "communication" link on that would be most likely located on the screen near the left hand side. Then the students will have come in through the discussion board. At the moment, the student has yet to even choose which subject they would like to further go into. All of this inessential steering could be resolved by Blackboard offering an inside e-mail system. Students then should be able to receive e-mails from their instructors. Astonishingly, there may be an additional page for the log in for them to check their e-mail even though students are previously registered in to Blackboard. In the most tremendous of circumstances when time makes a difference, like finals and midterms, students are not really looking to open up additional programs and the have to type a little more than what they really need to.

The next barrier of Blackboard is that it is frequently unfeasible because of maintenance. Blackboard has a warning on its site that it will be imperceptible particularly through the periods of 3:50 AM -- 6:00 AM Monday through Friday. Blackboard also infrequently makes its pages unavailable for spontaneous repairs and checkups (Guernsey, 2003). An account by Dutch in January of 2003 gave an example and really showed that even though the Blackboard does have some pitfalls, they pale in contrast to a couple of years back.. One could probably guess that the continuous shutting down of the location is still a symbol of its need for nurturing.


One of the main things is making the black board and originality in the classroom. "a as being an original tool, the technology of this device is a wonderful innovation because it does not have to substitute classroom instruction, like a lot of other online schools have done in the past. Instead, Blackboard is designed to complement what happens in class" (Yang, 2004). What really makes this tool an adopted position is to improving the academic experience with Internet- facilitated technology that links faculty, students, researchers and the community in a cultivating network of environments that are being dedicated to communication that is better with in those realms. Blackboard mostly happens in two arrangements Networked Transaction Environment and Networked Learning Environment.

This black board in the nursing program had great novelty because it is a Networked Learning Environment (NLE) too that will be used enable any teacher or student to step out of the box of the traditional courses to an additional widespread online learning experience. The blackboard in the nursing program will be a utilized novelty because today's e-Learning encounter really does includes far more than just merely moving classes online. It is obvious that from labs and libraries to parents and alumni, the surfaces of an informative society are really juts across-the-board. In order to include each into an abundant, multi-dimensional nursing online learning involvement, it is going to be extremely essential to make sure that as great nursing provide and develop and maintaining an NLE. Way beyond the restriction of mortar and bricks, books, Blackboard's Academic Suite in the nursing program will provides an influential platform for all of the vital interdependent features, services and functions that make an accurate NLE.


It is important to understand that most mas' notification methods provide what is considered a wide assortment of eye-catching purposes, but above all everything else, there are two characteristics that those that will be using the blackboard in the nursing program basically cannot take for granted and those two things are: reliability and speed. Students and teachers in the program will need a notification service that transports messages rapidly, without...


In the nursing community cannot wait 24 or 36 hours for vital information about urgent circumstances? Blackboard Connect ™ will be able to meets the highest values of speed and dependability, based on the following three key criteria:

Blackboard Connect for the nursing class will have telecommunications indentures that will be in place to lead at least 3.2 million sixty-second voice messages per hour and 1.8 million SMS and email messages per hour (D2L Universities and Colleges Clients., 2006). All communications are moved rapidly based on the local trade carrier's available bandwidth. This is very serious especially when you have a message that is vital that must reach all receivers in a matter of minutes.


In order for the blackboard to be most effective in the nursing class, a mass notification system has been available at all times (Philpott, 2006). The Blackboard Connect podium was constructed from the ground up with redundancy as an issue, so that your message is provided without a hitch. Here are some of the steps that can and will be taken so that we can avoid any single point of failure in our nursing class:

Multiple Network Providers: Blackboard Connect in the nursing class will utilize multiple providers for data and voice transmission to make sure uninterrupted message delivery, even in the situation of an important service disruption to one or more suppliers.

Multiple Data Centers: So that there will be uninterrupted data access provided, Blackboard Connect dispenses its information that is across multiple information centers. In the interior our data centers, data and applications will be housed across superfluous load-balanced servers, with backup systems that are redundant, network Internet uplinks and firewalls.

Sections Framework for the Blackboard

When seeing the possible use of technology gears in education, project teams are frequently encompassed of instructional inventors, technical experts, faculty members, and, perhaps, program managers. These people characteristically have extensively different type of know-how and viewpoints. For the reason that of this, project teams from time to time have trouble reaching a shared perception of the factors that are impacting the intention of educational properties. The SECTIONS framework seems to be able to provide a holistic approach that not only inspects media characteristics but also acclimatizes other important factors such as meeting student needs, educational approaches, and organizational ability. By applying the SECTIONS framework to guide the blackboard and technology selection at the start of a project, instructional expansion teams can move toward decision-making in a manner that is organized while placing a high priority on learning outcomes.

Works Cited

D2L Universities and Colleges Clients. (2006, April 2). Retrieved from Desire2Learn Inc.:

Educational Benefits of Online Learning. (2006, May 3). Retrieved from Blackboard Inc.:

Guernsey, L. (2003, August 14). Conference call; Helping hands for homework. The New Yor Times.

Kent, T. (1999). Will Technology Really Change Education. . California: Corwin Press.

Kubala, T. (1998). Addressing student needs: Teaching on the internet. The Journal, 11(3), 21-45.

Philpott, L. (2006, May 5). niversity of Idaho uses WebCT to spare public speaking course from budget ax. Retrieved from Idaho web site:

Pittinsky, M. (2005). No Teacher Left Behind. The Journal, 9(2), 17-21.

Rodriguez, J. (2006, May). Introducing Evolution Using Online Activities in a Nonmajor Biology Course. Journal of College Science Teaching., 35(31), 23-45.

Swann, C. (2005, 5-23). Blackboard charts route through the online jungle. Retrieved from E-Learning:,dwp_uuid=7a618666-9567-11d9-bc72-00000e2511c8.html

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

D2L Universities and Colleges Clients. (2006, April 2). Retrieved from Desire2Learn Inc.:

Educational Benefits of Online Learning. (2006, May 3). Retrieved from Blackboard Inc.:

Guernsey, L. (2003, August 14). Conference call; Helping hands for homework. The New Yor Times.

Kent, T. (1999). Will Technology Really Change Education. . California: Corwin Press.
Philpott, L. (2006, May 5). niversity of Idaho uses WebCT to spare public speaking course from budget ax. Retrieved from Idaho web site:
Swann, C. (2005, 5-23). Blackboard charts route through the online jungle. Retrieved from E-Learning:,dwp_uuid=7a618666-9567-11d9-bc72-00000e2511c8.html

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