Hypothetical Essays (Examples)

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Hypothetical Case Study Taking School Seriously as
Pages: 4 Words: 1373

Hypothetical Case Study
Taking School Seriously

As a social worker, it is never easy to remove a child from their home. This is especially true when the child is going to be placed into a group home setting. In a group home, children are left to operate as a unit, but for the most part are on their own. hile there is always an adult on call to supervise, that adult is simply that, a supervisor. Any parental role such as education advocate or assistant with homework are easily forgotten and not followed (Aldgate, 1993). This becomes a problem when the children begin thinking that school is less important than day-to-day life and for some reason stop learning. This problem becomes even more serious as these children approach adulthood where they are unable to transition from their financially supported world into the real working world (Reilly, 2003). It is a solution to…...


Works Cited

Jackson, Sonia (2006). Educating Children in Residential and Foster Care. Oxford Review of Education, 20(3): 267-79.

Aldgate, Jane (1993). Social Work and the Education of Children in Foster Care. Adoption and Fostering, 17(3): 25-34.

Reilly, Thom (2003). Transition from Care: Status and Outcomes of Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care. Journal of Policy, Practice and Program, 82(6): 727-46.

Hypothetical Case Study Dieting This Report Provides
Pages: 3 Words: 1092

Hypothetical Case Study Dieting
This report provides insight into a hypothetical case study regarding dieting. The case involves a patient from this point forward called; X. She tends to consider herself as an individual that has been a life long 'on again' then 'off again' dieter. She informs a counselor that she has shown minor success with dieting where she may have lost a few pounds however; she feels that dieting has lead to more failures than successes. "On occasion she has lost between two and three stone -- only to regain it again within a matter of months." It is not clear as of yet what her true cognitive motivation is. From the brief description there are more than a few possibilities such as there may be an undiagnosed mental disorder such as ADHD or OCD, she may be driven by an internal desire for perfection through weight control or…...



Casey, A., Dryden, W., & Trower, P. (2003). Cognitive Behavioral Counseling in Action, London, Sage.

Curwen, B., Palmer, S., & Ruddell, P. (2003). Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Brief Therapies Series. London, Sage.

SSA Publication (1998). Maladaptive Behavior. Childhood Disability Evaluation Issues, SSA Pub. No. 64-076, March, 127-137. Retrieved on December 22, 2004, from Community Legal Services, Inc. Web Site at

Hypothetical Government Inquiry Type the
Pages: 5 Words: 1805

This is significant, because it shows how such a policy, could help to refocus the industry and improve the amount of information that consumers have available to them. (McDonald's Second Quarter Rises 2010)
Clearly, the proposal to increase fast food restaurant disclosure on calorie and other health information to consumers; can help to prevent the sharp increases in the obesity rate. This is because such polices have shown to: cause restaurant to offer larger choices of healthy foods and they allow consumers to see what they are eating. Once this occurs, it could mean that obesity rates will begin to slow and possibly reverse, because of the increased amounts of information available.


A Growing Problem, 2003, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Available from: [20 September 2010].

Heart Foundation, 2010, Heart Foundation of Australia. Available from: [20 September 2010].

McDonald's French Fries Just Got Fatter, 2008, MSNC. Available from: [20…...



A Growing Problem, 2003, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Available from: [20 September 2010].

Heart Foundation, 2010, Heart Foundation of Australia. Available from: [20 September 2010].

McDonald's French Fries Just Got Fatter, 2008, MSNBC. Available from: [20 September 2010].

McDonald's Second Quarter Rises, 2010, RTT News. Available from: [20 September 2010].

Hypothetical Process Biological Processes the
Pages: 2 Words: 579

This methodology enables researchers to determine if a cell or a gene is vital for some developmental biological process since it requires them extracting whatever cell or gene might be in question, and then seeing if the process is still able to take place. For instance, a group of researchers was able to find that the tiny mitochondrial genome that exists in plants is essential for the replication of cells by removing the genome and seeing the lack of adequate functioning that was enabled with the mitochondrial genome present (Binder, Brinnicke, 2003, p. 181).
Lastly, the most reliable way of testing hypotheses in developmental biology is known as gain of functional evidence. This method involves seeing if a particular cell or gene is needed for a particular developmental biology process by adding it to an environment and seeing if that addition allows for such a process to take place. An…...



Binder, S., Brinnicke, a. (2003). "Gene expression in plant mitochondria: transcriptional and post-transcriptional control." The Royal Society. 358. 181-189. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1693100/pdf/12594926.pdf 

Farquhar, M.G., Palade, G.E. (1962). "Functional evidence for the existence of a third cell type in the renal glomerus." The Journal of Cell Biology. 13 55-87. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2106064/pdf/55.pdf

Hypothetical Case Involving the 4th Amendment Criminal
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Hypothetical Case Involving the 4th Amendment
Criminal Justice

I am not sure how I would rule in this case. I would need to know more about the case such as if there was other evidence besides what was obtained with the heat sensor. I am not also familiar with the rules regarding police officers and the technology they can use on public property. Don't police officers position themselves on public property and aim speed guns at traffic in order to make arrests on public streets or highways? If it is permissible for that kind of evidence to lead to a ticket or arrest, why should the heat sensor evidence be thrown out? This is why I would need to know more about the case. Have the police been monitoring this person's activities before the heat sensor was used? Did the person participate in activities that gave the police a valid reason to…...

Hypothetical Legal Scenario About Manslaughter
Pages: 4 Words: 1413

Hypothetical Scenario
Did Lennie cause the first officer's death? Distinguish between proximate cause and cause in fact. Are there any intervening causes? If so, are they superseding? Explain in detail every argument that could help Lennie and every argument that the prosecution is likely to use against him using only the concepts you learned in class.

"Cause in fact requires that the defendant's negligent conduct was the actual cause of the plaintiff's injuries ... Proximate cause refers to the 'foreseeability' of the injuries. That is, the plaintiff's injuries must be a foreseeable result of the defendant's conduct" (Clarke 2015). Although it could be argued that Lennie acted in a negligent manner regarding his conduct with the girl -- allowing her to play a dart game while drunk -- Lennie's defense attorney would argue there is no way he could have anticipated that she would react in such an extreme manner. The girl…...



Clarke, P. (2015) Cause in fact and proximate cause in a personal injury lawsuit. Legal Match.

Retrieved from: See more at:  http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/cause-in-fact-and-proximate-cause-in-a-personal-injury-lawsuit.html#sthash.XyNTfN4J.dpuf 

Common legal defenses. (2015).Shouse California Law Group. Retrieved from:


Hypothetical Situation With a Toothpaste Company Where
Pages: 2 Words: 658

hypothetical situation with a toothpaste company where the job at hand is to encourage the advertising and production groups to promote and manufacture the toothpaste more effectively. The rub is that none of the people involved are direct reports to the person answering this hypothetical question and the sources of power that do exist despite this are to be defined and clarified.



Innocent, K. (2011, January 14). Knowledge, A Power Source for Nurses. Nursing Center. Retrieved June 1, 2013, from www.nursingcenter.com/Blog/post/2011/01/14/Knowledge-A-Power-Source-for-Nurses.aspx

Welty, E. (2013, June 2). How to Be Less Pessimistic and More Optimistic. WebMD - Better information. Better health.. Retrieved June 2, 2013, from  http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/accentuating-a-positive-attitude

Hypothetical Project of Amazon com From the Capital
Pages: 7 Words: 1922

hypothetical project of Amazon.com from the capital budgeting perspective. The first step is to estimate the capital structure of Amazon using both the book value and market value methods, and then use this information to calculate the weighted-average cost of capital. A number of different methods are used to calculate the cost of equity. .Once the WACC has been established, a discounted cash flow analysis can be done to evaluate the project, based on the cash flows given in the case. In this situation, the analysis reveals that the project would be undertaken.
Estimate Capital Structure

The capital structure of a firm refers to "the percentage of capital at work in a business type" (Kennon, 2013). Every firm has to raise capital from somewhere in order to finance its business. The main forms are debt and equity, but sometimes hybrid forms like preferred shares are also used. In general the capital…...



2012 Amazon Annual Report. Retrieved April 21, 2013 from http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9MTc5ODc3fENoaWxkSUQ9LTF8VHlwZT0z&t=1

Investopedia. (2013). Weighted average cost of capital. Investopedia. Retrieved April 21, 2013 from  http://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/wacc.asp 

IRS.gov. (2013). MACRS class guides. Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved April 21, 2013 from  http://www.irs.gov/publications/p946/ar02.html#en_US_2012_publink1000270861 

Kennon, J. (2013). An introduction to capital structure. About.com. Retrieved April 21, 2013 from  http://beginnersinvest.about.com/od/financialratio/a/capital-structure.htm

Hypothetical Board Meeting We Will
Pages: 3 Words: 912

This will include the wholesale pice in the deale's channel, the customay makup used in the channel and the analysis of sales pomotions that pass savings on to customes. Such pice and maketing analysis allows a ational husbandy of esouces in moving on in futue maketing effots. Futhe pomotion is anothe key point that needs addessing on ode to maket ou the maketing game moe successfully.
This discussion will include the need fo moe poduct sales, which can be done even with a highe pice since many of the competitos pices ae actually highe. Fo this eason, othe factos such as custome sevice complaints and defective mechandise that impede sales need to be studied, identified and dealt with.

Key leaning expeiences

The committee will examine the key leaning expeiences (good and bad that we have encounteed ove the time that we have maketed ou maketing game. This discussion will included such citical…...



We feel that if we could offer what consumers want, then the perceived value of the product may be higher and consumers who may choose our product over our competitors, allowing the repositioning of the item with our customers.

Future plans in Level 2 of TMG

In this segment of the meeting, we will discuss the above factors, but focusing upon future positioning strategies, market segmentation, marketing mixes and marketing plans for level 2 and other options as well as other marketing options for the marketing game. Previous analyses have dealt with as much as the marketing of level 1 as with level 2. In this phase, we will be looking exclusively at level 2. A variant future plan being discussed is to augment the product with relatively high-margin accessories/extra features and thus will likely provide a higher perceived value to our customer


Hypothetical Speech by Dr Joby
Pages: 2 Words: 691

In fact, Taylor did not only address abnormal psychology on an individual scale, but also discussed how it informs cultural ideals and norms. Taylor spoke about terrorism and how a culture of terrorism impacts the people in the culture. In many ways, what he described about those who join terrorist organizations mirrors what I already know about people in bad neighborhoods who join gangs. They are not necessarily bad people, but people whose choices are so limited and whose fear is so great that a violent choice seems to become the most rational choice available. Taylor did not seem to suggest that this type of abnormal psychology running throughout an entire culture can be fixed by an outsider approaching the culture. However, he did seem to think that how the United States responds to those innocent people who live in the countries where terrorism thrives can help shape cultural attitudes…...



Taylor, J. (2009, December 14). Building a culture of peace in Baltimore. Retrieved February

11, 2013 from Audacious Ideas website: http://www.audaciousideas.org/2009/12/building-a-culture-of-peace-in-baltimore/

Hypothetical Company Introduction and Terms
Pages: 5 Words: 1389

While elements of matrix structure will be used in the newly organised company, it will also use some elements of the divisional structure as well. In a divisional structure:
there is a centralized corporate office and under it, are various divisions each of which is dedicated to producing and/or selling a certain type of business or product, e.g., product 1, product 2, etc.. Each division that is dedicated to a certain business or product is, in turn, is organized as its own functional structure. So, for example, the division dedicated to making product 1 has its own sales department, human resources, etc. Basically, the divisional structure is a bunch of functional structures each of which reports to one central office (http://www.mapnp.org).

We can see in the company's reliance on some regional responsibilities an incorporation of some traditional divisional structural ideas (http://web.mit.edu).

In the matrix structure that Megabyte Global is contemplating, the new…...

A Hypothetical Therapy Plan
Pages: 4 Words: 1459

Hypothetical Counseling Plan
Substance Use Disorder Counseling

Maria is married and has an addiction to alcohol that is damaging their family's chances at reuniting with their daughters, as well as many marital problems in general. It seems as if she does not work, nor does she adhere to many of the household tasks. Her relationship with her husband seems on the brink of failure and without making some changes in her life she will likely continue to fall deeper into problematic situations. Changing her attitudes, belief, and values could be a difficult proposition and will mostly likely time a significant amount of time in counseling to make progress. It seems reasonable to suspect that Maria's basic human needs are not being met and her addiction is damaging her quality of life. It is recommended that counseling should initially focus on understand Maria's situation as well as treating the substance abuse issues that…...



Davis, C., Ottawa, D. S., & Moser, A. (2014). Social desirability and change following substance abuse treatment in male offenders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 872-879.

Herrenkohl, T., Lee, J., Kosterman, R., & Hawkings, J. (2012). Family Influences Related to Adult Substance Use and Mental Health Problems: A Developmental Analysis of Child and Adolescent Predictors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 129-135.

Lee, H., & Zerai, A. (2010). 'Everyone Deserves Services No Matter What': Defining Success in Harm-Reduction-Based Substance User Treatment. Substance Use and Misuse, 2411-2427.

Maxwell, A., & Bachkirova, T. (2010). Applying psychological theories of self-esteem in coaching practice. International Coaching Psychological Review, 16-26.

Organization Hypothetical Has a Large
Pages: 3 Words: 1000

To ensure that all employees have some experience dealing with common types of customer calls and complaints, a simulation session of these calls might be included along with the formal, instructional procedures of how calls should be handled, followed with information about employee benefits. This would prepare employees for dealing with some of the stressful scenarios at the call center and also allow for some 'quality assurance.' The company could feel more confident that a new, confused employee had a kind of emotional fall-back script to rely upon when a customer grows difficult, and had some experience dealing with common types of calls and complaints. Finally, an 'action oriented' training simulation scenario of calls would make the informational sessions more engaging, and increase employee attention and information retention.


Jerome was fired recently. His boss told him his work wasn't "up to par," so he was being let go. Jerome was really…...

Bio-Terrorism Hypothetical Scenario Patients Who Were Admitted
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Hypothetical scenario

Patients who were admitted in medical facilities complained of muscle paralysis. This was suspected to be the reason behind the blockage of the release of the acetylcholine. The patients also suffered from diplopia, blurred vision, dysphasia, and had dry mouths. Symmetrical descending muscle weakness was also registered in a number of patients who were admitted in different hospital facilities.

This eventually led to loss of diaphragmatic functions and respiratory failure. General body paralysis ensued. The patients were nevertheless sensational and had intact mental status. Symmetric descending flaccid paralysis, lack of fever, and clear sensorium made the physician believe that the patients were in deed suffering from botulism attack. The outbreak of botulism was traced back to a city suburb. The outbreak exposed over a 100, 000 people to Clostridium botulinum for an estimated 2 hours.

A half of this population was diagnosed with the infectious dose of botulism. Such a…...



St. John, R., Finlay, B. & Blair, C. (2001). Bioterrorism in Canada: An economic assessment of prevention and post-attack response. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 12(5),


Wein, L.M. & Liu, Y. (2005). Analyzing a bioterror attack on the food supply: The case of botulinum toxin in milk. PNAS, 102(28), 9984-9989.

Strategic Plan for a Hypothetical
Pages: 17 Words: 4637

The fact that the Florida market (and, in fact, the overall market, since market designers can be hired over the Internet and this is, in fact, the type of activity that can pertain to online collaboration) has a reasonable number of marketing designers makes their power sensibly negligible in the equation.
The web hosting companies will be in charge with hosting the company's online website and, similar to the market designers, have a negligible power, since there is a sufficient number of web hosting companies to guarantee a certain level of competition between them that can eliminate pressure in the form of high prices or low quality services.

On the other hand, the staff that the company is going to have, in the form of individual providers (workforce can be identified as such), can exercise a certain amount of pressure. The first reason for this is that training and integrating an…...



1. Florida Politics. Florida Political News for 9/15/07. On the Internet at   retrieved on September 25, 2007  http://www.eflorida.com/ContentSubpage.aspx?id=1898/.Last  retrieved on September 25, 2007http://www.flapolitics.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=2107.Last 

3.   -- .HTML. Ast retrieved on September 25, 2007http://www.census.gov/epcd/susb/2001/fl/FL 

4. Last retrieved on September 27, 2007http://censtats.census.gov/cgi-bin/cbpnaic/cbpsel.pl-

On the Internet at

Can a synthesis essay question be a hypothetical question? for example, \"What effect will the Covid-19 vaccines have against the Covid-19 mutations?
Words: 350

A synthesis essay is a type of essay that uses a variety of different sources to support a central claim.  The central claim must be well-supported within the synthesis essay, even if it is not the most likely claim or generally assumed to be true outside of the essay.  Writing a synthesis essay has two main parts: synthesizing sources and supporting your main claim.

It is possible to write a synthesis essay about a hypothetical claim, but it will be more difficult to find the literature to support your claim. That is because you will not....

I need help with creative essay in a form of a lesson plan or clinical intervention or design study?
Words: 347

Having to write a creative essay about a serious topic can be a very challenging assignment for most writers.  That is because many academic essay topics can be very straightforward and leave little room for any creative details.  However, since you are able to choose between a few different types of essay, you are in a great position to add some creative details. Of the three alternatives you listed, lesson plan, clinical intervention, or design study, we think that a clinical intervention gives you the greatest opportunity to show off your creative streak. That is....

I\'ve seen the common essay topics on research question about life after death. Any lesser-known but interesting ones you can recommend?
Words: 520

1. The Neurobiology of Near-Death Experiences (NDEs):

Explore the scientific evidence behind the subjective experiences reported by individuals who have had NDEs.
Analyze the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these experiences, including altered brain activity and the release of neurochemicals.
Discuss the implications of NDE research for understanding the relationship between consciousness and physical death.

2. The Anthropology of Afterlife Beliefs and Practices:

Compare and contrast the afterlife beliefs and practices across different cultures and historical periods.
Examine the social and cultural factors that shape these beliefs, including religious traditions, social structures, and environmental conditions.
Analyze the role that afterlife beliefs play in....

What are some effective techniques for phrasing questions to elicit valuable responses from others?
Words: 707

Effective Question Phrasing Techniques

Phrasing questions effectively is crucial for eliciting valuable responses from others. By carefully crafting questions, you can encourage respondents to share their knowledge, insights, and experiences in a comprehensive and insightful manner. Here are some proven techniques:

1. Open-Ended Questions:

Open-ended questions invite respondents to elaborate on their answers. They begin with words like "what," "how," "why," and "describe." By prompting respondents to provide detailed explanations, you can gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives. For instance, instead of asking "Do you agree?" try phrasing it as "Could you elaborate on your reasons for agreeing?"

2. Specific and Focused Questions:


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