Teen Challenges Of Drinking Alcohol And Drunkenness Essay


Teenagers: Alcohol and Drunkenness Discuss any insights or experience you have faced with Drinking Alcohol/drunkenness.

The challenges today in living a moral life are indeed formidable. There are many obstacles and difficulties that individual teenagers face and one of those obstacles has to do with the consumption of alcohol. Many experts on child develop comment on the fact that teenagers are drinking at younger and younger ages and that there is more of a pressure to drink large quantities of alcohol. So much of this can revolve negatively on the values in place with a given teen and their peer group. If certain teenagers value rowdiness and aberrant behavior, then consuming alcohol and acting drunk and belligerent can be seen as a sign of "coolness."

How could the five aspects offer help and direction:

Open to Growth

Part of teenage drinking and drunkenness is about experimentation. Most teenagers are going to drink at some point, then engage in total abstinence. In order to raise teenagers who behave safely and who respect themselves, it's probably not wise to take a zero-tolerance attitude toward teenage drinking. In fact, a zero-tolerance posture has been argued to offer a tremendous disservice to teenagers. Some adults feel differently about this, but at best, this stance can only delay teenage drinking. For most teenagers, being exposed to a zero-tolerance policy towards alcohol will cause them to do it regardless. Many child development experts argue...


Being open to growth means that one is open to youths making mistakes and the powerful learning experiences that those mistakes can foster. Teenagers learn about their own personal boundaries through such mistakes; these experiences help teenagers determine what they want to do and with whom, and whether or not they want to do it again; the revelations found in these experiences can help them along the way, acting as a guide. Fundamentally, the whole experience invites growth.
2. Intellectually Competent

Being intellectually competent can help guide the overall process in that during this process of exploration, teenagers need to have a clear roadmap of the substances that they're experimenting with. Teenagers need to know about the dangers of drinking and driving: they need to know about the risks of what can happen when they partake. Being intellectually competent is up to the teenagers in the choices that they make and the adults in their lives who act as a caring presence. It's up to the adults, such as the parents and teachers in their world of the young adult to explain lucidly the very real dangers involved when it comes to underage drinking. It's up to the teenagers to make informed decisions, such as to not drive after drinking, to have a designated driver and to not mix drinks.

3. Religious

Having a strong religious presence in one's life can also act as…

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