Thomas Jefferson's Legacy His Innovations, Essay

Though Jefferson played a major role in the development of the United States he preferred to be remembered for the things he gave the people and not the things the people gave to him. His final request was that his tombstone read: HERE WAS BURIED THOMAS JEFFERSON, AUTHOR of the DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE, of the STATUTE of VIRGINIA for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, and FATHER of the UNIVERSITY of VIRGINIA.

The Townsend Acts were a series of laws passed by the Parliament of Great Britain beginning in 1767. These acts were intended to raise revenue to pay the salaries of governors and judges, enforce compliance with trade regulations, punish New York for failure to comply with the Quartering Act, and establish a precedent that Parliament had the right to tax the colonies.

The Stamp Act of 1765 was a direct tax imposed by Parliament on the American colonies. The act required that printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper procured in London. The act intended to raise revenue to help pay for troops stationed in North America.

The Coercive Acts were passed...


The series of Acts included in the Coercive Acts was the Quartering Act, Boston Port Bill, Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act, and the Quebec Act.
Thomas Paine was an author and revolutionary. His most famous works include Common Sense and the American Crisis.

The Boston Tea Party was a key event that led to the American Revolution. The uprising was a direct response to British taxation of the colonies, especially the Tea Act. Participants of the Boston Tea Party believed that their rights had been violated as they were often subjected to taxes passed without proper representation in Parliament.

Works Cited

"Brief Biography of Thomas Jefferson." Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Web. Accessed 31

March 2011.

"Short History of the University of Virginia." University of Virginia. Web. Accessed 31 March


"The Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom." The Religious Freedom Page. Web.

Accessed 31 March 2011.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

"Brief Biography of Thomas Jefferson." Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Web. Accessed 31

March 2011.

"Short History of the University of Virginia." University of Virginia. Web. Accessed 31 March


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