Treat A Young 10 Y-Old  Thesis


Lift the soil, and as you chuck it over your shoulder, make a "HAH!" noise. Repeat until it gets too silly. You can also practise this by pretending to do Kung-Fu moves - punches and kicks and the likes." The child will be asked to do exactly the same so that the successful results can be produced in the least amount of time. Whilst producing the 14th sound, the child will be asked to increase and decrease his range. On the high notes he will be asked to spread his arms upwards and for the low notes, he will be asked to bend his knees and position his arms in the air like a monkey. In the same way, whilst, producing sounds between 15 and 21, the child will be asked to practice by increasing and decreasing his vocal range.

Moreover, for the 22nd and 23rd sound, the child will be asked to drop his jaw loosely without forcing it to open and repeat these sounds at least 20 times before moving on to the next one. Similarly, for the 24th sound, the child will be asked to start from the low notes and extend his voice gradually to higher notes. Throughout this exercise he will be asked to open his mouth as wide as he possibly can and assert wow like Wwwww-aaaaaaaa-oooooo-wwwww. Lastly, for the 25th, the child will be asked...


We also discussed applicability of the paper with the young client. In addition, we highlighted useful vocal exercises (which if executed properly will treat the vocal nodules of the child). These exercises came to our knowledge as a direct result of this research project.

Sources Used in Documents:


Boone, D., McFarlane, S., & Von Berg, S. (2005). The voice and voice therapy. Boston:

Borden, G., Harris, K., & Raphael, L. (2003). Speech science primer. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Bowen, C. (1997). Vocal nodules and voice strain in pre-adolescents. Downloaded on (date) from

Bowen, C. (1998). Voice therapy for children 1. Voice strain and vocal nodules. Downloaded on (date) from
Jon. A Dozen Voice Training Exercises. Taken at

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"Treat A Young 10 Y-Old " (2009, March 28) Retrieved May 7, 2024, from

"Treat A Young 10 Y-Old " 28 March 2009. Web.7 May. 2024. <>

"Treat A Young 10 Y-Old ", 28 March 2009, Accessed.7 May. 2024,

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