Values And Ethics Values, Morals, Term Paper


Our company is also determined to significantly engage in the life of the community of which we are part of. Corporate Social Responsibility

In today's competitive market environment it does not suffice to provide high quality products and services. A company that intends to develop a sustainable position on the market must ensure that CSR actions are being taken.

As a consequence, our company intends to make a difference in the eating style of people. Therefore, the company organizes seminars on this subject. People are invited to attend to these seminars held by authorities in the field that explain people the importance of a healthy eating style and the benefits of organic foods.

Also, the company is interested in the welfare of children. In order to support this category, the company collaborates with other companies for building playgrounds where children can play and enjoy sports together.

Given the fact that our company is a rather small and new one on the market, our CSR possibilities are limited. But the company's involvement in social actions will develop in accordance with the development of the financial power of the company.

Company Ethical Analysis

The company's ethical conduct cannot be contested. Although it would be easier to deliver regular food, which appeals more to most people rather than organic foods, our company prefers to invest considerable more effort into delivering not just organic foods, but a healthy lifestyle. This is the main strength of the company.

Although some people contest such foods because of their higher price in comparison with regular food, one must take into consideration the fact that the raw materials, the supplies for these products are more difficult to obtain, and they cost more. This is obviously reflected in the price of the products.

In my opinion, the distorted perception of some people is a weakness that must be solved through PR campaigns.

Company's moral philosophy and ethical principles

One of the most important ethical principles expressed by the company refers to reciprocity. This can be observed in the company's corporate social responsibility actions. As mentioned above, each company must give something back to the community that supports that company. In our case, besides the help mentioned above, our company aims at changing people's eating style. This will have significant benefits on their health and in other aspects of their lives.

Plan for Implementing Change

There are little things that should be changed within this company. However, there is still room for improvement. For example, the company should focus more on children and teenagers as future potential customers. Brand awareness must be increased where these categories are concerned. It may be easier to change the eating habits of children, who are not yet very much...


The company should have a division that manages this aspect only. This will show that our company is serious and determined to directly contribute to the welfare of its customers.
Also, the company should take care of the values, morals, and ethical conduct on individual level. This refers to the company's employees. In other words, the company must develop a HR strategy that is able to attract, to select, and to retain the employees that are the most suitable for the company, with its vision, mission, strategy, goals, and objectives. The company's HR responsible must ensure that the employees understand these aspects and are determined to work in accordance with them.

Reference list:

1. Smith, J. (2003). The Shareholders vs. Stakeholders Debate. MIT Sloan Management Review. Business Ethics and Public Policy, Leadership and Organizational Studies. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

2. Phillips, R. (2004). Some key questions about stakeholder theory. IVEY Business Journal. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

3. Deal and Kennedy's Cultural Model (2010). MindTools. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

4. Cooke, R.A. & Szumal, J.L. (2000). Using the Organizational Culture Inventory to Understand the Operating Cultures of organizations. Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

5. Schein, E.H. (2004). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Jossey-Bass. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

6. Martin, J. (2002). Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain. Sage Publications, Inc. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

Sources Used in Documents:

Reference list:

1. Smith, J. (2003). The Shareholders vs. Stakeholders Debate. MIT Sloan Management Review. Business Ethics and Public Policy, Leadership and Organizational Studies. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

2. Phillips, R. (2004). Some key questions about stakeholder theory. IVEY Business Journal. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

3. Deal and Kennedy's Cultural Model (2010). MindTools. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

4. Cooke, R.A. & Szumal, J.L. (2000). Using the Organizational Culture Inventory to Understand the Operating Cultures of organizations. Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from
5. Schein, E.H. (2004). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Jossey-Bass. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from
6. Martin, J. (2002). Organizational Culture: Mapping the Terrain. Sage Publications, Inc. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from

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