Water Supply: There Are Two Essay

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The advantages of using the city water system is that these systems can serve an entire community more efficiently and their ability to produce water of premium quality. However, the city water systems have several disadvantages such as the possibility of the additives used to affect the taste of the water and inability of individuals to manage the water supply or source. On the contrary, water well has the advantage of enabling community members to manage the water themselves. Nonetheless, the disadvantage of these water systems is that it time consuming and energy consuming to treat the water.


There are some necessary calculations or water supply information that are important to firefighters in the community including the maximum daily consumption, the required gpm flow, and the minimum amount of water storage. For this community, the maximum daily consumption is determined by calculating the average community daily water demand which is determined by the average daily water demand multiplied by the number of people ("Water Demand," n.d.). Since the average daily water demand is 100 gallons per person per day, the Average Community Daily Water Demand = Average daily water demand * Number of People

= 100*25,000

= 2,500,000 gallons/day.

To determine the gpm flow that the water system must be able to supply for community, it's important to determine the maximum hourly water demand and divide it...


In addition, the most appropriate water system that would be adequate and reliable for this community is the city water system because of the population's size and the challenges in using the water well system for such a community.

Sources Used in Documents:


"Water Demand." (n.d.). Lesson 3 -- Introduction to Water Treatment Math. Retrieved from Mountain Empire Community College website: http://water.me.vccs.edu/courses/ENV115/lesson3_2.htm

"What Are the Different Types of Water Systems?" (n.d.). Wise Geek -- Clear Answers to Common Questions. Retrieved July 16, 2012, from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-water-systems.htm

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