Ways Of Maximizing Quality Of Life At Old Age Above 70 Years Essay


¶ … Maximize Quality of Life in Old Age As an individual advances in age, his/her risk of acquiring aging-related conditions increases. Understanding that such conditions (i.e., arthritis, memory loss, hip fractures, etc.) don't form a part of normal aging is essential. They will likely develop at a particular age; however, one mustn't perceive them as an expected and unavoidable component of the aging process. How a person ages is determined by three elements: genetics, lifestyle and environment. Individuals have no control over their genes, but they can regulate their lifestyle and environment, and it is these elements that contribute the most to how well an individual ages. Jones (2014) states ten tips for maximizing quality of life for the elderly, and longevity:

Keep stress in check. Stress, in particular chronic stress, is one among the very few factors contributing to premature aging. While everybody faces stress in life, and a small quantity of it is even considered beneficial, persistent stress starts taking its toll on an individual's health.

Blood pressure management. High levels of blood pressure can be controlled if identified and managed effectively. Regular blood pressure checks, and good control, are vital. A low-salt, nutritious diet accompanied by exercise, is helpful. Modern society is plagued by hypertension. High levels of blood pressure may severely damage an individual's body, making him/her increasingly vulnerable to vascular illness and stroke.

Refrain from smoking. Society must be aware of the fact that smoking is the cause of major lung and heart ailments; thus, it must be avoided, for being able to lead a high-quality life when one grows old.

Get sufficient sleep. Sleep is known to help embed things learnt in the course of the day. Staying away from caffeine during night time and late afternoons is imperative. Caffeine remains in the body for several hours after it is consumed.

Acquiring good nutrition. Individuals must have knowledge regarding foods that are healthy and unhealthy for them. The...


Food is a basic joy. Therefore, one must eat what one likes, while being smart in regard to portions. One important aspect for aging individuals is to eat an assorted diet, including plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Brain exercising. One must continually keep one's brain challenged, particularly with novel things. Routine needs to be replaced with new knowledge. Novel experiences need to be sought

Remain optimistic. Choice is the key term here. One must choose how one perceives the world around them, and this includes self. One can positively manage even those circumstances that aren't under one's control, if one has the right attitude.

Maintaining close bonds. Having other people around us is so crucial, as isolation and loneliness transcend emotional agony, and are detrimental to health.

Remaining spiritual. The mind, body, and soul require serene, reflective, peaceful moments for improving quality of life and being at ease in old age (Jones, 2014).

• Keep on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, incorporating regular exercise into it and accommodating changes in one's bodily functions, e.g. sight, hearing, physical prowess, or flexibility.

• Continue participating in regular preventive health activities (i.e., go for cancer screenings, get vaccinated for pneumonia and flu, and remember to take recommended booster shots, and stay mentally and physically active).

• Continue advocating for oneself and family members in the healthcare context, or bring along a well-read representative. Do not shy from acquiring an alternate opinion or posing questions.

• Maintain a precise record of every medication administered, together with dosage instructions for reviewing with the pharmacist and all healthcare providers. Clear up any aspect one doesn't understand.

• Manage stress well and maintain good emotional health. When…

Sources Used in Documents:


Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals.

Jones, S. (2014, July 11). 10 Ways to Live Longer and Better - Next Avenue. Retrieved November 28, 2015, from http://www.nextavenue.org/10-ways-live-longer-and-better/

Living Long & Well in the 21st Century: Strategic Directions for Research on Aging. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2015, from https://www.nia.nih.gov/about/living-long-well-21st-century-strategic-directions-research-aging/research-goal-b-continue

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