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Which Organizational Diagnosis Model Is Best To Use At Whole Foods Market Case Study

Whole Foods Market Which Organizational Diagnosis Model Is Best to Use at Whole Foods Market

Open Systems Theory

Weisbord's Six-Box Model

McKinsey 7S Framework

Likert System Analysis (1967)

High-Performance Programming

Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model

Methods to use this Tool

Analyze each key element separately


Recognize the people that can help to get the work done and help in accomplishing the goals of the organization

Organizational Structure


Analyze how these Elements Interrelate in the Organization

Plan to Create and Maintain Congruence

Issues of Whole Foods Market

Poor Working Conditions

Failure to Support Farmworkers

Best Model to Resolve Issues of Whole Food Markets



In this modern competitive era of rapid transformation and advancement, new organizations must be evolved and developed continuously. More effective learning processes need to be adopted and goal setting and planning processes must be learned and time should be spent to improve and advance the goal-setting and planning processes. Well trained team of independent people must be hired to improve their procedures and methods of working, decision-making and communicating.In order to bring all these changes and improvements, a planned, managed change effort is essential. Most of the work performed at organizations is a result of team work. Thus the process of accomplishing the tasks, change, deciding and relating to each other inside an organization is necessary. This paper is about the importance of Organizational Diagnosis in management of change. Organizational Diagnosis is an indispensablephase in each initiative of change, and with ever varyingsituation in which elasticity and imaginationisdemonstrating to be key standards. The paper presents such a case of using organizational diagnosis as a management tool in a change process inside a Whole Foods Market. Few tools will be analyzed and discussed in detail and all the features associated with the tool will be evaluated and then the recommendations will be made according to the best possible model. The most appropriate model that is most effective in aiding the management team identifies the existing gaps between "what is" and "what should be" and has improved the chances of a positive change process will be thoroughly discussed.

Open Systems Theory

Many of the organizational diagnostic models trust upon the abstract notion of open systems theory as a fundamental hypothesis. The principle of the theory is that organizations are social systems which are reliant on the environment in which they exist for inputs. Open systems theory consists of recurrent cycles of input, transformation, output, and renewed input within organizations. A feedback loop joins organizational outputs with renewed inputs (Smith, 2003).

Weisbord's Six-Box Model

Weisbord's theory revolves around six broad categories which are as follows:

Purposes: it refers to the support that members of an organization have towards the goals and mission of the organization

Relationships: What type of relations exists between individuals, between departments, and between individuals and the nature of their jobs? Is their interdependence? What is the quality of relations? What are the modes of conflict?

Structure: this category basically judge the connection between the goals and the infrastructure, whether they are appropriate with respect to each other or not. It also evaluates

Rewards: reward system is of great significance. It has a direct link and impact on the workforce and their motivation and productivity. Thus, keeping a balanced reward system is of great significance.

Leadership: great organizations are those that comprise of great leaders. It is a process of social influence in which one person can recruit the assistance and backing of others in the achievement of a shared duty. Thus having a well-trained leader is of great significance.

Helpful Mechanisms: Do these mechanisms help or deter the achievement of organizational objects?

On the whole, Weisbord's model lays great stress on inner issues within an organization primarily by posing "diagnostic questions" which have to do with the fit between "what is" and "what should be." All the broad categories are covered in these questions in order to have a perfect Organizational Diagnosis ( Pheysey, 1993).

McKinsey 7S Framework

This is an effective management tool use to monitor changes in the internal situation of the organization. It is based on seven basic elements which are as follows:




Shared Values

Multiple changes can be made to an organization like reformation, new procedures, organizational merger, new systems, change of leadership etc. The model can be used to comprehend how the organizational elements are interconnected, and so guarantee that the wider influence of variations made in one area is taken into consideration. The basic objective of this model is to improve the performance of the organization, examine the expected impact of future changes in the company, and examine the merger process like carefully aligning the merger and figure out the best possible way to implement a proposed strategy (Lusthaus, 2002).
Likert System Analysis (1967)

This organizational diagnosis includes motivation, interaction, setting goals, performance and monitoring, decision making and communication. According to this theory, several organizational dimensions can be developed by a 43-item survey. The purpose of this instrument is to analyze employee's views and ideas about management, supervisors and the staff. This questionnaire is carefully designed to measure the views and ideas of the employees. It basically motivates communication ( Hedge, 2002).

High-Performance Programming

Nelson and Burns' (1984) high-performance programming outline measures the present level of performance of an organization in order to plot interferences to alter the organization into a high performing system. These systemsinclude the high-performing organization (level 4), the proactive organization (level 3), the responsive organization (level 2), and the reactive organization (level 1). To identify an organization, a survey instrument is used with questions related to Nelson and Burns' (1984) eleven dimensions or variables. These eleven variables are time frame, focus, planning, change mode, management, structure, perspective, motivation, development, communication, and leadership.

Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model

This model is a powerful and effective tool for figuring out what's wrong with the team or an organization. It purposes measures that can be of great help to fix the problems. According to this theory organization's performance is consequent from four elements: tasks, people, structure, and culture. The higher the congruenceamongst these elements, the greater is the performance of an organization ( Miner, 2002).

Methods to use this Tool

The following methods can be adopted to use this tool to give fruitful results:

Analyze each key element separately

Find the answer to the following questions:

Does the work require specific knowledge or skill?

What are the intrinsic rewards involved in completing the work?

Is it mechanistic or creative?

How does the work flow?

What sort of approach is needed to do this work best? Quick? Thorough? Caring? Analytical? Precise?

Where are the interdependencies?


Recognize the people that can help to get the work done and help in accomplishing the goals of the organization

Organizational Structure

This element involves looking at the formal structure, systems and processes that support the organization.


Promote a healthy work environment to get the goals and targets fulfilled.

Analyze how these Elements Interrelate in the Organization

Determine how elements interrelate in the organization.

Work and People: examine that whether right people are hired to perform the work

Work and Structure: is there a co-ordination between work and structure of the organization

Structure and People: is the structure of the organization gives the room to perform the task appropriately

People and Culture: Are the people working within a culture that best suits them?

Culture and Work: Does the culture backing the nature of the work that needs to be done?

Structure and Culture: Do the formal and informal structures work helpfully or do they compete?

Plan to Create and Maintain Congruence

Figure out the congruence and incongruence that exists. Then devise a strategy to resolve chief incongruence and to support congruence. Plan and implement strategies while keeping a track of incongruence and congruence.

Issues of Whole Foods Market

Whole foods market is going through major crises because of the following issues:

Poor Working Conditions

It has been examined that working conditions of whole foods market are quiet poor. They have a high turnover rate, wages are very low, constant understaffing is being practiced, absence…

Sources used in this document:

Hedge, J.W. (2002). Implementing Organizational Interventions: Steps, Processes, and Best Practices. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Lusthaus, C. (2002). Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance. Ottawa: International Development Research.

Miner, J.B. (2002). Organizational Behavior: Foundations, Theories, and Analyses. Oxford.

Pheysey, D.C. (1993). Organizational Cultures: Types and Transformations. New York: Routledge.
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