Windows XP Vs. Vista History Thesis

It also offered a relatively faster booting experience than its predecessors. This OS was widely accepted and became the standard OS for workstations in the industry and the personal computers at home. For Windows Vista, although it was earlier stated that it would be much more reliable and secure than any other previous versions of Windows, it was not well received by the it professionals and the industry for the reason that it was not stable and cost much more than Windows XP and has a higher minimum hardware requirements. Windows XP Hardware Considerations typical personal computer with a minimum processor of 233 MHz, 64 MB of RAM and a hard disk of at least 1.5 GB can run the basic applications included in the Windows XP operating system. Users of old Windows operating systems such as the Windows 98 and Windows Me don't have to upgrade their hardware to accommodate this newer version for the reason that it will work just fine and a minimal delay in their computing experience will be hardly notice.

Windows Vista Hardware Considerations

Most users who want to run Windows Vista in their machines have to upgrade to at least the most recent hardware specifications of the processor, motherboard, RAM, and graphic card to fully experience the new features of Windows Vista and use it accordingly. Minimum requirements of 512 of RAM, a personal computer...


With rumors of another version of a Windows OS in looming the near very future, home users will be reluctant to upgrade their Windows XP OS and upgrade it again when this new version comes. Small business will also stay with the current Windows XP OS of their systems since it will be more cost effective for them given the high price of the upgrade which also includes some hardware modifications. Like the home and small business users, business organizations will preserve their current OS and will even decide to downgrade their new machine purchases with built-in OS from Windows Vista to Windows XP to lower costs.
Works Cited

Poque, David., Zacker Craig., Zacker, L.J. Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual. Sebastopol: Pogue Press/O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 2003

Simpson, Alan. Windows XP Bible, Second Edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2005

Welsh, Kate Shoup and Chase, Kate J. Microsoft Vista Visual Encyclopedia. New Jersey: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Poque, David., Zacker Craig., Zacker, L.J. Windows XP Pro: The Missing Manual. Sebastopol: Pogue Press/O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., 2003

Simpson, Alan. Windows XP Bible, Second Edition. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing Inc., 2005

Welsh, Kate Shoup and Chase, Kate J. Microsoft Vista Visual Encyclopedia. New Jersey: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007

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