World Cup 2022 Research Paper


¶ … hosting the 22nd FIFA World Cup in 2022 in Qatar. It is the first football tournament of an international level that will be taking place in the Middle East. Ever since Qatar won the bid for this project, the construction of the venues has been started. However, the main focus of this paper is to explore the logistics aspect of this mega project. Some important definitions of the terms used with respect to logistics, as well as its fields have been given in order to understand the aspects of the project in a much better. The terms described are then applied to the project, and guidelines of how to manage the project have also been formulated for the convenience of the project managers. The fact that the logistics and construction teams have to work together in collaboration has also been emphasized throughout the report. Qatar has also been trying to overcome the challenges it faced pertaining to some logistical issues. An analysis of these issues and the logistical background of Qatar have also been given in this report. Some particular logistical challenges that have been confronting this mega project have also been identified. Some recommendations to overcome these issues been suggested as a part of this report, followed by the conclusion.

Table of Contents

2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar -- Overview 3

Introduction to the Project 4

Importance of Logistics to a Project 5

Background of Logistical Challenges -- Analysis 9

Logistic Challenges for FIFA World Cup 2022 12

Labor as part of Logistics -- A Great Challenge and Controversy 13

Recommendations For the Challenges 14

Estimated Cost of the Project 16

Conclusion 16

References 18

Qatar Syndicate Corporate Award Program

2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar -- Overview

The international football event is scheduled to take place in Qatar in 2022. The FIFA World Cup of 2022 will be the 22nd FIFA World Cup. The football tournament will be based on 32 national teams. The national team of the host country will also be a part of this tournament, on the basis of the assumption that the current schedule and format of the World Cup is maintained by then. This event holds a great deal of significance for Qatar, as well as for the rest of the Middle East, because this is the first a country from this region will be hosting the World Cup (Pattison, 2013).

In the year 2011, some kind of confrontations surfaced among the FIFA senior officials, as they were there rumors of allegations. Because of these allegations, analysts raised questions over the validity of the FIFA event being held in Qatar. Jack Warner, the vice-President of FIFA, was reported as saying that an email was publicized about the likelihood of Qatar 'buying' the 2022 World Cup by means of bribery through Mohammed bin Hammam. Bin Hammam was the president of the Asian Football Confederation at the time Qatar was named as the host nation for the mega event (Hassett, 2011). However, the officials representing Qatar in the bid for 2022 have out rightly rejected any such allegations of wrongdoing. Later on, it came to know that the central person of the story had fabricated these allegations of corruption and wrongdoing against Qatar (Whitaker, 2010).

The scheduling of the mega event is not certain. There are some concerns about the event taking place during the customary months, considered to be June and July, for the FIFA World Cup finals since the bid was made for the event. The concerns over this matter mainly stem from the fact that climate in Qatar is not very welcoming for the months of July and June. As of 2013, a team was commissioned to carry out the task of considering alternative dates. The team is meant to report the alternative dates after the 2014 World Cup takes place in Brazil (World Football Insider, 2010).

Apart from the weather conditions, there have also been some logistical complications associated to the change in timing of the event. This is the main reason why Sepp Blatter, the president of FIFA admitted last year that selection of Qatar as the host country might have been a mistake on FIFA's part (Myers, 2011).

Another issue related to the event that has attracted a good deal of attention is that of the rights of migrant workers. An investigation has also been carried out by the Guardian newspaper regarding this matter. According to what has stated in this newspaper, many workers are not being given food and water,...


According to the Guardian, almost 4000 workers are on the risk of dying because of lax safety as well as other reasons by the time the tournament will be held. The report states that these claims have made on the basis of the fact that 400 Nepalese, and more than 700 migrant workers have already died on different building sites in the country since the year 2010, which was the year in which Qatar won the bid to host the World Cup (Gibson, 2010) (Booth, 2013).
Introduction to the Project

The FIFA World Cup is one of the events that attract the most attention throughout the world. People cheer for their favorite teams, and live streaming is done on big screens almost everywhere in the world (James, 2010). However, there is always great pressure on the host nation, with respect to the game as well as with respect to the management of event that is being held in their country. The management teams have to make sure that the players, spectators, visitors, and the media personnel are not facing any kind of trouble during the event. It is important to note here that for an event to be managed effectively, there are certain aspects of contract management that need to be considered. In this particular case, the aspects of contract management that need to be brought into limelight include the construction of venues. The construction of venues will cover the construction of the stadium, the construction of the Athletes' Village, and the construction of roads and other infrastructure to facilitate the players and their fans. The second aspect is that of logistics. The third aspect is that of management, maintenance and security of the venues during the event is taking place. Budget is another consideration that needs to be discussed.

The purpose of this report is to explore the cost of logistics, as well as steering of the event. This includes the management of the event, and what steps need to be taken before the event starts, and what needs to be done while the event is taking place. Since it is a mega event, it needs to be made sure that the items that are being procured are of utmost quality. Apart from that, the aspect of the business processes will also be analyzed and discussed as a part of this report. The discussion and analysis of the construction of venues, and the other aforementioned aspects is out of the scope of this report.

Importance of Logistics to a Project

The term "logistics" and what is implied by it initially came from the military. During the war theater, logistics was used to denote the process of shipping the equipment and supplies to the soldiers. Logistics became a part of business concepts in the 1950s, when the complexity of supplying businesses with equipment increased, and when the shipping out of equipment became a part of an ever increasing globalized supply chain. When we discuss logistics in business sector today, the term is sued to explain the efficient flow as well as storage of products and goods from their point of origin to where they will be consumed. This process is often referred to as the supply chain, and logistics is considered to be a crucial and vital part of the process. The transportation, shipment, receipt, storage, and then the management of all the aforementioned areas is what are described as logistics. Within the business sector, the term logistics and its implication can be used to in terms of transportation, information, warehousing, packaging, inventory, material handling, and security.

CSCMP, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, is the distinguished professional association pertaining to supply chain management professionals, and it is known throughout the world. The association has defined logistics as being that particular part of the supply chain management that is associated with plans, that implements the plans, and then controls the effective, efficient forward as well as reverse flow of the goods, their storage, services and relevant information between the point of origin of the goods to their point where they meet the requirements of the customers. Another precise definition of the same term given by this association is the "management of inventory, at rest or in motion." The association has also divided logistics into further fields. It is important for us to briefly define these fields, so that we can have a better understanding of logistics pertaining to…

Sources Used in Documents:


"Qatar 2022 World Cup Bid Reveals New Stadium Plans and Cooling Technologies" (2010).

Booth, Robert (2013). "Qatar World Cup construction 'will leave 4,000 migrant workers dead'." The Guardian. (2014). Qatar: 2022 FIFA World Cup Trade Mission. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 2 Apr 2014].

Farhad, N. & Slobodian, N. (2012). The CSR strategies of the MNCs to ensure the labor rights of migrant workers: the 2022 FIFA World Cup Project in Qatar:(The case study based on Migrant Workers of Bangladesh).
Manfred, T. (2013). 11 Reasons Why The Qatar World Cup Is Going To Be A Disaster Read more:" target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW" style="text-decoration: underline !important;"> [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 2 Apr 2014].

Cite this Document:

"World Cup 2022" (2014, April 01) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"World Cup 2022" 01 April 2014. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"World Cup 2022", 01 April 2014, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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