Air Quality Essays (Examples)

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Air Quality Italy Globalization Is
Pages: 8 Words: 2554

During pollution peaks, this department informs residents and announces any traffic restriction measures decided on by the town hall. Air quality has distinctly improved over the past two years and these restrictions are becoming less frequent" (Energy Agency of Municipality, 2001). These are all local methods of measuring pollution.
Another means through which one can measure the level of CO2 in the air and which was used in Italy is with portable monitors which "measure ultrafine particles" in the air. An experiment done using these mechanisms found out that the level of pollutant particles in the room of a home nearby a thoroughfare is indeed worrisome. More precisely, "Tommaso Abbate, 16, found that the pollution levels at night in his living room were "really high" - 200 micrograms per cubic meter at one point" (osenthal, 2007) a result which on the long run can seriously affect the health of the…...



Colls, Jeremy. Air Pollution. Spon Press: New York, 2002.

Corrosion in Italy. N.d. 17 June 2008. 

Energy Agency of Municipality of Naples. Quality of air Campaigns to set an example. 2001. 17 June 2008. 

Fusco, D et al. Air pollution and hospital admissions for respiratory conditions in Rome, Italy. 2001. 17 June 2008,

Air Quality Climate Change Integrated Policy Climate
Pages: 3 Words: 1030

Air Quality Climate Change Integrated Policy
Climate change has been a prominent issue in policy making since 20th century scientists discovered the detrimental effect of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Being responsible for the well-being and longevity of their people, governments have attempted to create policies to help their countries mitigate problems associated with climate change. However, integration seems to have been problematic on a variety of levels. There appears to have been a fragmentary, or at best a compartmentalized approach to the various problems associated with climate change. Air quality, for example, has been addressed as a separate issue, while climate change had its own sent of policies and rules. On another level, governmental units assigned to these problems have also been compartmentalized. Governments themselves have tended to focus single units on climate problems within their countries. Neither these units nor collective governments have made an integrative effort to address…...



Jacob, D.J. And Winner, D.A. (2009). Effects of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 43, no. 1. Retrieved from: 

Kuylenstierna, J. And Hicks, K. (2008). Benefits of Integrating Air Pollution and Climate Change Policy. Stockholm Environment Institute. Retrieved from: 

Ostrom, E. (2009, Oct.). A Polycentric Approach for Coping with Climate Change. Policy Research Working Paper.

Air Quality Standards World Health Organization Compliance Standards
Pages: 2 Words: 663

Air Quality Control
In 1945, United Nations diplomats convened in order to position an organization to assist global health, now known as the World Health Organization (WHO) (, 2008). The organization has since established numerous health campaigns and standards across the globe. One of the most significant concerns is the air quality of the world. With the help of the WHO, the world is able to be more knowledgeable and proactive about the causes, effects, and preventative actions against human air pollution.

Air pollution can affect humans and wildlife alike. The lungs are among the leading organs to be damaged by air pollution. Studies have shown that in areas of higher air pollution, the lung capacity is as much as eighty percent less than it is fully capable of (, n.d.). The underperforming lungs experience diminishing functions. Other serious health issues in humans can include chronic respiratory disease, heart disease, and damage…...



Air Resources Board. (2009, November 24). California ambient air quality standards (CAAQS).

Retrieved February 13, 2011 from 

Griffiths, H. (2003, June). Effects of air pollution on agricultural crops. Retrieved February 13,

2011 from

Indoor Air Quality
Pages: 6 Words: 2350

Indoor Air Quality
This report discusses viable options for reducing indoor pollutants in order to improve indoor air quality. This work focuses on three major concerns in regard to indoor air quality: poor ventilation, indoor smoking, and other indoor pollutants. The media bombards us daily with information regarding external pollution such as the emissions from automobiles, water contaminants, basic garbage and of course the smoke stacks of industry. But most people may not be aware of the high number and the effect of indoor pollutants. "Indoor air pollution consists of toxic gases or particles that can harm your health." (Air Resources Board) From this lack of knowledge stems the problem of also not understanding how important it is to reduce indoor pollutants as best we can in our homes, schools, restaurants, bars and other public places. Consider the fact that humans spend a great deal of time indoors and because…...


Works Cited

Air Resources Board. "Reducing Indoor Air Pollution - Indoor Air Pollution: A Serious Public Health Problem." California Air Resources Board May 2nd (2001). Retrieved on 28 Apr. 2005, from .

Barg, Jeffrey. "Philadelphia Smoking Ban Long Overdue." Physician's News Digest, Inc. May (2000). Retrieved on 28 Apr. 2005, from .

Second Hand Smoke is Dangerous. Ed. 2/13/1997. Retrieved on 28 Apr. 2005, from <>.

St. Louis Post. "Major Indoor Air Pollutants." St. Louis Post [St. Louis] 23 Sept. 2003, Five Star Late Lift, News: A4. Retrieved on 28 Apr. 2005, from .

Can Current Pollution Strategies Improve Air Quality
Pages: 5 Words: 1763

Pollution Strategies Improve Air Quality do not think that today's pollution strategies can improve our air quality. Although we are told by the media that the air quality is getting better, why then do incidence of asthma, cancer, acid rain, global warming, Greenhouse Gas levels and the hole in the ozone layer continue to get worse? Each year both larger conglomerates, smaller industrial companies, industrially strong nations like the United States and Germany and up and coming third world nations throughout the world emit millions of tons of pollutants into our air. "Energy, transport, agriculture and industrial activity cause emissions to the atmosphere. Environmental impacts can occur locally or at great distances from the source of emissions. Some emissions have a significant impact on the global environment." (Air Quality Facts and Figures)
In regard to air pollution, what measures are being used today to attempt to control the problem? If…...


Works Cited

Air Quality Facts and Figures. Ed. Environmental Agency. 2003. Environmental Agency. 23 Nov. 2003   / 595310/?version=1&lang=_e>. 

Bell, Michelle L., et al. "International Expert Workshop On The Analysis Of The Economic And Public Health Impacts Of Air Pollution" Environmental Health Perspectives: Workshop Summary (2002).

Gonzalez, George A. "Urban Growth And The Politics Of Air Pollution: The Establishment Of California's Automobile Emission Standards" Polity. 22 Dec. 2002.

Shaw, William H., and Vincent E. Barry. Moral Issues In Business. 9th ed. New York: Wadsworth, 2003.

Indoor Air Quality
Pages: 2 Words: 518

This presentation highlights the role of indoor air quality in health. Poor indoor air quality has a strongly negative impact on health outcomes. These outcomes can largely be avoided through regular changing of indoor filters, and by maintaining proper air circulation inside the home. Such practices are recommended in order to address the issue of poor indoor air quality. Quality of Sources
There are a number of good sources on this topic. Several governmental sources play a great role in educating the public about the issue. There are also some good scholarly sources that talk about indoor air quality, and the use of these sources would enhance the presentation. That aaid, however, the government sources that were used are authoritative in nature and provided a high quality of information.
Visual aids can augment most presentations. There are some concepts that are better explained verbally, but other concepts benefit from charts, graphs and infrograhics,…...

Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Pages: 5 Words: 1857

IAQ for Students
There are many factors and considerations that can be assessed when it comes to the quality of a student's living environment. Many people point to things like temperature in the classroom, the books being used, the availability of materials, the quality of the teachers, the condition of the schools and so forth. However, one condition that is missed a lot of the time would be the indoor air quality (IAQ) of a school. Indeed, if the air quality is not good, this can cause breathing or even wider health issues for the students that are present in the school. Just a few examples of what can cause this problem are defective air conditioning, heater or blower units, dirty air filters and so forth. While there are many important considerations when it comes to the learning quality and health-related conditions of a school, indoor air quality should be near…...



Chatzidiakou, L., Mumovic, D., & Summerfield, A. (2015). Is CO2 a good proxy for indoor air quality in classrooms? Part 2: Health outcomes and perceived indoor air quality in relation to classroom exposure and building characteristics. Building Services

Engineering Research & Technology, 36(2), 162-181. doi:10.1177/0143624414566245

Dias Pereira, L., Raimondo, D., Corgnati, S. P., & Gameiro da Silva, M. (2014). Assessment of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in Portuguese secondary classrooms: Methodology and results. Building & Environment, 8169-80. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.06.008

Dorizas, P. V., Assimakopoulos, M., & Santamouris, M. (2015). A holistic approach for the assessment of the indoor environmental quality, student productivity, and energy consumption in primary schools. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 187(5), 259.

Indoor Air Quality Review
Pages: 2 Words: 634

Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air by Zabiegala and Namiesnik (2012). The article begins by noting that indoor air quality is usually worse than outdoor air quality, and that issues with indoor air quality affect humans physiologically in ways that are often detrimental. Chemical compounds are" emitted from building and construction materials, and from indoor equipment." As industrial hygienists know, there are many different devices by which indoor environments can be tested for air quality.
Tests of building materials are done using either mathematical modeling or laboratory experiments using emission test chambers. In the field, however, testing is more complicated. The authors discuss the different types of analytical instruments that are used in the field for emissions testing. These include field and laboratory emission cells (FLECs), which are used to test for contaminants on flat surfaces. There are many types of FLECs…...



Zabiegala, B., Namiesnik, J., Marc, M. (2012). Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air

City of Houston's Bureau of Air Quality
Pages: 3 Words: 813

City of Houston's Bureau of Air Quality Control was implementing a series of new policies, technologies and strategies and needed to communicate these challenges to its constituents. The case study focuses on the challenges of communicating these issues to the minority communities of Houston. There are areas in that city that are minority-majority with both Hispanic-Americans and African-Americans, and this has significant implications for technical communications between the citizens of these areas and the Bureau. How the Bureau approached these challenges is the subject matter of this paper.
Theoretical Background

Technical communication is an emerging discipline undergoing a process of professionalization (Coppola, 2012). This means that there are not many proven theories upon which to draw an understanding of the issues faced by the Bureau. Williams and James (2009) note that the body of knowledge for dealing with American-born minority communities is especially thin. As a consequence, the Bureau was forced…...



Coppola, N. (2010). The technical communication body of knowledge initiative:: An academic-practitioner partnership. Technical Communication. Vol. 57 (1) 11-25.

Coppola, N. (2012). Professionalization of technical communication: Zeitgeist for our age. Technical Communication. Vol. 59 (1) 1-7.

Nam, T. (2012). Suggesting frameworks of citizen-sourcing via Government 2.0. Government Information Quarterly. Vol. 29 (1) 12-20.

Williams, M. & James, D. (2009). Embracing new policies, technologies and community partnerships: A case study of the City of Houston's bureau of air quality control. Technical Communication Quarterly. Vol. 18 (1) 82-98.

Air Quality and Pollution
Pages: 3 Words: 852

Bahrain's National Action Charter, the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, and the National Strategic Master Plan 2030 all promote sustainable economic development. A number of formal governmental and private sector organizations help to inform actual strategies for improving Bahrain's environmental assessments. The key issues the Kingdom of Bahrain faces in the early 21st century include water access, air pollution, urban development, rising sea levels, the pollution of the ocean by the petrochemical industries, and ineffective waste management.

Until 1925, Bahrain relied on freshwater springs. By the 1980s, almost all of those freshwater sources had ceased flowing, and now the Kingdom relies on "non-conventional sources of water," namely desalination (Bahrain Economic Development Board, 2017). Bahrain has four desalination plants. Still, Bahrain has a terrible water consumption ratio and is ranked as the second most wasteful water user in the world, measured in water per square centimeter of land (Bahrain Economic Development Board, 2017).…...



Air Pollution in Bahrain: Real-time Air Quality Index Visual Map (n.d.). Retrieved online: 

Bahrain Economic Development Board (2017). Water. Retrieved online: 

CIA World Factbook (2016). Bahrain Urbanization. Retrieved online: 

Fowler, S.W. (1993). Pollution in the Gulf. IAEA Bulletin. Retrieved online:

Air We Breath Contrary to the Popular
Pages: 4 Words: 1123

Air We Breath
Contrary to the popular phrase "I'll go out for some fresh air," one might ask is the present air that we are breathing is still fresh? Or, has this phrase become irrelevant the present day world. Air pollution has been very evident ever since history entered industrial revolution. By the time we step our foot on our doorstep, the moment we open the doors of our car, the very first instance that we pull up the drapes and open our window, we are experiencing air pollution at its finest to speak. Smoke billowing from a factory chimney, fly-ash generated by thermal power plants, and speeding cars causing dust to rise from the roads, smokes from cigarettes, and the list would go on and on. If there is a drawback when we speak of modern day technology it is the pollution it emits into the very air…...



K12 Science (2004);Air Pollution (2004), Extracted Oct23,2005

Website; / - 7k

Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia (2005), Air Pollution, Extracted Oct 24, 2005 Website;

Nova.Net (2005), Local Air Pollution-BHP (2005) Extracted Oct 24, 2005 Website;

Air Pollution in Lower Income Families People
Pages: 8 Words: 2388

ENVIONMENTAL HEALTHEnvironmental Health on Air Pollution on Lower Income Families/PeopleBackgroundLow income families are disproportionately affected by pollution, particularly air pollution. Essentially, environment is a major determinant of resident health. esearch indicates that air pollution is a predictive of different health problems that low income families face. For instance, Kriegler and Higgins (2002) indicate that low-income families live in poor housing conditions that are prone to air pollution. As a result, low income families are largely affected by various health conditions which are inclusive of, but they are not limited to; chronic diseases, asthma, poor nutrition especially among children, and infectious diseases (Kriegler and Higgins, 2002). I will be investigating how mortality is related to air pollution in the urban areas and income levels in the neighborhoods.ationale and PurposeThe association between health and air pollution in low income families have been explored in various studies. In some quarters, this has informed…...


ReferencesBennet, J. E., Tamura-Wicks, H., Parks, R. M., Burnett, R. T., Pope III, C. A., Bechle, M. J., Marshall, J. D., Danaei, G. & Ezzati, M. (2019). Particulate matter air pollution and national and county life expectancy loss in the USA: A spatiotemporal analysis, plos Medicine,   T. D., Jorgenson, A. K., Ore, P., Balistreri, K. S., Clark, B. (2019). Air Quality and Life Expectancy in the United States: An Analysis of the Moderating Effect of Income Inequality. SSM Popul Health, 7, 100346.Finkelstein, M. M., Jerrett, M., DeLuca, P., Finkelstein, N., Verma, D. K., Chapman, K. & Sears, M. R. (2003). Relation between Income, Air Pollution and Mortality: A Cohort Study. CMAJ, 169(5), 397-402.LaMorte, W. W. (2016). Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Analysis. Kawulich, B. B. (2005). Participant Observation as a Data Collection Method. FQS, 6(2), 43.Kriegler, J. & Higgins, D. L. (2002). Housing and Health: Time Again for Public Health Action. Am J Public Health, 92(5), 958-768.Wong, L. P. (2008). Data Analysis in Qualitative Research: A Brief Guide to Using Nvivo. Malays Fam Physician, 3(1), 14-20.Waheed, Z., Kiazai, A. N. & Bahadur, W. (2020). Ethics and Validity as Core Issues in Qualitative Research Paper. PJER, 3(2), 123-134. Hill,

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds as Indoor Air Pollutants
Pages: 13 Words: 4019

Air pollution pertains to substances and gases in the air that threaten health and life. Among these are pollutants and irritants, such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide; particulates, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), toxic substances and some natural substances, like pollen. ut most of the pollution comes from the by-products of industrialization - fossil fuel combustion, transportation, transportation, power plant emissions and those from other industrial processes. The burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity alone is the greatest source of air pollution in the U.S.A. These outdoor pollutants can undermine health and cause environmental disturbances, such as acid rain, and are toxic.
Studies show that we now spend more than 90% of our lives inside buildings and other constructed environments. ecause of this, such structures - including homes and office buildings - are constructed with energy efficiency and comfort foremost in mind. The installation of central heating, cooling…...



1. Alpha nutrition Programs. Indoor Air-More Contaminated Than Outdoor Air?

Medical Information

2. Ammann, Harriet M. Is Indoor Mold Contamination a Threat to Health?

Office of Environmental Health Assessments, Washington State Department of Health

Air Jordans as a Popular
Pages: 5 Words: 1565

Membership in an exclusive, elite privileged club of those who own "the best" -- something that not just anyone can have. To wear Nike Air Jordans was to reify a sacred experience. It was a vehicle to feeling as if one were the hero figure, Michael Jordan" (Aaker & Biel, 1993, p.105). This excerpt demonstrates the extreme length of effectiveness of the complex and truly multi-faceted marketing campaign launched by Nike.
In conclusion, professional athletes have long exerted a strong influence over men's fashion and sports apparel. However, the case of Air Jordans represents a shoe where a celebrity endorsement truly revolutionized the product, the celebrity and the entire athletic shoe industry. Nike took a highly calculated and highly strategic risk when they started courting Michael Jordan and when they used such a tremendous bulk of their advertising budget on this particular campaign. However, their strategy paid off: they successfully…...



Aaker, D., & Biel, a. (1993). Brand Equity & Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Andrews, D. (2001). Michael Jordan, Inc.: Corporate Sport, Media Culture, and Late Modern America. Albany: SUNY Albany.

Johnston, J. (2001). The American Body in Context: An Anthology. Willmington: Scholarly Press.

Kathleen Morgan Drowne, P.H. (2004). The 1920's. Westport: Greenwood Publishing.

Air Safety What Are the
Pages: 8 Words: 2643

The NAAP structural integrity program includes three tests including Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD), Damage tolerance analysis (DTA) and DTA based airframe repair assessment. The supplemental inspection programs of the FAA ensure that commercial airlines fulfill the structural safety requirements. Any structural defects that are observed during the normal operation of an airplane or those that are revealed after an accident are issued as Airworthiness Directives (AD). The FAA periodically conducts certification reviews and aircrafts that report recurrent problems due to design issues will require compulsory design modifications. [FAA]
6. What is the purpose of flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders? How are they be used for accident-prevention purposes?

Flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders are very useful tools that can be used to understand the events that lead to the accident. Familiarly known as the 'black boxes' these units are helpful for aircraft investigators in reconstructing the disaster. Today…...



1) Alexander T. wells, Clarence C. Rodriguez, (2003) 'Commercial Aviation Safety', Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill.

2) NASA, 'Aviation Safety Reporting System', retrieved Apr 6th 2010, from, 

3) NBAA, 'Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)' retrieved Apr 6th 2010, from,

4) NTSB (2002) 'National Transportation Safety Board: Aviation investigation manual Major team investigations', retrieved Apr 6th 2010 from,

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to corona?
Words: 473

1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health: exploring the rise in anxiety and depression during the pandemic
2. The role of technology in managing the spread of the coronavirus: analyzing contact tracing apps and virtual healthcare
3. The social and economic disparities exposed by the pandemic: how COVID-19 disproportionately affects marginalized communities
4. The future of work post-COVID: examining the shift to remote work and its long-term implications on the economy
5. The ethical dilemmas of vaccine distribution: discussing the global challenge of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
6. The psychological effects of isolation and loneliness during lockdown: understanding the mental health toll of....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Pollution?
Words: 549

Essay Topics on Pollution

Air Pollution:

The Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health and the Environment
The Role of Vehicle Emissions in Air Quality Degradation
The Economic and Social Costs of Air Pollution on Cities
The Effectiveness of Air Quality Regulations and Standards
The Future of Air Pollution Mitigation and Control

Water Pollution:

The Causes and Consequences of Water Pollution in Developing Countries
The Impact of Agricultural Practices on Water Quality
The Role of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Reducing Water Pollution
The Legal and Policy Framework for Water Pollution Control
The Challenges and Solutions to Marine Pollution

Land Pollution:

The Sources and....

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Biofuel. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 476

Biofuel Essay Topics: Comprehensive Guidance


Biofuels, derived from renewable biomass sources, offer a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. They hold immense potential to address energy security concerns, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and promote rural development. To explore this multifaceted topic in an essay, consider the following key aspects:

Technological Advancements and Innovations

Recent breakthroughs in biofuel production technologies
Novel approaches to enhance conversion efficiency and yield
Advancements in biomass pretreatment and fermentation processes
Technological challenges and research directions

Environmental Impacts and Sustainability

Environmental benefits of biofuels (e.g., reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality)
Potential negative impacts on land use, water resources, and biodiversity

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding outlines for impact of technology on society?
Words: 448

I. Impact of Technology on Communication and Information Exchange

Introduction: The transformation of communication through technology
Section 1: Social media and its impact on interpersonal relationships and societal discourse
Section 2: The democratization of information through the internet and its implications for access and equality
Section 3: The role of technology in facilitating remote work, education, and healthcare
Conclusion: The overall impact of technology on communication and the implications for societal cohesion and progress

II. Technology and the Transformation of the Workplace

Introduction: The evolution of the workplace in the digital age
Section 1: Automation and its impact on....

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