Ancient Times Essays (Examples)

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Ancient Art from Greece and India: A Comparison
Art is a cultural phenomenon that perpetuates consistently throughout the world. Each time period and culture has its own artistic sensibility, often connected to the cultural, political and religious values of the time. The art of ancient Greece and India is no exception to this. While significant changes occurred throughout the centuries that could be consider "ancient," a comparison of certain works shows the similarities and differences between what could be essentially regarded as the Western and Eastern cultures of ancient times.

In ancient India, for example, art tended towards being largely introspective. Hence, environmental and political elements did not play as important a role as the internal elements of mind and introspection. In terms of iconography, therefore, religious and metaphysical concerns take precedence over influences of culture and environment. In terms of this, the Indian idea of Pramana, or "creation of truth," was….

If the purpose of law is to maintain the order of society yielding the best possible circumstance for each individual man, woman, and child, then the argument arises as to whether such direct revenge is actually conducive to preventing further disorders. Revenge can easily run in endless cycles, and fear of punishment may not in and of itself be any deterrent at all, in particular if the act which is to be punished was committed in the heat of passion or without premeditation. Philosophers of law and ethics have long discussed the precise nature of the divine code that was given to Moses. On a fundamental level, there exists the question as to whether these laws are immutable expressions of an unchanging natural order such as has always existed, or whether these Mosaic laws represent merely the decrees of God that are applicable to a particular, time, place, or situation.


Ancient Jewish Weddings
Weddings in Ancient Jewish Custom

There is an example of a wedding feast from the gospel of Luke that is not of the famous Cana Wedding Feast that takes place at the beginning of Jesus' ministry, but a gathering in the house of a Pharisee. The Pharisees and scribes invited Jesus there because, as always they were trying to test Him. It was on the Sabbath, and there had already been some discussion of this seminal event in the Jewish week, but the discussion had changed because Christ had been asked to heal a man who walked up to him who had dropsy (an abnormal swelling due to excessive water retention). He asked them if they thought it was lawful to heal a man on the Sabbath, and as they were testing Him, they did not answer. So, he told them that they would definitely take their ox out….

Humanities Ancient Culture

Ancient Egyptian Gynecology
In ancient Egypt, sex was open and untainted by guilt. It was considered an important part of life and both single and married couples had sex. Ancient Egyptian religious shows signs of adultery, incest, homosexuality, masturbation and necrophilia. Masculinity and femininity were strongly linked with the ability to conceive and bear children.

Ancient Egyptians saw fertile women as the most attractive ones. A woman who had children was believed to be more fortunate than a woman without children. Similarly, men who bore children were seen as more masculine than those who did not.

The Egyptians enjoyed close family relationships in Egyptian mythology. The fact that they had no taboo against incest leads to the conclusion that incest may have been normal in ancient Egypt.

Egyptian men had false penises attached to their mummies while Egyptian women had artificial nipples attached. oth would become fully functional in the afterlife, where they were….

Ancient Rome and the Events of the Late Republic (end of the Republic), you will create a timeline of major events that led to the end of the Republic. Your timeline should have at least 7 events.
200 CE: The rise of populist or democratic sentiments and political philosophy. Rome was not a democracy, although it was a Republic. By the 2nd century CE, populist tribunes started to make waves on the Roman political scene. These populist tribunes were mirrored by the uprisings by local governments and communities in Roman-acquired territories throughout the vast empire. With such a vast empire, and such a relatively weak method of centralized governance, it became increasingly impossible to achieve harmony and authoritative rule. It was not as if Rome usurped idyllic ways of life, so much as populist leaders did recognize the need to start "reclaiming public land and putting landless poor citizens back on….

3. What are some of the themes you notice in the "Love Songs"?

The Egyptian love songs use the terms "brother" and "sister" as generic references to male and female lovers and suggest intimacy as well as the taboo of incest. Brother-sister unions were already written into Egyptian mythology by the time the love songs were penned. Also, the love songs reveal an emerging theme of romantic love, which almost seems out of place in ancient literature.

4. Did the erotic or explicit nature of some of the love songs surprise you? Explain.

The eroticism in the love songs is not wholly surprising, given that many ancient cultures addressed human sexuality frankly and even using graphic depictions. The Egyptians also employed some sexual imagery into their art, as did the ancient Indians and Chinese.

Old Testament

1. In what ways is the Hebrew view of God different from the Sumerian view of the gods as….

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia were also the first to use iron, They recovered the metal from meteorites and used it for spear tips and ornaments. Later smelting techniques developed in the area to purify the iron, and these spread to Europe via trade routes. By the Middle Ages, large foundries existed for smelting and forging iron into the many things it was used for. Basic trade rules and organization also passed from the Sumerians to Europe; methods of keeping accounts and even early guilds and merchant groups were part of Sumer, and passed est with trade (Airmet).

orks Cited

Airmet. "The History of Iron orking." Accessed 26 July 2009.

Hooker, Richard. "Ancient China: The Shang." Accessed 26 July 2009.

O'Connor, J.J. And E.F. Robertson. "Egyptian Numerals." Accessed 26 July 2009.

Ancient Kingdoms- Expansion and Empire Building
Ancient kingdoms and their expansion strategies were uniform throughout the ancient world. Persia, Rome, Athens and Sparta had expanded their kingdoms by means of conquests, wars and consolidation. The enlargement of kingdoms had but one purpose i.e. security as Thomas Hobbes notes: "If there is no power erected, or not great enough for our security, every man will and may lawfully rely on his own strength for caution against all other men" (99). Greece, Russia and all other major empires of the ancient world had their focus on just one thing, security which they sought through either conquests or consolidation with weaker nations.

It is strange but true that all major empires especially Sparta, Athens and Persia have histories that were interconnected. It was always believed both by the rulers and the ruled that mightier forces had the right to rule and for this reason, weaker….

Greek and Roman civilizations were not primitive. Their life style was organized and constructed in an structured pattern of rules that set the base for what we know today as modern existence.
Life was seen differently in Greece than in Rome. In the Greek conception, humans and gods were almost equal characters and they portrayed both parts in the same dimension. Humans were given divine attributes, while gods were represented as humans. This was a form of magic suggestion to compare humans with gods and create the feeling of power and balance that characterized life in the Classic Period. It was this conviction of their similitude to the divine entities that gave society the strength and balance to grow and flourish for many centuries, recreating a feeling of prosperity and harmony. The godly world they reflected in their mythology and poetry was as full of conflict as the human world,….

The use of physical suffering as a symbol for emotional and spiritual suffering is also well-known in the estern tradition. Centuries later, men and women would disappear into the desert in search of God. They would live apart from all human companionship, and deprive themselves of all physical comfort. Gilgamesh does the same. Gilgamesh is also like the lover who pines away for his beloved and wastes away in body, as well as in heart. The message is that the eternal truths of the universe are not easily discovered, and again that these truths are largely hidden from humankind. Humanity's lot is to suffer even in the face of our greatest happiness. Unlike the gods, we cannot know joy eternally. Enkidu was a dear friend, but he could not be by Gilgamesh' side forever. The joy and love that the hero had known were foreordained to be short. Even….

Since they did not have stone, the Sumerians made do with brick, building a myriad of famous constructions during this period according to their needs.
As kings of rival city-states ruled Sumer during this period, they would often go to battle. For this reason, the Sumerians also engineered many important forms of warfare technology. These include the wheeled chariot and the discovery of bronze (via the melding of copper and tin.)

The second major stage of Sumerian development was marked by the invasion of Sargon the Great, who would come to rule all of Mesopotamia. Sargon would conquer the first known empire, which extended all the way across Syrian into southeastern Turkey. Among Sargon's many accomplishments, he standardized weights and measurements in the disparate lands that he came to rule over. This made trading possible in his kingdom. Sargon was also the first Sumerian king who managed to maintain a standing….

Ancient Earth - Women's History


An Analysis of "Life" Magazine dated November 17, 1958

Lexicoczar (All Hail!)

As you know, the recent discovery of a cache of "magazines" has provided our department with an opportunity to better understand the colorful but largely heretofore-baffling mid-20th century. The graphics and pictures contained in one of the "magazines" entitled "Life" appear to be particularly illustrative of the customs and values that were predominant during this period in Western history. Some sample illustrations, together with this analyst's interpretation of the contents of an issue of a "Life" "magazine" dated November 17, 1958 and their likely functions and purposes as they apply to female gender issues, are provided below.

General Description and Contents of "Magazine."

This copy of "Life" "magazine" is comparable to the other specimens discovered in "gar-[b?]ages" in recent years; this copy, though, is especially well preserved, due in large part to the manner in which….

Ancient art is filled with fabulous examples of various media and unique depictions of historical and cultural events. Much ancient art is symbolic, and much is literal. Some ancient art serves both a literal and a symbolic function. This is true for much in the Egyptian art canon. It is impossible to generalize about Egyptian art because of the great span of time the various empires straddled. However, there are many similarities in Egyptian style, media, and content. In New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art alone, there are several examples of two works of Egyptian art that are directly comparable. For example, "Yuny and His Wife enenutet" is a 19th Dynasty New Kingdom sculpture. It depicts the titular figures seated together on their throne. It is made of limestone, and the dimensions are about 33 inches high and 21 inches wide. The Metropolitan Museum of Art also has a New….

Ancient Art / Comparing Two Works
Two ancient works of art were viewed for discussion in this paper. The first is called "Vessel Terminating in the Forepart of a Stag" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The second is an Etruscan engraved mirror, which can be viewed at the Louvre. Although the objects are from different time periods and cultures and depict different images, they have in common the fact that they are both utilitarian objects made beautiful with adornment.

The stag vessel [ / Collections/search-the-collections/30006086] was discovered in Central Anatolia (a region of Turkey) and is attributed to the Hittite Empire, circa the 14th -- 13th centuries BCE. It is a drinking vessel made of silver with gold inlay. It is a representational piece that stands eighteen centimeters tall. According to the Museum's website, the stag's front legs and torso, which opens into a cup, was hammered from a single piece….

Ancient India
The havagad-Gita

In the beginning of "The hagavad-Gita," two groups of opponents prepare for battle. On one side, the one hundred sons of Dhritarashtra stand and on the other side, and the Pandava brothers stand. These soldiers are in the middle of a family feud over the right to govern the land of Kurukshetra.

A soldier named Arjuna, who is the leader of the Pandava armies, prepares to battle as Lord Krishna heads toward the opposition. Just before the battle, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna for advice.

Arjuna is ridden with hesitation and guilt as he faces his family and knows he will have to kill many loved ones to win the battle. Arjuna has set down his weapon and is ready to sacrifice his life. Arjuna approaches Krishna to tell him about his emotions regarding the battle. "Krishna, I seek no victory, or kingship or pleasures" (Miller, 25).

Arjuna does not believe that….

1. The Power of Language: How literacy shapes our worldview and understanding of the world around us.

2. From Illiteracy to Empowerment: The transformative journey of becoming literate and how it changes one's life.

3. The Intersection of Literacy and Identity: How our literacy experiences shape our sense of self and belonging in society.

4. Literacy as Liberation: Examining how literacy can empower individuals and communities to advocate for their rights and bring about social change.

5. The Role of Technology in Modern Literacy: Analyzing how digital technologies are reshaping the way we read, write, and communicate.

6. Literacy in a Global Context: Exploring the....


Graffiti, often stigmatized as vandalism, has emerged as a form of artistic expression that challenges societal norms and sparks meaningful discussions. While some view graffiti as a nuisance, others recognize its potential as a catalyst for urban revitalization, social commentary, and cultural enrichment. This essay will explore the compelling reasons why graffiti deserves protection and recognition as a legitimate art form.

Section 1: Urban Beautification and Revitalization

Graffiti has the transformative power to revitalize dilapidated urban landscapes. By adding color, vibrancy, and artistic flair to dull walls, graffiti can enhance the visual appeal of neighborhoods, attracting tourists and boosting local economies. Moreover,....

I. Introduction
A. Definition of Paganism
B. Brief overview of the history of Paganism
C. Thesis statement: Paganism has experienced a resurgence in modern times due to its diverse and ancient spiritual practices

II. Ancient origins of Paganism
A. Ancient civilizations and their Pagan beliefs
B. Different forms of Paganism in ancient times
C. Preservation of Pagan beliefs through oral traditions

III. Decline of Paganism
A. Rise of organized religions
B. Persecution of Pagans
C. Loss of Pagan traditions and practices

IV. Resurgence of Paganism in modern times
A. Influence of Romanticism and nature worship
B. Revival of ancient Pagan practices
C. Diversity....

## Essay Topics Related to Love: A Comprehensive Guide

Love, an enduring and universal human experience, has inspired countless works of art, literature, and philosophy. Its multifaceted nature offers a wealth of essay topics that can engage students in critical thinking, analysis, and self-reflection. This guide provides a comprehensive list of essay topics related to love, organized into various categories.

### Love in Literature and Art

The Evolution of Romantic Love in Literature: Trace the changing representations of love in literature from ancient times to the present day.
The Power of Love in Shakespeare's Tragedies: Analyze the devastating consequences of love in....

4 Pages

Art  (general)

Greek and Indian Art From Ancient Times

Words: 1306
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Art from Greece and India: A Comparison Art is a cultural phenomenon that perpetuates consistently throughout the world. Each time period and culture has its own artistic sensibility, often…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Law in Ancient Times Comparison

Words: 2944
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If the purpose of law is to maintain the order of society yielding the best possible circumstance for each individual man, woman, and child, then the argument arises as…

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6 Pages

Mythology - Religion

Ancient Jewish Weddings in Ancient Jewish Custom

Words: 1880
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Jewish Weddings Weddings in Ancient Jewish Custom There is an example of a wedding feast from the gospel of Luke that is not of the famous Cana Wedding Feast that…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Humanities Ancient Culture

Words: 2115
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ancient Egyptian Gynecology In ancient Egypt, sex was open and untainted by guilt. It was considered an important part of life and both single and married couples had sex. Ancient…

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4 Pages

History - Ancient

ancient rome timeline of military

Words: 1082
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Rome and the Events of the Late Republic (end of the Republic), you will create a timeline of major events that led to the end of the Republic.…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Ancient Lit Gilgamesh Questions Why

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

3. What are some of the themes you notice in the "Love Songs"? The Egyptian love songs use the terms "brother" and "sister" as generic references to male and female…

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1 Pages

Drama - World

Ancient Accomplishments and Later Appearances

Words: 357
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

The Sumerians of Mesopotamia were also the first to use iron, They recovered the metal from meteorites and used it for spear tips and ornaments. Later smelting techniques developed…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Ancient Kingdoms- Expansion and Empire Building Ancient

Words: 1649
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ancient Kingdoms- Expansion and Empire Building Ancient kingdoms and their expansion strategies were uniform throughout the ancient world. Persia, Rome, Athens and Sparta had expanded their kingdoms by means of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Ancient Cultures the Purpose of

Words: 1299
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Greek and Roman civilizations were not primitive. Their life style was organized and constructed in an structured pattern of rules that set the base for what we know…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Ancient Near Eastern Values in

Words: 2893
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The use of physical suffering as a symbol for emotional and spiritual suffering is also well-known in the estern tradition. Centuries later, men and women would disappear into…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Ancient Iraq the Land Where

Words: 880
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Since they did not have stone, the Sumerians made do with brick, building a myriad of famous constructions during this period according to their needs. As kings of rival…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Ancient Earth Women's History

Words: 958
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ancient Earth - Women's History OFFICIAL USE ONLY SUBJ: An Analysis of "Life" Magazine dated November 17, 1958 Lexicoczar (All Hail!) As you know, the recent discovery of a cache of "magazines" has provided…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Ancient Art Is Filled With Fabulous Examples

Words: 699
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ancient art is filled with fabulous examples of various media and unique depictions of historical and cultural events. Much ancient art is symbolic, and much is literal. Some ancient…

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2 Pages

Art  (general)

Ancient Art Comparing Two Works Two

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Ancient Art / Comparing Two Works Two ancient works of art were viewed for discussion in this paper. The first is called "Vessel Terminating in the Forepart of a Stag"…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

Ancient India the Bhavagad-Gita in the Beginning

Words: 1835
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ancient India The havagad-Gita In the beginning of "The hagavad-Gita," two groups of opponents prepare for battle. On one side, the one hundred sons of Dhritarashtra stand and on the other…

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