Animal Farm Essays (Examples)

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Animal Farm
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Animal Farm
The plot of 'This report is a short summary of George Orwell's "Animal Farm." The novel was set in Hertfordshire which was the community where Orwell was known to have lived and where he wrote frequently. Orwell was an avid poultry farmer so his understanding of rural and farm living seems obvious but his insights in the oppression and governmental abuse is not as obvious. The layout of his south of England home served well as the background of the Old Major's dreams. The novel was originally a children's story because the book follows the style of a children's books. But like modern day cartoons that must take into consideration that parents will be watching along with the kids, Animal Farm has sophisticated humor and wit and can satisfy an adult audience. Animal Farm can also be considered a fable because the characters are talking animals with human characteristics.…...

Animal Farm Orwell's Colorful Cast
Pages: 5 Words: 1431

The pigs formulate a rudimentary constitution by condensing the tenets of Animalism into Seven Commandments. Animalism is a doctrine centering on freedom and liberation, and especially on resisting human tyranny. Most of the animals on the farm become involved with the revolution and support it directly or indirectly.
Animals like Boxer the horse especially toil for the common good of the farm. A pro-labor worker ethic becomes the core philosophy of Animal Farm. Fellow Animal Farm residents refer to each other as "comrades" in direct reference to the communist revolution. The animals' solidarity proves strong, at least on a military front because they stave off Mr. Jones' attempt to take back the farm in the Battle of the Cowshed. Moreover, the Animal Farm leaders present their community as a nation-state using symbols like the flag and Mr. Jones' rifle. Community meetings are regular like parliament or congress.

However, the animals struggle…...

Animal Farm Starts With Mr Jones the
Pages: 3 Words: 1053

Animal Farm starts with Mr. Jones, the owner of Manor Farm, drunkenly heading to bed. The animals gather for a meeting to hear Old Major, the prize boar, who tells them about how the humans exploit the farm animals and how they can get rid of their oppressors through a rebellion. Major tells the animals that "all animals are equal" and the humans are their enemy.
Old Major dies soon and the animals are now tutored in the basics of rebellion by three smart pigs, Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer. The rebellion breaks out unexpectedly when Mr. Jones neglects to feed the animals and they break into a store shed to get food. As they are caught and whipped by the humans, the animals attack the humans who flee the farm. The new leaders of the animals, the pigs, change the name of the farm as "Animal Farm" and ask the animals…...


George Orwell's Animal Farm (1945) is a satirical allegory of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the conditions that prevailed in the country under Stalin's dictatorship. Direct parallels can be drawn between several characters in Animal Farm and real life people, e.g., Napoleon: Stalin; Snowball: Trotsky; Squealer: Goebbels. An alternate interpretation of the novel is that it depicts the general human condition and applies to the political and social conditions in several other countries besides the Soviet Russia. Given the fact that Orwell often drew parallels in his writings between the totalitarian regimes of Stalin and the fascist regimes in Germany and Italy at the time, Animal Farm probably did portray the Soviet Union under Stalin.

The concept of Communism was first forwarded by Karl Marx, who described it as a utopian state, following a revolution and a proletariat dictatorship, in which there would be no need for a government and everyone would live in equality and a state of happiness. Such a utopian Communist state, however, has never existed. The most famous experiment in Communism was the Russian Revolution of 1917 that led to the formation of the Soviet Union, degenerated into the totalitarian regime of Joseph Stalin, and eventually collapsed in 1991.

The main reason for the 'failed experiment' of Communism appears to be that the concept directly conflicts with the strongest urge in human nature, i.e., self-interest. The failure of Communism contrasts sharply with the success of Capitalism -- a system in which everyone works for his or her own economic interest, thereby contributing to collective economic progress. On the other hand, in a utopian Communist state, people are supposed to work for collective benefit. Since an urge to work for collective benefit rather than for self-interest does not come naturally to humans, they have to be forced into acting against their nature. This results in a totalitarian, tyrannical regime such as the one established by Joseph Stalin. The Animal Farm depicts such degeneration.

Animal Farm Joseph Stalin vs
Pages: 3 Words: 1152

Napoleon refuses Snowball's plan to build a windmill and thereby make life more comfortable for all animals, on the grounds that it will take too much time to build the windmill, but his motivation may not be that innocent. When Snowball tries to get the animals to vote on the windmill, Napoleon has Snowball chased off of the farm (and perhaps killed) by a pack of vicious dogs. Napoleon then claims the windmill idea as his own, and blames poor Snowball for all of the farm's problems. Napoleon eventually breaks one of the principles of Animalism by trading with neighboring farms, and Napoleon overall becomes a ruthless dictator, moving into the farmer's house. All of the Seven Commandments are broken by the pigs, and eventually they cannot be distinguished from the humans at all.
There are many parallels between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution. Orwell was making the comment…...



Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Russian Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Hunter, Lynette. "Animal Farm: Satire into Allegory." George Orwell: Contemporary Critical Essays. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998.

Orwell, George. Animal Farm.

Pipes, Richard. A Concise History of the Russian Revolution. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.

Animal Farm the Use of Fear in
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Animal Farm
The Use of Fear in Animal Farm

The use of fear plays a significant part in the campaign of Napoleon to gain control of Animal Farm in George Orwell's "fairy story" of the same name. The satirical representation of Stalin uses, of course, other tactics to consolidate his power -- such as the propaganda spewing by Squealer, historical revisionism, and the exploitation of the sheep's ignorance. However, fear underlies each of these elements, and this paper will provide two examples to show how Napoleon uses fear to turn Animal Farm into a communist environment.

The most obvious example of the use of the fear tactic comes when Napoleon trains the pups of the farm (Jessie and Bluebell's litter, to be exact) to be his own personal guard dogs -- ferocious, vicious animals that repulse any threat to Napoleon's position of authority. The dogs that Napoleon raises come to represent a kind…...


Works Cited

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. 2003. Web. 5 Sept 2011.

Animal Farm a Group of Farm Animals
Pages: 2 Words: 595

Animal Farm, a group of farm animals overthrew their human masters in order to establish a society where all animals would rule and benefit equally from their own labor. Three pigs -- Squealer, Napoleon and Snowball -- set about running the farm after Mr. Jones is defeated in the battle. All animals come together to work towards the common goal of the farm's prosperity, supposedly for the common good of all the farm animals.
Before long, however, it becomes apparent that this goal is largely untenable. All are supposedly created equally, but some animals like Boxer the carthorse do most of the work. By extension, all animals' opinions should matter equally, but any animal who opposes Napoleon's orders are beset by the leader's attack dogs.

Through this depiction, Orwell skillfully demonstrates how revolutions often fail to live up to their goals of equality. Such examples are seen throughout history. The Russian Revolution…...

Animal Farm and 1984 Similarities
Pages: 3 Words: 778

Some wise and well-spoken pigs step up to the plate, stating their destiny, and leading them to revolt. As a result, led by Snowball and Napoleon, the animals eliminate Jones and write the new rules of their new society upon a barn wall. Powered by the partnership of Boxer and Benjamin, Animal Farm becomes a society of full equality.
In 1984, betrayal strikes again, as Winston Smith goes through a painful, mind altering experience with devastating results. Winston is forced to betray the woman he loves. He betrays his beliefs and one true love by accepting what the all-powerful Big Brother and O'Brien tell him. The novel 1984 takes place in Oceania, and society included a Party who controlled what individuals were doing at all times and what their beliefs were. "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four." (1984, p. 69) to citizens of Oceania,…...



Orwell, George. 1984. (New York: Signet, 1992): 56, 58.

George Orwell, Animal Farm (Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1951): 54, 69.

Animal Farm and 1984: Similarities and Differences in Themes

Animal Farm and Communism Animal
Pages: 4 Words: 1576

S.S. And the West. I personally did not believe that such good relations would last long; and, as events have shown, I wasn't far wrong.
The novel is a great example of allegorical satire that doesn't go beyond its limits. it's very tasteful even if a reader doesn't subscribe to the same views. Orwell presents everything in simple yet highly effective language. Readers should read the book knowing the history even though the book itself is great enough to be read without historical support. However the reason it is better to know history is because we can then truly grasp the depth of Orwell's political thought. Was he a socialist who had reservations about his own principles? Did he think communism was as evil as capitalism? If hatred doesn't work, how should revolutions be brought about?

When studied closely, we realized that these questions are very important. If Orwell was a socialist…...


V.I. Lenin, What Is to Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement (New York: International Publishers, 1969)

Sanford Pinsker, a Note to the Teaching of Orwell's Animal Farm," CEA Critic (1978): 18-19.

Appendix II, Animal Farm (Knopf edition), p. 113.

Animal Farm George Orwell in
Pages: 3 Words: 1110

It was certainly the hope for the socialists and for the Bolsheviks in Russia before the revolution was taken over by Stalin and turned into a different sort of stat than had been envisioned. It was the hope of those fighting the Nazis in Spain, making it also the hope Orwell had when he entered that battle. His disillusionment with the process derives from the fact that human nature enables some to thwart the desires of the many and turn any revolution to their own ends. This begins to take place at Manor Farm as the goods that should be shared by all begin to disappear. Many of the events that take palce are reminiscent of the way the Russian state developed. Boxer the horse is admirted and celebrated fgor his devotion to the cause, much as certain workers were given awards and celebrated in Soviet Russia even as…...


Works Cited

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1954.

George Orwell's Novel Animal Farm
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Animal Farm
An Analysis of Orwell's Animal Farm

George Orwell's Animal Farm is a highly symbolic "fantasy" in which modern day revolution, ideologues, working class members, media and human nature are represented by the animals of Jones' Farm, the setting for the staged rebellion and the institutionalization of Totalitarianism. This paper will analyze Animal Farm from the perspective of plot, character, setting, theme, point-of-view, style and symbolism and show how Orwell's novel satirizes major players of his day and age.

The plot of Animal Farm is simple: Old Major calls the animals together one evening to tell them of a dream he has had. It is the dream of a Romantic, in which equality and class elevation are the ideals. He represents the ideals of the Romantic/Enlightenment era. When he dies, his ideals are pushed forward by the equally romantic Snowball, who encourages the animals to unite against Farmer Jones, whom the less…...

Differences Between Animal Farm 1999 Movie and Book
Pages: 4 Words: 1067

Animal Farm Book vs. MovieThe 1999 film Animal Farm is much different from the 1945 Orwell novel of the same name. For one thing, the film opens up with one of the animals musing on the fall of Napoleon and all his evil ambitionsa scene that is nowhere to be found in the novel but a scene that is added most likely to reflect the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. For another thing, the film focuses on the cruelty of the humans to the animals in its opening, with the human children slinging rocks at the sheep and their father allowing it because it is fun for them. The novel opens on the other hand with Old Majors dream of revolution, and the animals are obviously representative of the Soviet leaders, Trostky, Lenin, Stalin, and so on. Thirdly, the film is more dramatic than it is…...

Using Factory Farming for Raising and Managing huge livestock numbers
Pages: 9 Words: 2408

Introduction The term, factory farming, is one which is used to represent intensively mechanized systems specifically aimed at raising and managing huge livestock numbers which are commonly in their several thousands. The system managers commonly breed these livestock in confinement in order to manage and care for them more easily. It is very common for them to breed poultry and castrated male pigs (hogs) in the same building and to prevent them from going out. The cooling, heating, watering, feeding and ventilation systems of the building are controlled automatically. Every animal is identified via a special identification number instead of a name. Those farmers who operate small farms often find it difficult to compete with the factory farms in the market. Another name for factory farming is corporate farming (Factory farming, 2016 p.1). 
A number of people have stated that factory farming causes coldness and cruelty towards livestock. They are of the…...



CQ Researcher (2007). Factory Farms: Are they the best way to feed the nation? Vol. 17(2), p. 25-48

Factory farming. (2016). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1.

Lin, D. (2017, July 16). Factory Farming: Why It Is Exists and How To End It. Retrieved September 04, 2017, from  

Singer, P. (2006). Factory farming: A moral issue. The Minnesota Daily. Retrieved September 04, 2017, from 

Snowball and Napoleon as Trotsky and Stalin
Pages: 3 Words: 1021

USSR and How Communism is Affiliated with Animal FarmThe Bolshevik revolution in Russia came about in much the same way the revolution at Manor Farm comes about in Orwells Animal Farm. Under tsarist Russia, the peasant class was not very prosperous and there were many unsatisfied people. Lenin was one of the early Bolshevik leaders who took up the plight of the working class and called for revolution: Lenin was inspired by Marx, and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917 was the moment when Marxist-trained Communists seized power and institutionalized the revolution. If Lenin offered up the original dream for Communism, inspired by Marx, Trotsky became the mouthpiece for that vision and the potential new leader of it in Russia. However, Stalin emerged as more powerful andcraving still more powerchased Trotsky away and led a purge of all opposition in order to consolidate his grip on the USSR. Under…...


Works Cited

Fitzgerald, S. Everyday Stalinism. UK: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Marx, K. & Engels, J. Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848.

O’Malley, JP. Trotsky’s day out: How a visit to NYC influenced the Bolshevik revolution.

The Authoritarian Regime and Animal Farm
Pages: 3 Words: 941

Analyzing Animal Farm An authoritarian regime is defined as a form of government controlled by one individual or a small group of people who are able to wield control over the state (Authoritarian Regimes, n.d.)—i.e., over the “bundle of specialized political institutions serving as the primary authority over a particular territory and the people who live there” (Origins and Transformations of the State, n.d.). The authoritarian regime may have present a constitution—a set of rules or laws—to the people, but the regime is not held accountable to the same rules or laws and is not responsible for adhering to the constitution to the public. This situation describes perfectly the case in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and it also reflects the real world cases of the Soviet State in Russia, the Communist state in China, and the Democratic-on-the-Outside-but-Authoritarian-on-the-Inside government of the U.S.). This paper will analyze Orwell’s Animal Farm according to the…...

Animal-Drawn Cart the Purpose of
Pages: 10 Words: 2595

Steel can create a very durable and rugged car that will often outlast the animals that are drawing it. However aluminum is as durable and element resistant as well as being extremely lightweight and is often the material of choice for many countries. Pneumatic or inflatable tires also have been a boon to carts by helping to absorb some shock as well as to distributing the weight over a wider surface without significantly increasing drag on the vehicle.
Aluminum casting is already a technique that is widely used in many parts of Africa and other developing countries. Africa, usually to make cooking utensils and the like. "Aluminium wheels with integral roller bearings could be made by these artisans and would provide a very low cost solution to the wheel and bearing problem." (Oram173) See figure 6 below:

These designs element the ordinary friction involved in a typical axle joint design made…...


Works Cited

Carts." Nation Master Encyclopedia. 

The Golovan one-ox cart," in Land, June 1997 from Dept. Of Agriculture, sought Africa

Light Single Drum Water Carrier." Animal Cart Programme. Development Technology Unit, Department of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, England 

Oram. CE. "The development of low-cost animal-drawn carts." Meeting the challenges of animal traction Starkey P. And Kaumbutho P (eds), 1999 Harare, Zimbabwe. Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

Can you please provide several essay titles and introduction paragraphs for an essay on animal farm?
Words: 434

Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm

Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action.  Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case.  Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them.  In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Animal Farm?
Words: 344

1. Explore the theme of power and corruption in Animal Farm.
2. Discuss the significance of the characters Napoleon and Snowball in the novel Animal Farm.
3. Analyze the role of propaganda in Animal Farm and how it is used to manipulate the animals.
4. Investigate the theme of loyalty and betrayal in Animal Farm.
5. Compare and contrast the leaders in Animal Farm with historical figures or political leaders.
6. Examine the role of technology and innovation in Animal Farm and how it contributes to the animals' rebellion.
7. Discuss the role of language and communication in Animal Farm and how it influences the animals'....

I\'m looking for an essay essays title that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 298

Research-Based Essay Titles:

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Systematic Review
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders: An Empirical Analysis
The Role of Environmental Factors in the Development of Obesity: A Literature Review
The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Communities: A Case Study of New Orleans
The Effectiveness of Online Learning in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis

Persuasive Essay Titles:

Banning Assault Weapons: A Necessity for Public Safety
The Importance of Climate Action: Why We Must Act Now
The Benefits of Universal Healthcare: A Moral Imperative
The Dangers of Censorship: Protecting Freedom of Expression

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Animal Rights?
Words: 482

Philosophical Inquiries:

The Ethical Implications of Animal Experimentation: The complexities of animal experimentation, weighing the potential benefits to humans against the suffering imposed on animals.
Sentience and Moral Status: Exploring the concept of animal sentience and its implications for their ethical consideration and treatment.
Speciesism and the Exploitation of Animals: Analyzing the biases and justifications for treating animals differently based solely on their species, and its ethical consequences.
Animal Liberation and Animal Rights: The historical development and philosophical foundations of animal liberation and animal rights movements, including their goals, strategies, and ethical principles.

Legal and Policy Considerations:

The Evolution of Animal....

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