Annotated Bibliography Essays (Examples)

893+ documents containing “annotated bibliography”.

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Annotated Bibliography for Their Eyes Were Watching God

Curren, Erik. "Should Their Eyes Have Been Watching God? Hurston's Use of Religious Experience and Gothic Horror." African American Review, Vol. 29, Iss. 1 (1995), 17-25. An exploration of the novel that rebuts and contrasts with earlier analyses that call Their Eyes an "affirmative quest" story. Curren's thesis is that these analyses in fact discount the entire final third of the book which is rife with horror, violence and tragedy, and asserts that what Hurston has done is not so much write an "affirmative quest" of the African folklore experience but tell a story that switches genres from "quest" to gothic horror. He then builds a methodical case for Hurston's deliberate intent to use gothic horror and her reasons for doing so-primarily, an anti-religious viewpoint that in this work is a fundamental underpinning of both gothic horror in general and its uses here. She….

ports Psychology and the self-Esteem of high school football players.
ports psychology: Annotated bibliography

Cox, R.H., & Yoo, H.. (1995). Playing position and psychological skill in American football.

Journal of port Behavior, 18(3), 183

The Journal of ports Behavior is a peer-reviewed journal focused upon research in sports psychology and its articles are not directed towards a popular audience. According to Cox & Yoo (1995) in this early study of the sports psychology and football, not only do different players of different sports share distinct psychological features: even within the sport of football, a players' position and his or her personality dimensions can often be quite unique. The authors begin with a literature review of previous studies which used the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) and yielded the finding that "successful linemen were more organized, predictable, and practical than successful backfield players. uccessful defensive backs were reported to be decidedly more introverted than other….

Nursing -- Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography

Case, Bette. (1996). Breathing AIR into adult learning. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 27(4), 148-158.

Bette Case reviews an organizational scheme for adult learning called 'AIR', short for active involvement, individual differences, and relevance and motivation. Of the three learning strategies, active involvement is given the most attention. Active involvement seems to capture any learning technique that empowers the students and moves beyond the traditional didactic format for communicating knowledge and skills. The central thesis of active involvement seems to be teaching students how to be self-directed in the learning process. Students should be encouraged to take part in defining the competency objectives, choosing the learning method, and determining the evaluation criteria. Linear lessons plans could also be dispensed with and replaced with collaborative mind maps or matrices. A large number of examples and suggestions are provided to move the students out from behind the desk….

Annotated BibliographyOriginal Research Question: Did implementing remote and virtual front desk services, including live representatives via webcam, impact staffing efficiency for underserved patients, especially patients with English as their second language in FQHCs post-pandemic?Revised Research Question: Did implementing telehealth improve staffing efficiency and delivery of care to underserved populations in FQHCs post-pandemic?Auchus, I., Jaradeh, K., Tang, A., Marzan, J., & Boslett, B. (2021). Transitioning to Telehealth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Patient Perspectives and Attendance at an HIV Clinic in San Francisco. AIDS patient care and STDs, 35(7), 249-254. study investigated the effect of telehealth models of care on the appointment non-attendance rates of vulnerable HIV-infected patients at a wellness center in San Francisco, California during and after the Covid19 pandemic. The authors compared appointment non-attendance rates before and after March 2020, when the government instituted the shelter-in-place order. The study findings showed a 3 percent decrease in appointment non-attendance….

Performance Management Strategies Used by Organizations in the Private and Public Sectors
Having already established the importance of performance management to an organization's overall strategy, it makes sense to use the final project to gain insight into the specific strategies used by organizations in executing their performance management plans. Rather than take a general approach, however, the researcher will focus on comparing the PM strategies used by profit-motivated organizations with those used by their counterparts in public agencies. There has been concern that organizations in the public sector do not pay a lot of emphasis to the aspect of performance management and that, hence, most public sector employees exhibit low levels of motivation and take their jobs as nothing more than just a job. This low motivation translates to time-wasting, repetitive work, unmet targets, and poor service delivery - all of which come back to haunt the taxpayer in the….

Academic Honesty in Nursing Profession: Annotated Bibliography
Kececi, A., Bulduk, S., Oruc, D. & Celik, S. (2011). Academic Dishonesty among Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study. Nursing Ethics 18(5) 725-733

This cross-sectional, descriptive research's objective is assessment of academic dishonesty in Turkish university-level nursing students. The sample size for this research was 196 students. Data collection employed two instruments, which, on an average, could be completed in about 10 to 15 minutes: 1) A questionnaire, for gleaning socio-demographic data (i.e., age, sex, class, family structure, education, and educators' and parents' attitudes (e.g., democratic, permissive, repressive, etc.)); and 2) the Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale, whose validity and reliability was examined by testing on 262 individuals. As per this research, Cronbach's alpha in relation to the above scale's sub-dimensions was .71 -- .82, .90 overall. Descriptive statistics (i.e., means, percentages, frequencies, standard deviations, etc.) were applied for data analysis of demographic data. One-way analysis of….

Nursing Knowledge
Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based

Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs

Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs.

Nursing Times; Defining nursing knowledge, (2005), retrieved from:

Nursing Times defines Nursing as a profession that is critical part of health care sector which offers patient care, attendants and community services and to help patients maintain, gain or recover ideal health and quality of life. The Nurses are different that the other service providers in the hospital, clinic or any other health care facility. They adopt more persistent approach of health care than others and get training to serve for longer hours. The Nurse can offer patient care service in the of physicians. This is conventional and traditional role of a nurse. Her….

Gender Marriage
Annotated Bibliography: Gender Marriage, and Sexuality

Payling, S.J. (2001). he Economics of Marriage in Late Medieval England: he Marriage of Heiresses. he Economic History Review, 54(3), 413-429.

he aristocratic and male dominated society in medieval England is discussed in detail, providing various positions and set of standards to accommodate the natural desire to accumulate wealth. he unjust division of wealth among elder individuals deprives younger siblings from their natural rights. However, the highlighted male primogeniture law, accumulation of land and property, as well as the feminine rights as heiress were acceptable standards of medieval English society. he primitive nature of aristocratic society is played a major role in setting the stage for land dispersal and marriages.

he author takes a position contrary to the applauded practices of medieval England including the landed wealth, social prestige derived upon a monopoly of advantages, and marriages with desirable brides for heirs. It also resulted….

Humanities Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography

Beowulf: A dual-language edition. (1977). NY: Doubleday. One of the most striking examples of literature to come out of the Dark Ages was Beowulf, created by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet and considered by many scholars to be the most important work of its time. There is no official date to the work, but it has been traced to somewhere between the 8th and the early 11th Century. The work is important because of its length and quality, but also because of the tale it tells and how it brought a strong focus to literature and art both in the Dark Ages and after the country emerged from that time period. It focuses on Beowulf's defeat of Grendel, a monster that is terrorizing the King of the Danes. As the main character, Beowulf travels a great distance to prove himself as a hero by slaying Grendel. As he….

The uthors drw distinction between RAD nd the ttchment insecurity described by Ainsworth nd Bowlby. Children who disply the chrcteristics of RAD hve brod problems with socil development, rther thn problem with specific cregiver. Another importnt distinction is tht children with ttchment insecurity hve hd opportunities to form discriminting reltionships; children with RAD often hve not. The uthors cll for future reserch to explore RAD in pre-school nd school-ge children, with ttention to the nture of the neurobiologicl mechnisms tht underlie the disorder.
Nelson, C. S, Bos, K., Gunnr, M.R., Sonug-Brke, E.J.S. (2011). V. The neurobiologicl toll of erly humn deprivtion. Monogrphs of the Society for Reserch in Child

Development 76(4), pp. 127-146.

Children rised in institutions often exhibit vriety of emotionl nd behviorl issues, including problems with ttention, executive functioning nd ttchment. In some cses, their behvior cn mimic utism. The extent nd the severity of doptees'….

Mercer, like Bowen, focuses upon potentially negative social forces that could potentially impact the critical relationship at the heart of the theory. But once again, these potential negatives are rooted to some extent in biological as well as social and psychological factors. "Young maternal age and immaturity, socioeconomic status" are all potential red flags particularly since they have been shown to reduce the likelihood that the mother will breastfeed and 'bond' with the child in a meaningful fashion (Husmillo 2013: 47). A lack of appropriate mother-child bonding is seen as having significant psychological consequences for the baby over the course of its existence, as well as the fact that a failure to breastfeed and to reinforce trust and security for the child can result in compromised long-term health and a failure to thrive.
Mercer's theory is thus aimed to support a particular type of wellness promotion for the children involved.….

Annotated ibliography for Obesity in Today's Australian Culture and Society

While there are many challenges faced by societies today, one of the major health challenges that every society is facing is that of Obesity. People fail to realize that obesity is a serious problem. To understand what makes obesity a serious problem, it is important to the actual meaning of obesity. While some people refer to obesity as being fat, it is important to know that obesity actually means crossing a body mass index greater than that define for an overweight person. eing obese is basically an indicator that you have entered the red zone of health. Obesity has direct and indirect implications on overall health of an obese person.

The indirect implications include an increase in the likelihood of disease occurrence. Since obesity makes a person less active in his life, the chances are that an obese person's body immunity….

Monger's review will help me analyze Pan's Labyrinth from the perspective of music and sound. It will help me show how Pan's Labyrinth would be a very different movie, were it not for the director's skillful use of Navarette's music.

Newitz, Annalee. "Pan's Labyrinth - Can Fantasies Rescue Us from Fascism?"

Wired Blog Network. 7 February 2007

Newitz's politically motivated analysis of Pan's Labyrinth asks a provoking question: Can fantasy serve as a form of political protest? Given that we currently live in a media-saturated universe that gives rise to all sorts of outlandish fantasies about the nature of reality, and the fact that the threat of fascism seems to loom everywhere - many nations around the world are ruled by authoritarian dictators - this point-of-view seems vital when discussing such a highly allegorical film as Pan's Labyrinth.

I will use this article as a departure point for my own unraveling of some of….

Lantern Candlelight submits annotated bibliography latte today. This LA citation 3 works expect paper a short paragraph (6-8 sentences). The paragraph summarize article contents source offer a short explanation paper-- case, affects interpretation text 've chosen write .
Annotated bibliography:

English Villainies Discovered by Lantern and Candlelight by Thomas Dekker

Benbow, R. ark. "Thomas Dekker and Some Cures for the 'City Gout.'" The Yearbook of English Studies 5, (1975): 52-69

Article Stable URL:

Thomas Dekker called debt the 'city gout.' His observations in debtor's prison are recorded in his work English Villainies Discovered by Lantern and Candlelight. Dekker described the prisoners using a series of complex metaphors, spanning from caged animals to diseases of the body politic. His tone fuses mixture of pity and revulsion. Of justices who condemn the prisoners, he said: "the sickman sends to his doctor, the wounded man to his surgeon: you [the JPs] are both, and the common-wealth….

The liberties that the author took with the English language, however, are very likely indicative of liberties taken with the information presented in the article itself. The claim, for instance, that "midwives were...the first holistic practitioners of the past" is highly suspect. Leaving aside the elusive meaning of being the "first of the past" in something (we will assume the author simply meant, "the first"), it appears as though the author is trying to say that midwives were the first known practitioners of natural medicine, or perhaps of complimentary nature- and inquiry-based practices. This claim might be true, though given the knowledge of very ancient medical practices it seems unlikely, but the author does not provide any citation or even a scrap of supporting evidence or comparison to establish this idea. The claim is made, and then the paragraph moves on. This is not the way that solid research or….

If you can only have three web pages, you might want to do those first to get them out of the way. You can search for books that are related to your topic and use them in your bibliography. Google Books and Amazon are good places to search. Also try Google scholar (, where you can search for journal articles to use. Another way to find research articles and books is to find the Wikipedia entry on your subject, and scroll to the bottom. See what sources are used there, and see if you can find those sources online or....

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory that suggests that people have different levels of needs. They cannot focus on higher needs until their lower needs are met. This hierarchy has applications in many areas of life, so you can find a ton of articles on the theory.

In Maslow’s theory, needs ascend in the following order

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety needs
  • Love and social belonging needs
  • Esteem needs
  • Cognitive needs
  • Aesthetic needs
  • Self-actualization (added later in expanded needs)
  • Transcendence (added later in expanded needs)

Until a person has met their lower needs they do not have the resources to focus on meeting higher needs.

Some sources you could....

Using outlines in an annotated bibliography can enhance organization and structure in several ways:

1. Helps in organizing sources: An outline can help categorize and group sources based on their themes, topics, or relevance to the research question. This will make it easier to identify the connections between different sources and ensure that they are presented in a logical and coherent manner.

2. Ensures completeness: An outline can serve as a checklist to ensure that all necessary elements are included in the annotated bibliography, such as citation information, summary of the source, evaluation of its credibility, and relevance to the research topic.


Enhancing Organization and Structure in Annotated Bibliographies Using Outlines

An annotated bibliography is a structured list of references with brief annotations or summaries of each source. It is a valuable research tool that allows researchers to organize and evaluate their sources and create a concise overview of the literature on a particular topic. Outlines play a crucial role in enhancing the organization and structure of annotated bibliographies by providing a clear framework and logical flow.

Benefits of Using Outlines

Improved Clarity and Organization: Outlines establish a hierarchical structure that makes it easier to navigate and understand the annotated bibliography. They help researchers....

4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Annotated Bibliography for Their Eyes Were Watching

Words: 1390
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Annotated Bibliography for Their Eyes Were Watching God Curren, Erik. "Should Their Eyes Have Been Watching God? Hurston's Use of Religious Experience and Gothic Horror." African American Review, Vol. 29, Iss.…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Annotated Bibliography Research on Football Players

Words: 1067
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

ports Psychology and the self-Esteem of high school football players. ports psychology: Annotated bibliography Cox, R.H., & Yoo, H.. (1995). Playing position and psychological skill in American football. Journal of port…

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8 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Annotated Bibliography for Performing Needs Assessment on Adult Learners

Words: 2517
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Nursing -- Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Case, Bette. (1996). Breathing AIR into adult learning. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 27(4), 148-158. Bette Case reviews an organizational scheme for adult learning called…

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6 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Annotated Bibliography Telehealth Models

Words: 1761
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated BibliographyOriginal Research Question: Did implementing remote and virtual front desk services, including live representatives via webcam, impact staffing efficiency for underserved patients, especially patients with English as their…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Annotated Bibliography Performance Management

Words: 1981
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Performance Management Strategies Used by Organizations in the Private and Public Sectors Having already established the importance of performance management to an organization's overall strategy, it makes sense to…

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4 Pages


Annotated Bibliography Academic Honesty in Nursing Profession

Words: 2041
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Academic Honesty in Nursing Profession: Annotated Bibliography Kececi, A., Bulduk, S., Oruc, D. & Celik, S. (2011). Academic Dishonesty among Nursing Students: A Descriptive Study. Nursing Ethics 18(5) 725-733 This cross-sectional,…

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8 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Health - Nursing

Nursing Knowledge Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based Annotated

Words: 2252
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Nursing Knowledge Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs Annotated Bibliography on…

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6 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Family and Marriage

Gender Marriage Annotated Bibliography Gender Marriage and

Words: 1723
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Gender Marriage Annotated Bibliography: Gender Marriage, and Sexuality Payling, S.J. (2001). he Economics of Marriage in Late Medieval England: he Marriage of Heiresses. he Economic History Review, 54(3), 413-429. he aristocratic…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Humanities Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Beowulf A

Words: 1029
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Humanities Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography Beowulf: A dual-language edition. (1977). NY: Doubleday. One of the most striking examples of literature to come out of the Dark Ages was Beowulf, created by…

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4 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Adoption Rationale for Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1166
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

The uthors drw distinction between RAD nd the ttchment insecurity described by Ainsworth nd Bowlby. Children who disply the chrcteristics of RAD hve brod problems with socil…

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9 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Family and Marriage

Mercer vs Bowden Annotated Bibliography

Words: 2536
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Mercer, like Bowen, focuses upon potentially negative social forces that could potentially impact the critical relationship at the heart of the theory. But once again, these potential negatives…

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7 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Mass Communications

Obesity Annotated Bibliography for Obesity in Today's

Words: 3384
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Obesity Annotated ibliography for Obesity in Today's Australian Culture and Society While there are many challenges faced by societies today, one of the major health challenges that every society is…

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3 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Pan's Labyrinth Annotated Bibliography Detenber

Words: 853
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Monger's review will help me analyze Pan's Labyrinth from the perspective of music and sound. It will help me show how Pan's Labyrinth would be a very different movie,…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography


Lantern Candlelight Submits Annotated Bibliography Latte Today

Words: 569
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Lantern Candlelight submits annotated bibliography latte today. This LA citation 3 works expect paper a short paragraph (6-8 sentences). The paragraph summarize article contents source offer a short…

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2 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Communication - Language

Midwife Biblio Annotated Bibliography Entry

Words: 576
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

The liberties that the author took with the English language, however, are very likely indicative of liberties taken with the information presented in the article itself. The claim, for…

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